Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1756 Reaching a Deal

Needless to say, Futani, Yamazaki's sincerity is quite tempting, but...

He looked at Yamazaki and said calmly: "The future described by Minister Yamazaki is indeed good enough, but does it have too many prerequisites?"

"Even if the Minister of Defense is indeed the most powerful competitor for the current Prime Minister, it does not mean that he will definitely become the Prime Minister. Even if he becomes the Prime Minister and the cabinet is reorganized, will he let you, Minister Yamazaki, take over as usual?"

Tanida Yuichi stopped talking when he said this, and Yamazaki also understood what he meant.

This is to say that his current promise is almost no different from a blank check.

He even managed to save some face for him and didn't continue talking.

Otherwise, one of the most critical questions will be raised - when he becomes defense minister, will his current commitment still count?

There is only one word difference between minister and deputy minister, but their status is very different. Just like countless media are concerned about what the president of the United States is doing, but not many people remember the "political achievements" of the vice president of the United States?

If he, Yamazaki, became the Minister of Defense, with his status, it would be hard to say whether he would still be as wary of Tanita as he is now.

You know, once Yamasaki's script develops and he succeeds in becoming defense minister, the deal with Yellen is on track. Yellen, who has received certain benefits, may not continue to embarrass Yamazaki, and may even retaliate to a certain extent. protect.

And what about Gu Tian? It’s hard to say whether he will lose his position as head of the National Police Agency due to the reorganization of the cabinet. Even if Yamazaki is willing to fulfill his promise, when Tanita becomes his subordinate, will he come to settle the score?

None of us are veterans who have been in the officialdom for so many years, and in a weird environment like Japan where respect is valued but where subordinates often overwhelm superiors, who dares to trust each other's bottom line?

Yamazaki laughed: "With Major General Yellen as my witness, how could I dare to deceive Mr. Tanita?"

"Haha~" Tanita Yuichi chuckled and did not answer the question. He just used his eyes to signal Yamazaki to further express his position, but he cursed secretly in his heart.

What Yamazaki said just now, if he agreed to Yamazaki's conditions, he would be no different from a fool.

But if he continues to be aggressive, does Yamasaki's words mean that he cannot trust Yellen?

Although this is indeed true.

Yellen has some friendship with him, but this friendship may not be very strong in the face of sufficient interests.

Moreover, Tanita knew very well that no matter what their superficial attitude was, these Americans in Japan were arrogant in their bones, and they looked down on the Japanese from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to trust Yamazaki based on Yellen's guarantee alone. This is irresponsible for his own future and even his life!

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be shown clearly, so he had no choice but to kick the ball back with a chuckle.

Seeing this, Yamazaki could only continue to speak: "Since Mr. Tanita is not satisfied with this sincerity, why not listen to another sincerity?"

"Oh? I'd like to hear the details." Gu Tian also cooperated and made a gesture of listening.

Yamazaki Takayuki paused and smiled: "It is said that Mr. Tanita is investigating matters about the Karasuma Consortium?"

Tanita Yuu raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? Minister Yamazaki's information is really well-informed!"

This can be regarded as confirmation of Yamazaki's doubts in disguise.

Yamazaki continued: "Although the Karasuma Consortium has only emerged in the past few decades and is not as good as the long-established families such as Fujiwara and Shirei, its power cannot be underestimated."

"They themselves have made great achievements in the business field. This may not be a problem for Mr. Tanita. The real problem is the few who stand behind them."

"One of them, even I, cannot take lightly."

"Then what is Minister Yamazaki's opinion on this?" Yuichi Tanita asked.

Yamazaki chuckled: "Those guys, I have always seen them a little unhappy, so I happened to collect some information about them."

Yuichi Tanida chuckled: "Oh? What kind of information? With the status of those people, it is not something that can be shaken by one or two pieces of criminal evidence or specious black information."

"Of course I know this." Yamazaki said as he took out a stack of documents from his bag: "If you are worried, you can take a look at the samples."

Tanita Yuichi became interested and took the stack of documents.

Director Baima's eyelids twitched, and for a moment he didn't know whether he should avoid it or not.

Some secrets may not be suitable for him to know.

Tanita Yuichi seemed to notice Hakuba's expression and nodded invisibly towards him.

Seeing this, Director Baima made no more unnecessary moves, but he did not dare to look at the documents.

On the side, Yellen smiled and said: "Sorry, I drank a little too much just now, excuse me." After that, he got up and left the study.

On the other side, Yuichi Tanida had already lowered his head and looked at the documents.

For a moment, the only sound left in the study was the sound of paper being turned.

After a while, Yuichi Tanita put down the document and looked at Yamazaki calmly: "How many things like this do you have?"

Yamazaki smiled slightly: "This is just a small part. If Mr. Tanita needs it, I will give it all in the future."

"Are the rest of them of this quality?" Yuichi Tanita confirmed.

"Of course! I promise I won't let Mr. Tanita down." Yamazaki vowed.

Tanita Yuichi pondered for a moment and nodded slightly: "In that case, I would be disrespectful."

"As long as Mr. Tanita is satisfied." Yamazaki smiled and said: "I will also make a promise here. Once Mr. Tanita starts to take action against those people, I can also cooperate."

Tanita Yuichi's eyes narrowed: "Is this true?"

"A gentleman's words are hard to chase!" Yamazaki replied immediately.

"It's a deal?"

"It's a deal."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the originally tense atmosphere suddenly became gentle.

At this time, the door to the study room opened, Yellen walked in, returned to her seat, sat down, and said with a smile: "Are you done talking?"

"Yes." Yuichi Tanida smiled slightly: "Edmick, my friend, thank you for coming tonight. I am really grateful!"

Yellen waved his hand after hearing this: "You're welcome, I also gained a lot tonight!"

He looked at Yamazaki: "Mr. Yamazaki, could you please come to my place later and let's discuss the details of the transaction together."

"No problem! I will visit you with the draft plan in two days!" Yamazaki said immediately.

Afterwards, a few people chatted for a while, and Yamazaki and Yellen said goodbye and left.

In the study room, only Gutian and Hakuba were left.

Gu Tian took a sip of tea and looked at Hakuba, who was still sitting upright: "What do you think of the conversation just now?"

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