"We already have a general understanding of your plan." Yu Gongming continued: "You came to me specifically this time, it should be more than just telling you your plan, right?"

"Yes, I asked you to meet because I hope you will continue to provide help in future actions." Haguang Hui said calmly.

"How do you need us to help?" Yu Gongming asked.

"After that, based on the intelligence provided by Rum, we will take large-scale actions against the organization to create some pressure on the steward. I hope you can give us some help in electronic warfare and remote support." Haguang Teru was not polite, Go directly to.

"I see, no problem!" Yu Gongming agreed readily.

Electronic warfare and remote support, with masters like Meng Yu and Okiya Subaru, are completely professional counterparts. More importantly, work in this area generally does not go deep into the front line and is relatively safer.

Seeking their help in these two aspects shows Haguang Hui's sincerity.

"Then it will be a pleasure to cooperate!" Haguang Hui smiled and extended his hand.

Yu Gongming also reached out and shook his hand: "I hope that when we meet in the future, there will be less such cooperation discussions."

Haguang Hui was startled, and then solemnly said: "Yes."

After discussing some more details, both parties left separately.

Back in the car, Subaru Okiya and Sera, who were in charge of security, had already returned first. Sera curiously poked his head from the passenger side: "What did you talk about?"

Yu Gongming didn't hide anything and relayed their conversation.

"Mr. Subaru, you shouldn't be in a hurry to return to Tokyo, right?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

Okiya Subaru chuckled: "This is natural. I never miss the opportunity to attack those guys."

"What about me, are there any tasks assigned to me?" Shiliang asked.

After she came to Tottori, she had been doing surveillance and tracking work. Although she could understand that Akira Hanomiya and Subaru Okiya were trying to prevent her from falling into danger, seeing everyone playing high-end games, she was on the edge. Water, she was still a little depressed.

"Well..." He touched his chin and pondered a little: "There is really a task that needs your help now. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Tell me about it!" Seriang immediately became energetic.

Akira Yumiya immediately informed the other party of the mission goal.

After hearing this, Seriang looked at him with some confusion: "What do you want that thing for?"

Yu Gongming replied calmly: "I just want to confirm some things, you can just say whether I can help or not!"

"Of course! When will we act?" Shiliang asked.

"About this time tomorrow, I will notify you of the specific time." Yu Gongming replied.

Sera rolled his eyes: "How about I just live over there with you? This will make communication easier."

Yu Gongming was startled for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

"Then I will send you to a hotel directly?" Okiya Subaru asked.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "Then I'll trouble Mr. Subaru."

Afterwards, Subaru Okiya sent everyone back to the hotel, and Sera also checked in on the spot, staying in room 1018 on the same floor as Akira Hanomiya and the others.


The next day, it's three o'clock in the morning.

A sneaky figure climbed out from the outer wall of the hospital.

He looked around for a while, and after confirming that no one had discovered him, he quickly left the hospital.

Not long after, that figure met another figure hiding in an alley.

Yu Gongming looked at the panting Sera in front of him and asked: "How's it going? Is it done?"

"Of course!" Shiliang took out an ice bag from his backpack. The ice bag was wrapped in a test tube bottle. In the test tube bottle, some liquid could be faintly seen inside.

Akira Hanomiya turned on the flashlight and glanced at the label attached to it. After confirming that the information was correct, he nodded towards Sera: "Okay, let's retreat."

Afterwards, the two quietly left and returned to the hotel where they were staying.

In the hotel, Akira Hanomiya, brother and sister Kudo and Sera gathered in room 1010.

"Tomorrow, Sera, Ms. Mari and Shinichi will send this thing back to Tokyo. Is it okay?" Akira Hanomiya looked at Sera and Shinichi.

"No problem." Shinichi and Sera nodded.

Although Shinichi didn't want to go back, he had been in Tottori for a long time. The time for the first temporary antidote had long passed and he had to take the second antidote.

Yu Gongming considered that the subsequent actions against the organization might not be completed in a short time, so he suggested that Shinichi go back first, not only to let Xiao Ai check his body, but also to complete the tasks assigned by Yu Gongming.

Mary was in the same situation.

As for Sera, it was to prevent Mari and Shinichi from having any accidents due to physical reasons on the road.

"You should also be careful here." Shinichi warned.

"Don't worry, it's not that easy for the organization to catch our tail!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.


The next day, Shinichi, Sera, and Mari set off on the Shinkansen back to Tokyo.

The target was too big, so Akira Hanamiya, Subaru Okiya and others only watched them leave from a distance without saying goodbye in person.

Only after confirming that they were in the car safely did they leave.

"Let's go, we won't have long leisure time." Yu Gongming said calmly.

His words soon came true.

Two days later in the evening, Haguang Hui called and said that the first operation would be launched tomorrow, so that Haguang Ming and the others should be prepared.

"It's finally here!" Yu Gongming sighed.

In the past few days, he had seen the preparations made by Shadow and the police from the news coming from all sides.

The original Tottori Headquarters Chief Mikawa, his name has disappeared from the official website of the Tottori Police. The newly appointed Headquarters is a police chief who was previously marginalized.

As soon as the new head of the headquarters took office, he sent an application for a joint investigation to Tokyo, requesting Tokyo to send police forces to assist Tottori's operations.

As if Tokyo was well prepared, the application was approved at the speed of light and more than a hundred police officers were dispatched to Tottori.

The number of people is naturally not large compared to the entire police force in Tokyo, but you can tell with your toes that the quality of these one hundred or so people will definitely not be low.

Everything indicates that the police are going to make a big move in Tottori.

Sure enough, the next morning, a large number of police officers came out from Tottori headquarters and police stations in various jurisdictions. A total of nearly a hundred police cars roared through the streets of Tottori City.

Some of them arrived in front of a seemingly inconspicuous house, and some stopped in front of a well-known Tottori corporate building; even the Tottori City Hall building was surrounded by police cars.

The police officers filed out of the car and searched for the target according to the list. It is best if the target is willing to cooperate with the investigation. If the target dares to resist, they will be captured and arrested on the spot. If the resistance is fierce enough to threaten the life safety of the police, they can be arrested on the spot depending on the situation. Kill!

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