Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1816 Moving forward steadily!

After a while, the special police officers, under the supervision of Odagiri, cleaned up the police chief's office.

After the special police officers went out, Director Baima finally sat in the position belonging to the Police Director again.

He leaned slightly against the back of the chair and felt the familiar touch. He couldn't help but narrow his eyes and his expression became much softer.

Odagiri stood respectfully in front of the director across the desk.

Looking at his capable subordinate, Director Baima straightened his body and said, "Have the next actions been arranged?"

Odagiri respectfully replied: "Yes, everything is going according to your instructions."

"Very good!" Director Baima nodded with satisfaction: "You will have full command of the actions in Tokyo. Make sure things are done beautifully!"

"Understood!" Odagiri stood up and saluted, then turned around and left quickly.

Director Hakuba took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Police Chief Yuichi Tanida.

"Sir, it's me, Baima." Director Baima said in a low voice.

"It's Hakuba. It seems like things are going well over there!" Yuichi Tanita's smiling voice came from the other side.

"Sir Mingjian, Zhuxing and his cronies have been controlled, and some problematic people observed during this period have also been arrested one after another." Director Baima replied.

"Yes! I have already contacted Deputy Minister Yamazaki. Lu Zi and Hai Zi will cooperate with our actions!" Yuichi Tanida said with a smile.

Director Baima's eyes lit up: "Great! With their cooperation, this is completely foolproof!"

"Don't be careless!" Yuichi Tanita warned: "We must not let the organization boss escape, otherwise, it will not be so easy to find such an opportunity next time!"

"My subordinates understand! I will supervise the entire process to ensure the smooth completion of the plan!" Director Baima assured immediately.

"Then I'll just wait for the good news." After saying that, Gu Tian hung up the phone.

Director Baima immediately took out another mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Sir?" Ying Yi's voice came from the other side.

"Have you received any contact from the Self-Defense Forces?" Director Hakuba asked.

"I have already met with Major Yamada of the Self-Defense Force." Yingyi's voice paused and continued: "Currently, the police and Self-Defense Force ships have completely surrounded the target island, and helicopters are already in place, ready to launch operations at any time! "

Director Baima nodded secretly in his mind, pondered for a while, and said, "Can you confirm whether the BOSS is on the island?"

"Yes! It has been confirmed many times! The organization BOSS is on the island!" Ying Yi replied.

"Okay! Let's start taking action!" Director Baima immediately issued the order.



Sea of ​​Japan, a small island about thirty nautical miles southeast of the Tottori Coast.

A group of about a hundred self-defense forces and heavily armed special police landed on the island from ships and helicopters respectively. With a clear goal, they rushed towards the center of the island!

This island is completely different from the island that was used as a trap. Traces of artificial development can be seen everywhere.

The intrusion of the special police and self-defense forces was not as smooth as on the other island.

Less than a hundred meters away from the tidal flat area, they ran into trouble.


With an explosion, the entire bodies of several Self-Defense Forces and special policemen who were rushing forward to explore the road were instantly blown away. They screamed and were smashed ten meters away. There was no sound for a long time.

"No! It's a minefield! Back away!" The one who reacted quickly shouted immediately.

Everyone in the rear quickly retreated.

At the same time, several figures suddenly appeared in the woods on both sides of the road, and without any explanation, they fired at the charging team!

Da da da da!

"Cover! Hidden!" Although the commander was frightened, he quickly issued the order.

Fortunately, no one was mediocre. Several self-defense forces and special policemen holding shields immediately stood on the outside. The rest retreated and shrank, entering the protection range of their shield-holding companions.

Some reacted quickly and used the cover of shields to launch counterattacks!

For a moment, everyone maintained their formation and retreated to a safe area.

The on-site commander immediately reported the situation.

On the command ship at sea, Ying Yi and Major Yamada looked at each other, and both saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

"It seems that this bone is not easy to chew!" Yamada said in a deep voice.

"Looking at it from another angle, this further proves that we have found the right place." Ying Yi said calmly.

Major Yamada breathed out: "Fortunately, we have been given repeated orders from above to pay attention to this mission, and our equipment is quite complete."

After that, he turned on the communicator: "Helicopter, immediately conduct blanket fire coverage around the known minefields to ensure that there is no enemy interference around the minefields!"


Not long after, nearly a dozen helicopters hovering over the island took turns firing rockets and incendiary bombs into the woods near the minefield.

Boom boom boom!



The explosion mixed with screams reached the ears of everyone on standby. Under everyone's gaze, the woods surrounding the minefield also burst into flames.

"Enemy interference confirmed and cleared!" Major Yamada quickly received the report.

"Okay! Send out a drone to cooperate with the detector carried by the helicopter to conduct reconnaissance of the minefield, formulate a demining plan as soon as possible, and clear a passable road!" Major Yamada ordered


Here, Major Yamada was commanding in an orderly manner, while Yingyi on the other side received a communication.

"This is Yingyi." Maori Kogoro, Yingyi's disguised voice, came from the other side.

"What's the situation on your side?" Yingyi asked.

Yingyi replied: "As expected, we found a cave leading to the island underwater and are currently exploring!"

Yingyi's heart was slightly chilled, and his tone suddenly became solemn: "Then you must remember to pay attention to safety, and try to delay the enemy as much as possible when encountering the enemy. The large force will enter the island as soon as possible to support you!"

"I know, we will be careful." Yingyi also replied solemnly.

After hanging up the communication, Yingyi immediately told Major Yamada the news.

Major Yamada's eyes condensed slightly, and said: "I understand, but you also saw that the opponent's fortifications are not weak, and blindly seeking speed is not a wise move."

Yingyi nodded slightly: "I understand, and I also believe that Major Yamada will make the right judgment."

"Yeah." Major Yamada responded, and said no more.

Soon, with the detection of multiple mine detection devices, the distribution of mines was mastered, and Major Yamada also adopted the most efficient blasting mine clearance method.

Bombs were sent to the minefield along the ropes and fell on the corresponding points in sequence according to the blasting plan.

As the remote control was pressed, the bombs were detonated instantly!

Boom boom boom!

A group of gorgeous fireworks immediately exploded on the island!

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