Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1812 The plan went smoothly

The leading SWAT officer quickly scanned the battlefield, and the overall situation was quite clear.

On one side, there were about twelve people wearing black pants and SWAT uniforms. In their formation, there were also several guys in black robes.

On the other side, there was a group of gunmen in black clothes. Not far away, under the huge rock in the center of the stone forest, there was a large hole that could accommodate two people.

At this time, the black-clad gunmen were relying on the cover of the huge rock and the big hole to engage in a firefight with the SWAT uniforms.

The leading SWAT officer saw it and instantly figured out the cause and effect.

[Undercover] launched an attack and subdued some of the black-robed people, but was just caught by the black-robed accomplices who came up from the underground base to support, and the two sides immediately fell into a firefight.

After clarifying the cause and effect, the leading SWAT officer immediately ordered his subordinates to join the battle.

As for who to help? Didn’t it say it above? Those who are not wearing SWAT uniforms are all enemies!

So, the SWAT officers immediately aimed all their firepower at the group of black-clad gunmen.

Bang, bang, bang!

The group of black-clad gunmen were caught off guard. Several of them didn't react and were shot to pieces by random gunfire, falling in a pool of blood.

The originally evenly matched battle was instantly tilted!

Not long after, all the black-clad gunmen near the entrance of the base were killed.

"Quick! Rush in and kill them all before they react! Once they react and escape from the secret passage, it won't be so easy to catch them again!" an [undercover] shouted.

The leading SWAT officer nodded immediately and said, "Okay! Anyone of you who is familiar with the base below, please lead the way, we'll go in right away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two [undercover] officers ran over and said, "We'll go in with you!"

"Okay! Let's go!" The leading SWAT officer was also a man of swift and decisive action. He didn't say any more nonsense. With a wave of his hand, the SWAT officers immediately formed a formation and rushed into the hole opened by the boulder.


Inside the underground base.

"Sir! No... It's not good!!" A subordinate ran to the command room breathlessly.

"What's the matter? Why are you so flustered?" The person in charge frowned and asked.

"Those... those cops killed our people who launched the attack and have now rushed into our base!"

"What!?" The person in charge's face suddenly changed when he heard this, and he grabbed the collar of his subordinate: "Are you kidding me? Aren't those cops targeting the group of black-robed people?"

"I... I don't know!" The subordinate also had a face full of tears: "Now the brothers have been caught off guard and can't withstand their attack at all. It is estimated that they are about to hit us now!"

"Assholes! A bunch of trash!" The person in charge's face sank and he threw his subordinate away.

He was full of anger and confusion for a while.

Didn't the higher-ups say that they had already informed the police? How come the killing plan originally aimed at the black-robed people has now turned into a plan aimed at them?

Was the higher-ups deceived by the police? The police's target was them from the beginning?

He shook his head slightly, temporarily suppressed all the thoughts in his mind, took a deep breath, and said coldly: "Now, take all the brothers to hold on, I'll be there soon! Quick!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I'll go right away!" The subordinate agreed and ran out quickly.

After confirming that the subordinate had left, he immediately locked the door of the command room and began to pack up.

A minute later, he put all the things he wanted to take away into a briefcase, then came to a cabinet, opened the cabinet, raised his hand and twisted a round ornament inside the cabinet.

With a click, the inner wall of the cabinet moved, and soon a dark passage was revealed.

The person in charge went in without any hesitation, and then turned around and closed the cabinet door.

As for the others? Whether they can escape depends on their own ability.

Be smart and surrender directly and get caught. Maybe you can find a way to get out later. If you are stubborn and get beaten to death, you can only blame yourself for your bad luck.


“Report! All areas have been searched, and it is confirmed that the enemy’s combat power has been completely destroyed!” A special police officer saluted and reported.

“Well done!” The leading special police officer nodded slightly.

He looked at the two [undercover] on the side: “The operation was so smooth, thanks to your deep penetration behind the enemy lines, hard work and hard work!”

“You are polite, this is all due to the good leadership above, we just did what we should do.” The [undercover] replied.

The leading special police officer nodded slightly, and then ordered the special police to start cleaning the battlefield.

Soon, they discovered that the person in charge was missing.

“I’m afraid he escaped from the secret passage.” One of the [undercover] speculated.

"Hmph! He can't run away!" The leading SWAT snorted coldly: "Even if there is a secret passage, the exit must be on this island. Now the island is full of our people, and there are helicopters patrolling in the air. How long can he hide alone?"

"That's true." The [undercover] smiled, paused, and said: "If there is nothing else, we will go up and meet up with other colleagues first."

The leading SWAT didn't think much about it, and responded readily: "Okay, just leave it to us."

The two [undercover] nodded slightly and left quickly. As expected, they were not blocked on the way.

Not long after, they returned to the ground and successfully met up with other [undercover].

"The plan went well, it's time to withdraw!" Ying San's voice came from their communicator.

"Yes!" All the shadow members responded.

My dear, there is more to this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. It's more exciting later!

The encirclement, where the F team is located.

Ten figures in SWAT uniforms came closer with three black-robed men.

"We received an order from above to escort some important suspects away first." One of them said.

Captain F just glanced at them and waved his hand, signaling the SWAT to let them go.

The SWAT naturally did not dare to disobey the order and quickly made way.

The thirteen people in a group quickly left the encirclement smoothly.

Not long after they left, the J team on the other side of the encirclement staged the same scene again.

Not long after, another thirteen people left the encirclement.

A few minutes later, another fourteen people left the C team.

Since they did not leave at the same time and chose different points in the encirclement, even if other teams saw this scene, they did not doubt it after the three captains F, J, and C briefly explained it.

After a while, the three groups of people who left one after another all moved quickly in a certain direction.

Coincidentally, on the way, one of the groups met a suspicious person.

When the person saw them, he immediately wanted to escape, but in front of so many masters, the result of escaping can be imagined, and he was pinned to the ground in a few seconds.

After a search, even though the other party kept silent, everyone roughly guessed his identity - the person in charge of the underground base who escaped!

"Knock him out and take him away!" The leader Ying Eleven decisively ordered.

So, they had one more prisoner.

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