Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1799 Xiao Ai’s research results

After the mother and daughter bickered with each other for a few more sentences, they also stopped.

"More, where is the ace agent of the FBI?" Yukiko asked.

"He said he had to deal with some things and would be back at noon." Yumiya Akira replied.

"Is that so!" Yukiko understood: "Okay, you should all be very tired, take a comfortable bath and rest early!"

Yumiya Akira and Mengyu both nodded, they were indeed a little tired.


Ten thirty in the morning.

After a good sleep, Yumiya Akira, who became energetic again, came downstairs and saw Mengyu eating a sandwich.

"Here! This is for you!" Mengyu pointed to another sandwich and milk on the dining table.

"Where are your parents and Conan?" Yumiya Akira asked casually.

"Conan was called out to play by Ayumi and the other kids. Mom took Dad out early in the morning. I don't know where he went." Mengyu replied.

"I see." Yumiya Akira understood, and he came to the dining table and picked up the sandwich and started eating.

"After breakfast, go to Xiao Ai?" Mengyu asked.

"Well, I don't know if she's up yet. Without supervision, she might stay up late again." Yu Gongming said helplessly.

"I just went to see her. She's already in the underground laboratory. During this period, in order to urge the doctor to lose weight, she will personally supervise the doctor to eat breakfast and never allow the doctor to consume more calories than the standard."

"It seems that the doctor has been very miserable during this period!" Yu Gongming sighed, but his tone was a little gloating.

"Yes! I heard that Xiao Ai caught him cheating several times!" Mengyu laughed.

"It's good for the doctor to have someone to control him." Yu Gongming said as he finished the sandwich in two or three bites and drank up the milk in one gulp.

He wiped the corner of his mouth casually, and after he and Mengyu put the plate away, the two went out and walked towards the doctor's house.

He gently pressed the doorbell, and soon someone came to open the door.

"Eh? Is it Miss Harumi?" Mengyu looked at the person in surprise. It was the owner of Brown Dessert Shop downstairs from Yu Gong's house - Harumi Yasuda!

"You're here!" Yasuda Harumi said with a smile, "I gave the staff of the dessert shop a day off, and I plan to spend some time with Ai today... Please come in!"

Yasuda Harumi opened the door and motioned for the two to enter.

"Excuse me!" The two said politely and followed Yasuda Harumi to the living room, just in time to see Ai coming up from the basement laboratory.

Hemiya Akira looked around: "Where's the doctor?"

"He's tinkering with his inventions in the room," Ai's pleasant and cold voice sounded.

"Then we won't bother him." Hamiya Akira waved his hand, then looked at Ai: "Ai, how are you doing with the samples Shinichi brought back before?"

"There are some very interesting discoveries." Ai smiled and said, "Let's go to my basement laboratory to talk, so it will be convenient for me to explain."

"Okay." Hamiya Akira nodded, and everyone followed Ai to her basement laboratory.

The computer screen lit up, Xiao Ai clicked on a file and said, "After testing, the blood sample you brought back contained an abnormal protein compared to normal blood."

"Abnormal protein? How abnormal?" Meng Yu asked curiously.

"It is latent and highly concealed." Xiao Ai replied.

After a pause, she added, "This protein is almost indistinguishable from the normal protein in human cells under ordinary testing, but after contacting a certain substance, it will mutate, and its properties and functions will change dramatically."

"This change should not be a positive change for organisms, right?" Yu Gongming guessed.

"That's right!" Xiao Ai nodded: "I injected some blood containing mutant proteins into the mice. Within ten minutes, the mice's nervous system was completely paralyzed, and they lost all vital signs half an hour later." At this point, Xiao Ai's expression gradually became serious: "In addition, after contact with specific substances, this protein will be contagious to a certain extent." Everyone's face changed when they heard this, and Yu Gongming frowned slightly: "How can it be transmitted?" Xiao Ai replied: "At present, it can be confirmed that it can be transmitted through respiratory and skin contact, but all this has a premise." After a pause, she said: "That is, on the transmission path, there must be a substance that can make it mutate. If there is no such substance, then in a very short time of contact with the air, the mutated protein will be inactivated and lose all its properties." Yu Gongming sorted out his thoughts: "In other words, I must let that substance fill the air like spraying air freshener before it can be transmitted?" "That's about it." Xiao Ai replied. "So, what exactly is this substance?" Meng Yu asked. Ai's expression became a little subtle. After a while of silence, she said, "This substance does not exist naturally in nature, but is synthesized through chemical synthesis."

"At the same time, this is also one of the components of APTX-4869."

Hearing this, Yumiya Akira was a little surprised at first, and then he showed a look of understanding: "I understand."

"You can't beat Ming, so you plan to play dirty, right?" Meng Yu also said, obviously thinking of something.

"Is there a way to solve it?" Yumiya Akira looked at Ai.

"Okay." Xiao Ai smiled slightly: "This protein is just an abandoned project that I gave up during my previous research. With the complete research information you provided and my experience in researching the APTX-4869 antidote during this period, This level of poison is nothing.”

"Then please Xiao Ai, please research the corresponding special medicine as soon as possible!" Yu Gongming clasped his hands together and asked.

"Is this important to you?" Xiao Ai asked.

"Yes." Yu Gongming nodded solemnly: "This is even related to whether we can completely destroy the organization."

Xiao Ai snorted: "I understand, I will prioritize the research of specific drugs first."

"Thank you for your hard work!" Yu Gongming thanked him.

Xiao Ai waved her hand: "Okay, if there is nothing else, you can leave first. I will go out with my sister later."

"Xiao Ai, you can't be so rude!" Yasuda Harumi reminded.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. It's true that we disturbed your sisters' time together." Yu Gongming shook his head indifferently, and after a few brief greetings, the two of them said goodbye and left.

As soon as he walked out of the doctor's house, he happened to see Subaru Okiya, who was about to open the door of Kudo's house and had recovered his appearance.

"Mr. Subaru is back!" Yu Gongming greeted.

Okiya Subaru heard the voice and looked at them, then raised his hand to push up his glasses, and said with a smile: "It seems that you two have gained something new?"

Yu Gongming smiled and nodded: "Yes, let's go in first and then talk."

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