Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1811 Undercover achievement?

"Continue to compress the encirclement towards the lake!" A new order came from the command center.

The encirclement changed again and began to press towards the lake.

The black-robed man who ran there was also driven away from the lake and moved towards the stone forest.

Then, a new order came.

"Attention! All captains must confirm that the following orders are received completely and clearly... Those who can hear all the above words, report according to the number of the team they lead!"

The captains were stunned at first, and then they responded quickly.

"Team A received it!"

"Team B received it!"


When all ten captains had confirmed receipt, the command from the other end continued:

"In fact, some of the black-robed people are our undercover agents. After the previous expulsion, all the black-robed people will gather in the stone forest not far away."

"In addition, we received the latest intelligence that this group of criminals has a secret base underground, and some of their accomplices are hiding inside."

"Your mission is to cooperate with the undercover agents to catch all those black-robed people, as well as the criminals who may come from the underground base to support them!"


The ten captains were all shocked when they heard this, and then some of them showed a hint of realization on their faces.

As professional special police, they will naturally execute the orders from their superiors without any discount, but people are not machines. When executing orders, they are not without thoughts in their hearts.

For example, some people are actually wondering, since they obviously have an absolute advantage in numbers, why not take advantage of the black-robed people to defeat them one by one when they are scattered, but instead drive them together?

Let them gather together, although there is a great chance to wipe them out in one fell swoop, but once the number of black robes increases, they can also organize a more reasonable formation.

Although the special police have an absolute advantage in numbers, the terrain here is complex and the space for activities is not too ample. At the same time, the special police who can fight against the black robes are limited after all.

Once the black robes find a favorable terrain, they may even establish a local advantage in numbers when they actually engage in battle.

At that time, the price to pay for annihilating them all will probably be much greater than defeating them one by one.

But now the commander tells them that there is an undercover, and the situation is completely different.

With an undercover, the enemy's formation can be destroyed from the inside, and the threat of the black robes gathering together will be greatly reduced. The loss is greatly reduced, which is already foreseeable.

At this time, it is natural to consider how to achieve greater results.

In this way, the commander's previous order suddenly became reasonable.

However, some things still need to be confirmed.

"Commander! How should we confirm the identity of the undercover?" asked the captain of the A brigade.

The commander responded quickly: "Under the black robe, the undercover has secretly put on our special police uniforms. When they launch an attack, they will take off the black robe and reveal the uniforms inside."

"Be careful not to accidentally hurt people in uniforms. Did you hear clearly?"

"I heard clearly!" The captains responded one after another.

"Okay! Keep the formation and go to the stone forest!" the commander said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Everyone responded loudly.


In the underground base.

"The cops have driven those black-robed people to the vicinity of the stone forest!" The person in charge of surveillance reported to the director.

"Got it, are the commandos in place?" the person in charge asked.

"Yes! They are all in place and can take action at any time!" The subordinate reported to the director.

"Okay!" The person in charge nodded with satisfaction: "Wait until they all enter the stone forest and those cops have completely formed an encirclement, then we will take action!"



"Team A is in place!"

"Team B has arrived at the designated location!"

"Team C..."

Five hundred special police officers, with the stone forest as the center, formed three layers of airtight encirclement in a staggered manner!

"Very good! As soon as you hear the sound of exchange of fire from inside, the two battalions A and B responsible for the assault will immediately rush into the stone forest. All those who are not wearing special police uniforms are enemies!"

"Understood!" A group of captains responded one after another.

Afterwards, the command end fell into silence temporarily.

However, three captains received new orders separately.

On the other side, in the stone forest.

"Are all the people here?" Ying San asked in a low voice.

"Yes, they are all here." His deputy Ying Si replied.

"Did you find anything suspicious?" Ying San looked at another companion Ying Shiyi.

"If there is an entrance to the underground base here, the most likely one should be the big rock in the middle." Ying Shiyi pointed to the huge rock in the center of the stone forest and said.

Ying San nodded slightly and turned on the internal communication: "Pay special attention to that huge rock later, and don't let down your guard in other places!"

"Yes!" A group of companions responded in the communication.

Ying San hung up the communication, slightly tightened the Beretta pistol in his hand, and waited silently.

Outside the stone forest, the special police who did not receive the attack order also maintained a siege without attacking.

In the air, the helicopter asked the command end whether to go to the top of the stone forest to provide lighting for the special police below. The command side decisively refused, and the reason given was quite sufficient.

"Going there now will certainly provide convenience for the special police who are assaulting, but it will also increase the danger of our undercover. Wait until our undercover starts to act, and then the helicopter will go there."

Since such a reasonable explanation has been given above, naturally no one will be so ignorant as to say more or act on their own.

So, the police and the black-robed man were in a standoff in the darkness.

One minute, two minutes...

Finally, there was movement in the stone forest.

First there was a loud bang, which seemed to be the sound of some heavy object falling to the ground, and then gunshots rang out!


This seemed to be a signal, and the second, third... more gunshots appeared!

"Action!" Captains A and B immediately gave an order, and the two detachments of special police who had been ready to go immediately rushed into the forest.

The helicopter in the air also started to move, approaching the stone forest quickly.

Not long after the special police entered the stone forest, they saw two figures wearing black pants on their lower body and the same special police uniforms on their upper body.

At their feet, there were two black-robed men lying on the ground, and their life and death were unknown.

The special police saw it and immediately understood that these people wearing special police uniforms should be the undercovers mentioned above.

When the two men saw the SWAT officers, they were not panicked at all. One of them shouted calmly, "We have it done here! Keep going!"

He pointed in a direction.

The SWAT officer saluted and rushed in the direction pointed by the other party.

At the same time, similar scenes appeared in several other places in the stone forest.

Finally, under the guidance of the [undercovers], the SWAT officers came to the area near the boulder.

And here, a fierce exchange of fire was taking place!

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