Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1813 Vermouth watching the show

Soon, three groups of people arrived at the beach.

At this time, there was already a ship waiting here, which was the command ship.

The gangway was lowered, and the group immediately boarded the ship quickly and orderly.

The gangway was raised, the command ship was restarted, and the others who were still inside and outside the island received an order from the command end: "Continue to search on the island to make sure there are no other fish that slipped through the net!"

Whether it was other ships cruising around the island or helicopters in the air, they noticed the departure of the command ship, but no one had any doubts for a while.

According to the command ship, they were going to escort the important suspect back to land first, and the others just had to continue to follow the procedures.

Many people were muttering to themselves that the people above were in a hurry to go back and take credit!

Of course, no one would be stupid enough to say it directly.

So, in a peaceful situation, the command ship gradually went away.

In a cabin of the command ship.

A shadow dragged a policeman who was tied up and in a coma into the room.

At this time, there were already five people lying inside who shared the same suffering as him.

Shadow clapped his hands, then turned around and locked the hatch.

He came to the temporary command room on the ship and reported: "Report! Everyone has been dragged to the designated location!"

Shadow Three turned his head: "Are all the people here?"

"Yes! A total of six people, not one less!" Shadow replied.

"Okay, remember to open the hatch before leaving." Shadow Three explained that they hijacked the command ship just for the mission, and they had no intention of killing people. Therefore, opening the hatch before leaving would make it easier for those who searched afterwards to find people, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties caused by low-probability events.

Shadow nodded to show that he understood.

The journey was uneventful, and about fifteen minutes later, the command ship had already docked.

Of course, before leaving, the shadows did not forget to open the hatch that held the original crew on the ship.

Not long after, all the shadows got off the ship and gathered on the shore.

Shadow Three glanced at these people. Most of them were more or less injured, but they could basically stand. They only needed to simply treat the wounds, which would not affect their combat effectiveness much.

Ying San nodded with satisfaction, and then turned on the communicator: "Report! This is Ying San!"

"Received! This is Ying Yi, how is the situation?" Ying Yi's voice came from the other side.

"We have evacuated the island as planned and returned to the shore of Tottori. The combat effectiveness of the personnel is basically intact!" Ying San briefly reported the situation.

"Well done!" Ying Yi immediately gave a high degree of affirmation: "We have also mastered the key information here. After the communication is hung up, I will send you a set of coordinates. You take people to the location of the coordinates and wait!"

"Received!" Ying San replied solemnly.

Then, the communication was hung up, and Ying San took out a special mobile phone from the tactical bag, unlocked it, and turned it on.

Soon, the mobile phone received a set of location coordinates.

He quickly marked this set of coordinates, and then waved to the people behind him: "Everyone, follow me!"


In an inconspicuous residential building in the urban area of ​​Tottori City.

Belmode lazily leaned on the sofa in the living room, looking at the hanging TV screen not far away with a slightly playful look.

The screen showed an island surrounded by ships, helicopters hovering in the air, and countless special police officers passing through it.

In the picture, a ship docked at the shore, and a team of special police escorted a group of men in black out of the depths of the island and began to board the ship in an orderly manner.

Belmode tilted her head slightly, looked at a tablet placed on the coffee table in front of her, and asked with a smile: "Is this the good show you want me to watch? For a comedy with absurd colors, this show is still very good."

On the screen of the tablet, there was a thick shadow that almost occupied the entire screen. In the shadow, the outline of a crow could be seen faintly.

Hearing Belmode's words, a cold voice came from the other end of the screen: "Did you tell them our plan?"

Hearing this, Belmore couldn't help but chuckled: "Let's not talk about why you think I leaked the plan. Please let me remind you that you didn't tell me anything during the entire process of the plan~"

The other side was silent for a while, and finally hung up the communication without any warning.

Belmode was startled at first, then snorted: "It seems that you are not old and confused yet!"

Even though the information she knew was limited, Belmode had already deduced a lot of things just by watching the pictures on TV.

There is no doubt that the police, who were supposed to be with the organization to encircle and suppress Yumiya Akira's group, are now targeting the organization.

This is no longer something that can be done simply by knowing the plan in advance.

If you simply know the plan in advance, even if Yumiya Akira's side is full of masters, there are still a limited number of people. Maybe you can break through violently, but it is almost impossible to directly reverse the enemy's position like now, and it seems so easy.

The only explanation is that they not only have mastered the entire plan of the organization, but even those special police have their insiders, and their status is definitely not low!

This means that this group of people is not what she and the organization imagined. Without the leadership of Director Bai Ma, they have become lonely ghosts.

They still have connections with the police, and they may even still accept the leadership of a senior police officer!

But this raises the question, if they are not ghosts, then why are they being chased by the police in the past few weeks?

Also, since they knew in advance that this was a trap, why did they rush to get in?

Do they want to take a gamble and see if the boss is really there?

But this almost gives the decision to the opponent.

If they fail, they will not only catch some thugs in the end, but also expose the fact that they can still rely on the police.

With Belmode's understanding of Yumiya Akira and others, they could not have failed to anticipate such a development.

But they still chose to do so. Obviously, in their opinion, the expected benefits of stepping into the trap are far greater than the price paid!

And at this stage, the only benefit that can attract them is... the boss of the organization!

Although he didn't know Yumiya Akira and his gang as well as she did, he would not fail to notice the weirdness of the whole thing.

Therefore, BOISS didn't continue to argue with her and decisively hung up the call.

Belmode couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth when he thought of this.

She stretched, tilted her head and looked to one side, smiling: "The show is over, can I leave now?"

Behind her, a man in black was standing there with an indifferent expression, holding an M4A1 rifle in his hand, and the black muzzle was only 20 centimeters away from her head.

On the other side of her, there was also a man in black holding the same rifle pointing at her head.

"No." The man in black who was questioned said coldly: "The boss has an order. Without his permission, you have to stay here!"

"What did you say?" Belmode's expression suddenly turned cold.

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