Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1798 Return to Tokyo

Room 1010 of the hotel where Akira Hanomiya and others stayed.

"They plan to send the boss back to Tokyo overnight. Do we want to come with them?" Akira Hanomiya said.

"Follow us together. We have reached this point. If we don't see the BOSS being sent to the Tokyo headquarters, we won't be at ease." Subaru Okiya said calmly.

"I don't care, it's up to you." Wakasa said.

"It's up to you." Meng Yu smiled.

"Okay, then let's follow together." Yu Gongming agreed.

Afterwards, everyone quickly packed up their things and drove out of the hotel without any regrets.

Half an hour later, they successfully met up with the team escorted by the shadow at an intersection on the outskirts of Tottori City.

After confirming each other's identities, everyone made simple arrangements and continued their journey back to Tokyo.

Along the way, everyone was on high alert, fearing that something might happen suddenly.

Fortunately, whether the organization did not receive the news or fell into chaos because the leader was arrested, the journey was calm and everyone entered the city of Tokyo without any incident.

Half an hour later, under the watchful eyes of Akira Hanomiya and others, the escorting vehicle slowly drove into the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

"Let's go back too." Yu Gongming said.

Okiya Subaru, who was in charge of driving, glanced at Wakasa: "Ms. Wakasa, do you need us to take you back?"

Wakasa shook his head slightly: "No, I have already checked out the rented apartment before going to Tottori. I will find a hotel nearby to stay for one night."

"In that case, let's just say goodbye." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Well, if you have anything related to the organization in the future, you can contact me." After that, she picked up her things, got out of the car and left quickly.

After Wakasa left, Yumiya Akira, Meng Yu and Okiya Subaru began to clean up the traces in the car.

After all traces were cleared, they got out of the car and walked together for a while. At an intersection, Akira Hanomiya and Subaru Okiya separated.

As for the car, it stayed where it was, and Haguang Hui would naturally arrange for someone to deal with it.

"I'll call my parents first." Mengyu said, and called the Kudo couple who stayed at Kudo's house.

After briefly reporting that they were safe, Meng Yu hung up the phone and said with a smile: "They and Conan are here. Dad said he would come to pick us up."

"Well, let's find a place to get some gear first." Yu Gongming nodded.

Afterwards, they walked around all the way, and after confirming that they were not being followed, they found a place to take off their disguises and restore their original appearance.

Mengyu contacted Kudo Yusaku again and agreed on a meeting place.

About twenty minutes later, the two arrived at their destination, where the Kudo couple's car had been waiting for a long time.

The two of them sat in immediately.

"Welcome back!" Yukiko's lively voice with a smile came from the co-pilot.

"Is everything going well?" Kudo Yusaku also asked, his tone much more restrained.

"Fortunately, we didn't encounter any danger." Meng Yu replied.

"It can be said that it was unexpectedly smooth." Yu Gongming pointed out.

"That's it..." Kudo Yusaku replied noncommittally, and then said: "Go back first."

After seeing that the two people did not raise any objection, Kudo Yusaku started the car and drove towards Mihua Town.


Kudo's house, in the living room on the first floor.

"Ah! I'm finally back!" Meng Yu fell down and fell directly into the soft sofa.

"Let me tell you, what's going on behind you? Why don't you call me and tell me!" Beside, Conan, who had turned into a child again, said with a somewhat resentful tone.

"Sorry, sorry, the action is too critical and it is difficult to carry out unnecessary communications." Yu Gongming explained with a smile.

"So? How far has it progressed?" Conan asked.

Previously, Yu Gongming and the others only said on the phone that they were coming back, and did not disclose anything else.

"The organization boss has been captured." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Oh? Not bad...Eh? Wait, who did you say was caught?" Conan's eyes widened slightly and he looked at them in disbelief.

"That's the boss of the organization, the former head of the Karasuma Consortium - Yayoi Karasuma." Akira Hanomiya replied: "Just a few hours ago, he was captured by the police and has now been escorted to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. "

After receiving confirmation from Akira Hanomiya, Conan's expression was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a look of surprise: "Quick! Tell me what happened to you after I left?"

"Of course it's no problem!" Akira Hanomiya naturally wouldn't hide anything, and immediately told what happened after Shinichi and Sera left, in as much detail as possible.

After listening to Hanomiya Akira's narration, Conan calmed down his joy slightly, and Kudo Yusaku's expression also became a little serious.

"Amin, what do you think?" Kudo Yusaku asked.

"Me?" Akira Hanomiya shrugged: "Why do you think I asked Shinichi and the others to send [something like that] back?"

Hearing this, Kudo Yusaku nodded approvingly: "It seems you already have an idea."

Yumiya Akira looked at Kudo Yusaku, his heart moved slightly, and asked: "Did you also receive any news here?"

"That's right." Kudo Yusaku said with a smile: "I still have some channels in Japan."

As he spoke, he shared the information he had.

After hearing this, both Hanemiya Akira and the Kudo siblings fell into thinking.

After a long time, Yu Gongming spoke first: "What did Xiao Ai say?"

"She said the results should be available today." Conan replied.

"Understood." Yu Gongming nodded, and then stretched a little tiredly; "Then let's rest first, and then go find her after resting."

"Well! The rooms have been packed for you." Yukiko smiled, and then winked at Meng Yu and Yu Gongming playfully: "But, time is in a hurry, and we only packed up one room, so I feel sorry for you to squeeze in. It’s crowded.”

Meng Yu heard this and laughed: "What's the grievance? It's not like A Ming and I have never slept together."

"Oh? Have you slept?" Yukiko's eyes suddenly lit up: "Then have you taken any safety measures? Ah! Actually, it doesn't matter if you haven't done so. I don't mind having my grandchildren early!"

Seeing Yukiko who was suddenly excited, Yu Miyazaki and Meng Yu were speechless. Kudo Yusaku on the side also helplessly held his forehead.

Yukiko Akira quickly interrupted Yukiko's singing: "Sister Yukiko, you misunderstood. Before, I only shared a room with Mengyu because of the need for action. Nothing out of bounds happened."

"Besides, at Mengyu's age, it's too early to have a child, and it's not good for her health."

"That's it..." Yukiko sounded a little disappointed, and then laughed: "Oh! I was just testing whether you really care about Mengyu. I'm very satisfied with your performance. You passed the test!"

Meng Yu looked at her with a half-smile: "I think mom, you were very serious just now!"

"What's the matter? If you don't believe me, ask Yusaku!" Yukiko said, bumping Kudo Yusaku hard with her elbow.

What else can Kudo Yusaku do? He could only agree with his somewhat out-of-touch wife with a dry smile.

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