Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1791 The police’s major operation and the organization’s counterattack!

Conflicts, armed fights, and even gun battles broke out all over Tottori City.

Under the command of Haguang Teru, Hanemiya Akira and others, including Wakasa, arrived at the designated location and cooperated with the police there to arrest the target.

Wherever they go, there are really hard bones to crack, and there are a lot of armed elements.

What they have to do is, first, use electronic jamming equipment to cut off the enemy's channels for seeking help from the outside and turn the target location into an independent island; second, provide remote support, help some police officers when they are in danger, and prevent their escape. The goal.

With the ability of Yu Gongming and the others, it was not difficult to deal with these. Soon, people who cooperated with the police brought down an underground trading place supported by the organization.

As soon as they finished here, Haguang Hui immediately informed them to go to the next location, and so on. It was not until ten o'clock in the evening that the police operation for the day came to an end.

Yu Gongming and the others all returned to the hotel exhausted.

Today they got a short break of one hour at noon. The rest of the time was either to assist the police or on their way to assist the police. Even with Akira Hanamiya's physical strength, it was a bit too much.

However, according to Haguang Hui, the first day is the time when the workload is heaviest. After today, on the one hand, the real key goals have been completed as a priority; on the other hand, the organization should also have reacted.

Therefore, the two sides will enter a tug of war for a period of time. The intensity of the conflicts will not be as violent and frequent as today, and Yumiya Akira and the others do not need to keep spinning.

"Ah! I'm so exhausted!" Meng Yu threw himself on the bed in an awkward manner, buried his head into the pillow, and said in a muffled voice: "This is the first time we have participated in battles so frequently, right?"

"This is indeed the first time." Yu Gongming nodded.

In the past, they relied on intelligence to discover high-value targets, then planned carefully, and finally struck with thunder.

Although the targets they chose were all hard-core, the fighting intensity was not low when they finally took action, but the time was generally not too long.

Today, the intensity of each battle is indeed much lower than those before, but it can't be fought many times and frequently, and it has to keep running around!

Yu Gongming took a sip of energy drink into his mouth, wiped the corners of his mouth, and sighed: "So, fortunately we had the foresight to embrace the police, otherwise we wouldn't be able to do anything with just our small number of people. deal with this situation.”

"Yeah... Sigh! I have to catch up on my sleep tonight, I hope I won't be disturbed!" Meng Yu muttered, and got up from the bed with some reluctance.

Although she was very tired, she still planned to take a bath before resting.

After another half hour of tossing, the two of them finally went to bed to rest.


Tottori City, in the study room of a luxurious villa.

"Sir!" A subordinate hurriedly opened the door and said, "We have already calculated the statistics. A total of 25 contact points have been seized by the police, 14 underground industries have been destroyed, and 33 companies have our background. The person in charge of the company was taken away by the police for investigation. The loss has been immeasurable!”

The middle-aged housekeeper nodded expressionlessly: "I understand, let me inform you and ask our people to immediately give up their original safe houses and contact information and wait for my notification."

"Yes!" The subordinate agreed and left in a hurry.

After his subordinates left, the middle-aged butler's face twitched slightly, and then returned to his expressionless state. He took out his mobile phone, disguised the number, and made a call using the pseudo base station.

"Hey! Bourbon, it's me..."


"Oh? Bourbon plans to take action early tomorrow morning?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Yes, that's what the news he sent back said." Haguang Hui replied on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, I understand, then we will act according to the plan?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Yes, the plan remains unchanged." Haguang Hui replied.

"Understood." Yu Gongming said clearly.

The communication was hung up, and Yu Gongming immediately notified the rest of his companions.

"Did the fish finally take the bait?" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Wakasa snorted: "Don't let the real big fish get away!"

Yu Gongming chuckled: "This is natural! Mr. Subaru, I have to trouble you again."

"You're welcome." Subaru Okiya replied calmly.

"Okay, then let's all prepare ourselves." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

The next day, it's one o'clock in the morning.

Several detention centers in Tottori City have welcomed a group of uninvited guests.

They were all dressed in black and masked, holding firearms, clearly demonstrating their future evil intentions.

They knocked out the guard, cut off the power to the grid, and successfully entered the prison area.

Just when they were about to open the doors of all the cells to create greater chaos and fish in troubled waters, a piercing siren sounded outside the detention center.

"The police responded faster than expected. They changed the plan and only took away important targets, leaving others alone!" Bourbon, who was in charge of the command, calmly gave the order.

After receiving the order, a group of organization members immediately changed their action strategy. Based on the intelligence collected in advance, they found the cell where people above the squad leader were detained and took them away.

As for the police, they naturally would not let them take away the important suspect. The police who arrived first immediately began to try to stop him, and a violent conflict broke out between the two sides!

The organization was well prepared, but the police were not frightened.

After more than ten minutes of tug-of-war, the people from the organization finally gained the upper hand and took away some of the suspects. But for those who couldn't be taken away, Bourbon showed no mercy and directly ordered them to be executed on the spot.

Naturally, the police could not allow these daring thugs to leave, so they immediately launched a pursuit.

After a fierce chase, under the command of Bourbon, the organization successfully escaped the police's pursuit.

An hour later, Bourbon reported the results of the operation to the middle-aged butler.

"Well done! You are indeed a master of organizational action and insight!" The middle-aged butler seemed to be very satisfied with Bourbon's action this time, and he was full of praise in his words.

"My lord, the information you provided is accurate enough. I just did what I should do." Bourbon said modestly.

"Yeah! That's right. It seems that BOSS was right when he entrusted you with the matters in Tokyo!" the middle-aged butler said with a smile.

"They are all working for the organization." Bourbon immediately expressed his attitude.

"Well, you should be tired too. Go and rest first. I will contact you if anything happens later." After that, the middle-aged housekeeper hung up the call.

Bourbon put down his cell phone and glanced vaguely at the arrested most senior member of the organization he had brought back.

The man seemed to notice Bourbon's gaze and nodded invisibly.

Seeing this, Bourbon turned his head calmly, and from an angle invisible to everyone, an invisible smile appeared on his lips.

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