Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1793 Locking the position

Subaru Okiya turned the steering wheel and directly pulled the car up.



In a friction, the rearview mirror of the middle-aged butler's car was directly blown away, and the speed of the car was further suppressed in the friction. No matter how hard the middle-aged butler stepped on the accelerator, he could not get the car out of the clamp.

On the contrary, the vehicles of Yu Gonghui and others in the back quickly caught up and surrounded the middle-aged butler's car in all directions.

Then, four cars attacked together and forced the middle-aged butler's car to stop completely!

The division of labor was clear. Some people directly destroyed the vehicle and made the car completely shut down, and some people cracked the car system and unlocked the car.

Then, the experts in close combat wearing bulletproof vests rushed up and rushed forward with the guns raised by the people in the car!

After a fight, the two people in the car were successfully captured at the cost of two minor injuries.

"Goal achieved! Let's retreat!" Yu Gonghui said immediately.

Everyone immediately got back in the car, and soon they drove away with the middle-aged butler and the vehicle involved in the case.


That night.

"You found out? So quickly?" Yu Gongming was surprised.

"We used some extraordinary measures in an emergency. You don't need to worry about the details. In short, according to his confession, the organization boss needs to go to a secret sanatorium regularly for physical reasons. After the conditioning, he will return to a European-style castle called [Raven] located in the deep mountains of Tottori."

"Where is the organization boss now?" Yu Gongming asked.

"He should be recuperating at a place, but the exact location is unclear for the time being. However, according to past rules, he will return to the Raven Castle in about two or three days."

Yu Gongming continued to ask: "Do you know the exact location of the castle? How is the defense force?"

Yu Gonghui replied: "The castle is hidden in the mountains. Every time the butler goes to the castle, he will be blindfolded on the outer road. He is not allowed to take off the black cloth until he arrives at the castle. Therefore, we can only get an approximate area at present. A more precise location requires searching in the mountains to determine."

"As for the defense force, it should not be underestimated. The castle has a very complete defense system, and the boss has also hired an elite bodyguard team of about 200 people to protect his safety."

"According to the butler, these people are called bodyguards, but most of them are retired special forces soldiers , well-equipped, well-trained, and extremely good at field combat. "

"If it were ordinary police, even if their numbers were several times theirs, they might not be able to catch them."

Yu Gongming frowned when he heard it: "Such a force hidden in the country, didn't the police notice it before?"

Yu Gonghui sighed: "Some clues have indeed been exposed, but no one expected that there would be nearly two hundred mercenaries hiding in the mountains."

Yu Gongming pondered: "If the opponent is a veteran, relying on shadows and cooperating with ordinary police to deal with them, even if they can win, I am afraid they will have to pay a huge price. "

"What's more, our ultimate goal is to organize the BOSS. When we are entangled with the bodyguard group, the BOSS has plenty of time to escape. "

Once the BOSS is not caught, it will be difficult to find such an opportunity again."

"Yes! "Yumiya Akira was also very distressed: "The only good news is that when the boss was in the sanatorium, his contact with the outside world was not so smooth. We also caught the members of the organization who blocked us from chasing the butler in time. With all the big moves before, the boss should not have realized that the butler was arrested." "What did the director say?" Yumiya Akira asked. Yumiya Hui did not hide it: "The director asked us to prepare first, and he would find a way." "Is that so... Then we can only hope that the director can have some tricks." Yumiya Akira could only say so. Afterwards, the two ended the call, and Yumiya Akira informed his companions of the situation. "We can only rely on official power. It is unlikely that we can catch the boss alone." Okiya Subaru said lightly. Yumiya Akira also agreed with this. After a discussion, everyone agreed that they could only wait for news from the police for the time being. However, one day later, Mengyu suddenly received a special contact message. By deciphering the information code, Mengyu successfully obtained a positioning coordinate. "What does this coordinate... mean? "Mengyu asked uncertainly.

"Just send the coordinates to Shadow and ask them." Yugong Ming said lightly.

"Okay." Mengyu immediately sent the coordinates to Yugong Hui.

After a while, Yugong Hui called: "Where did you get this coordinate?"

"It was provided by one of our informants. We cannot guarantee its credibility and value." Yugong Ming replied.

Although the person who sent the message did not leave other information, after a little elimination, the suspect was basically locked on Belmode.

However, Yugong Ming would not blindly investigate this random coordinate. Shadow is more professional than them in this matter.

"This coordinate is located in the mountainous area where the butler said Raven Castle is located." Yugong Hui said in a deep voice.

Yugong Ming raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and all kinds of speculations came to his mind. He replied: "Is that so, I understand, then the matter of confirming the coordinates will be left to you. "

"Our informant had been out of contact for a while, and now he suddenly sends us intelligence. We can't be sure whether this is an opportunity or a trap."

"I understand, but I still thank you for the information. I'll contact you if I have any news later." After that, Haguang Hui hung up the communication.

Yu Gongming took back his phone, and Meng Yu came over: "Do you think this is a trap?"

"Not necessarily." Yu Gongming shook his head and said, "It's just that before, Belmode would ask us to meet, but now he can only send a brief message."

"It can be seen that her actions may not be as free as before. Then, it is also impossible to determine whether the message she sent is also under the monitoring of the organization."

"That's why you directly chose to share the coordinates with the police?" Mengyu confirmed.

"Yes." Yu Gongming nodded: "If it is really a trap, the target must be the power of the police, not a small group like us. Naturally, there is no need for us to rush to the mine."

Hearing this, Meng Yu sighed: "Oh, I hope it's not a trap. I don't want any twists and turns in the current good situation."

"Yes! I hope so." Yu Gongming also agreed deeply.


Another day passed.

In the morning, Haguang Hui called again.

"Get ready, we'll take action at eight o'clock tonight."

Yu Gongming was a little surprised: "What? You have already figured out the coordinates?"

"Yes." Haguang Hui replied: "Our people disguised themselves as backpackers and went to explore the area. Through some means, they found a secret passage leading into the mountain."

"In addition, we mobilized helicopters and through aerial observation, we locked the location of Raven Castle, which is less than two kilometers away from the coordinate point of the secret passage."

"Therefore, we speculate that the secret passage is most likely leading to the castle."

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