"The location has been found!" Mengyu tapped the keyboard with a smile on her face.

"Okay! Share the location immediately!" Yu Gongming said immediately.

Not long after, Yu Gongming's side and Shadow's side received a coordinate point at the same time.

Both parties immediately rushed towards the coordinate point without any hesitation.

On the other side, in the luxurious villa where the middle-aged housekeeper is.

The middle-aged butler who had just contacted Bourbon was about to smoke a cigar to relax. However, before the cigar was halfway smoked, his subordinate hurriedly opened the study door.

The middle-aged housekeeper suddenly frowned: "What's the matter? Are you in a panic?"

"Sir!" The subordinate spoke very quickly: "There are several very suspicious vehicles approaching the villa area where we are!"

"Suspicious vehicle?" the middle-aged housekeeper confirmed.

"Yes!" The subordinate nodded: "Although the license plates are different, the same model has appeared many times near the location where we clashed with the police."

"What? Are you sure!?" The middle-aged housekeeper instantly realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Yes, after comparison, the coincidence is over 90%!" the subordinate replied.

The middle-aged housekeeper narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately ordered: "Move immediately!"

"Yes! The car will be ready soon!" said the subordinate, and quickly retreated to make arrangements.

The middle-aged housekeeper was not idle either. He immediately opened the safe and hidden compartments in the study, took out all the important information and property, and put them into a large briefcase.

When he locked the briefcase, his subordinate just returned: "Sir, the car is ready and you can leave at any time."

"Okay, let's go!" The middle-aged butler said nothing and immediately followed his subordinates out of the villa.

Outside the villa, a black Toyota sports car was parked there quietly.

The middle-aged butler nodded secretly. He was a reliable subordinate and did not bring the Lamborghini in his garage.

After all, when it comes to transfer, the lower profile is naturally the better.

The middle-aged butler and the subordinate quickly got into the car, and the middle-aged butler sat in the driver's seat - he was more accustomed to taking his destiny into his own hands.

"Where did they come from?" the middle-aged housekeeper asked.

"The road to the southeast." the subordinate replied.

"Arrange people to rush in that direction, buy us time, and tell them to hold them back at all costs!" the middle-aged housekeeper said coldly.

"Yes!" The subordinate agreed and immediately turned on the communicator and started to communicate. The middle-aged housekeeper had already started the car and quickly drove away from the villa.

Soon, the car left the villa area and turned onto the west road.

And through the rearview mirror, the middle-aged housekeeper saw several speeding cars!

"That's them!" the subordinate said quickly.

The middle-aged butler nodded slightly, then stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle accelerated instantly!

At the same time, several cars of different brands drove out of the villa area, but they did not follow the middle-aged housekeeper's car, but drove in the direction of the suspicious vehicle.

On the other side, Yu Gongming and others rushed to the vicinity of the villa area and discovered the abnormality immediately.

"Good guy! The reaction is quite fast!" Yu Gongming was a little surprised.

"The person should be in the car in front!" Mengyu said.

"I got it." Subaru Okiya, who was in charge of driving, just responded lightly, then stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the cars that were coming to intercept him.

Just before the collision, Subaru Okiya turned the steering wheel and the car quickly tilted. A standard blade overtook him and passed through the gap between the cars.


The car landed smoothly and continued to chase the middle-aged housekeeper's car.

Akira Hanamong looked through the rearview mirror to see if Teru Hanamiya and the others could pass through the obstruction.

I saw that the car Hanomiya Teru was in, without any change of direction or tilt, just rushed straight into the gap that had not been closed due to Okiya Subaru's overtaking.



After a violent impact and a teeth-searing sound, Haguang Teru's car directly hit the two cars on both sides, forcing a road!

"I'll go! What kind of material is this car made of? Is the head so strong?" Meng Yu, who also saw this scene, said in surprise.

"It must have been specially modified to make the body material stronger and tougher. The weight of the entire body should be far higher than that of ordinary cars of the same model to achieve such an effect." Subaru Okiya commented.

While they were talking, there was a passage that Hanomiya Teru had knocked open. The driver of the vehicle chasing behind him was not an incompetent person. He quickly adjusted his direction and passed through that passage.

At the front, the middle-aged housekeeper looked at the interception, which had almost no effect, and his face became extremely ugly.

"Damn it! How could they come so fast!?" Cursing in his heart, he had no time to think about anything else. The top priority was to get rid of this group of menacing pursuers from behind!

However, the road they were traveling on was a straight road about three kilometers long. If they wanted to get rid of the pursuit, they could only wait until the intersection at the end of the road.

Therefore, the middle-aged butler could only press the accelerator to the bottom and cross the straight as fast as possible.

"Mr. Subaru!" Meng Yu shouted.

Okiya Subaru understood and opened the sunroof of the car.

Mengyu stood up with a sniper rifle and aimed the gun at the target vehicle in front.

Ahead, the middle-aged housekeeper and his subordinates saw this scene through the rearview mirror, and their expressions changed!

"You dare to try sniping in this situation... It's just crazy!" Cursing in his heart, the middle-aged housekeeper had to control the car and start changing direction to avoid the sniper from behind.

Behind him, Meng Yu looked at the target that had begun to swing left and right, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his hand holding the gun became more steady.

Subaru Okiya, who was responsible for driving, maintained the stability of the vehicle and used his superb driving skills to control the bumps of the vehicle to an extremely small level.

After a few seconds.



The bullet came out of the barrel and instantly penetrated the rear wheel of the target vehicle!

The middle-aged butler's car immediately began to shake wildly and erratically like a drunkard who had drunk too much, and there were faint signs of losing control.

Inside the car, the middle-aged butler gritted his teeth and tried hard to control the steering wheel, trying his best to maintain the stability of the car.

He knew that in this situation, slowing down and stopping was the best way, but once he slowed down, being overtaken would be the inevitable result.

This is absolutely unacceptable to him!

Therefore, he could only ignore the violent bumps coming from the car and continue to rush forward at a fast speed.

"Humph! You're quite tenacious!" Meng Yu sneered in her heart: "You can still hold up one wheel, but what about the two wheels?"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Mengyu pulled the trigger again!



The other rear wheel was also scrapped.

The two rear wheels were scrapped, and it was no longer possible to maintain the speed with just the two front wheels and technology alone. The middle-aged housekeeper could only watch as the speed of the car began to decrease, and the vehicles behind him were approaching little by little.

After a moment, the two cars finally drove together!

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