Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1755 Yamazaki’s sincerity

Yamazaki forced a smile and said, "Major General Yellen, is there any misunderstanding here?"

"If it was a misunderstanding, you wouldn't be here." Yellen said coldly.

Yamazaki's expression changed for a while, and then he suddenly sighed: "Alas! It was my lack of supervision and my carelessness that allowed him to make a big mistake."

"Oh? You didn't notice for a moment?" Yuichi Tanita looked at him with a half-smile.

"Yes." Yamazaki said with a sad expression: "I only discovered the clues recently, and after questioning, I found out from him what he did in private."

"Mr. Tanita, you know that he has been with me for so many years. I still have some feelings for him. I felt sympathy for him for a while and advised him not to continue making mistakes. I can pretend that I don't know about it."

"Minister Yamazaki is really tolerant to his subordinates!" Yellen sneered, not hiding the ridicule on his face.

"Alas! After all, we have been old friends for so many years..." Yamazaki still had a sad expression on his face, seemingly not seeing Yellen's mocking expression at all.

Yellen's eyebrows trembled, and she couldn't help but be surprised by Yamazaki's shamelessness. Her voice became colder and more authentic: "No matter how lightly you say what you say, you must give an explanation to me and all the US military who have always provided protection for Japan!"

"Of course! This is also the purpose of my coming here tonight." Yamazaki quickly put on a smile and said.

"Edmick, don't be so excited!" Yuichi Tanida said with a smile: "After all, Minister Yamazaki didn't know about it before, and it's human nature for a subordinate for so many years to be protective."

Yellen turned to Yuichi Tanita, and her tone softened slightly: "Mr. Tanita, I am giving you face, so I am willing to talk to him here. Otherwise, he would be in the interrogation room of the base now!"

Tanita quickly smiled and said: "I know, and I am very grateful to you for respecting me so much. Since you are already sitting here, why not listen to Minister Yamazaki's sincerity first?"

"I think he must be fully prepared when he comes this time, right? Minister Yamazaki?"

Yellen took a deep breath and seemed to have finally calmed down a little. She looked at Yamazaki: "Okay, let me listen to you. How do you want to explain to me? You only have one chance. If you can't satisfy me, don't do it." It’s my fault for being rude!”

Yamazaki still kept a smile on his face, but he was already cursing in his heart.

Do you think you can't tell if one is a good person and the other is a bad person?

Gu Tian, ​​the old fox, seems to be comforting Yellen, but in fact he is telling himself - you are still safe and sound now, but thanks to me, your so-called [account] must not forget me!

In my heart, I wanted to sink these two people into Tokyo Bay, but I still had to put on a respectful expression on my face and said, "Of course! I came here just to discuss a business deal with Major General Yellen!"

"Oh? Business? What business?" Yellen still had a straight face and responded calmly. ,

"That's right. Due to national defense needs, the Self-Defense Forces need to update a batch of new equipment. In addition, they need to build a large destroyer and two frigates. Whether it is equipment or technology, your country is naturally the first choice, so..."

"So?" Yellen had already put on an interested expression.

"On the one hand, I hope to ask Major General Yellen to help contact manufacturers in the United States. At the same time, I also want to hire a professional technical team from the US military as our technical consultants to provide professional support for our ship construction."

Yellen thought for a while, then showed a look of surprise: "Oh! When I watched your Self-Defense Forces exercise last time, I did find that your equipment is a bit old, and some ships are also slightly behind the times."

"That's right!" Yamazaki Lianlian agreed.

"So, you... I mean, what is your Ministry of Defense's budget for purchasing equipment?"

Yamazaki's eyes flickered for a while, then he gritted his teeth and said: "Two billion US dollars!"

Yellen's eyes suddenly lit up, but she still maintained her expression and confirmed, "Can you make the decision?"

"Of course!" Yamazaki affirmed: "Our Ministry of Defense does have a relevant procurement plan, but it is only a draft at the moment, and many details have not been finalized. I can mediate and meet your needs as much as possible."

"What about the construction of frigates and destroyers? This can't be careless. I think you need reliable enough material suppliers." Yellen pointed out.

"You are right!" Yamazaki nodded repeatedly: "When the time comes, I will have to consult Major General Yellen for his opinion."

"Yes!" Yellen finally nodded slightly.

Whether it is equipment procurement or ship manufacturing, it is a waste of money. Even if you do a little bit of manipulation, the benefits you can get will be huge.

Although Yellen is the commander of the US military stationed in Japan and is not an arms dealer, to reach this position, he has a background in the military-industrial complex.

As long as Yamasaki can complete this deal with Yellen without any compromise, Yellen will probably get at least hundreds of millions of dollars in benefits from it, not counting other invisible benefits.

I have to say that he is quite satisfied with Yamazaki's [sincerity].

Seeing this, Yamazaki finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He then looked at Yuichi Tanita very consciously and said with a smile: "I was able to negotiate a deal with Major General Yellen, thanks to your introduction, Mr. Tanita!"

"You're welcome, Minister Yamazaki." Yuichi Tanita smiled slightly, but kept staring at Yamazaki.

Yamazaki naturally understood what Tanita meant and said, "As you know, a new cabinet will be formed in the near future, and the current Minister of Defense is the most powerful competitor for the Prime Minister."

Tanita Yuan's eyelids jumped and he said nothing, indicating to Yamazaki to continue speaking.

Yamazaki continued: "If the Minister of Defense becomes Prime Minister, the new Minister of Defense, if nothing else happens, will be the one who will be appointed."

It is a Japanese tradition for the second-in-command to take over after the principal leaves his post. Yuichi Tanida is well aware of this, but he does not think that Yamazaki is talking nonsense.

"As for the appointment and dismissal of the Deputy Minister of Defense, as the current Minister of Defense, I still have a certain say." Yamazaki smiled.

Tanita narrowed his eyes slightly: "What does Minister Yamazaki mean?"

"When the time comes, I will recommend you, Mr. Tanita, to serve as Deputy Minister of Defense!" Yamazaki finally showed his [sincerity].

Gu Tian remained calm on his face, but there were already waves in his heart.

He has reached the top of the police system. If he wants to go further, he can only choose other departments directly under the cabinet, such as the Ministry of Defense where Yamazaki is located.

If he is transferred to the position of Deputy Minister of Defense, although he will not be able to speak as clearly as he did at the National Police Agency, he will have the opportunity to go further.

If he can become the Minister of Defense, he will truly stand in the inner circle of Japanese power!

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