Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1817 Underwater Breakthrough!

It wasn't until a minute later that the aftermath of the explosion initially dissipated.

Subsequently, a small mine detection vehicle opened the way in front, while the special police and Self-Defense Forces followed behind at a safe distance.

In the air, helicopters have arrived ahead, searchlights illuminate a large area, and detectors are also conducting carpet scans to detect possible enemy units.

The team is making steady progress with this all-round technical support.

On the other side, the island is underwater.

A small submarine slowly sailed into the dark cave.

Akira Hanomiya looked outside through the porthole of the submarine, and could only vaguely see the retreating cave wall.

"It seems that this cave should have undergone certain artificial development." Mouri Kogoro said.

Hearing this, Yu Gongming looked back and said with a smile: "This shows that our previous speculation was correct. This should be one of the escape routes reserved by the BOSS."

"I hope they won't move so fast and can give us time to land." Mengyu on the other side said.

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect that you would personally participate in such an action. I thought you would continue to hide behind the scenes." Another person laughed.

Akira Hanomiya glanced at the man: "If you don't see the organization's BOSS arrested with your own eyes, you won't be able to feel completely at ease. Isn't it the same with Mr. Amuro? If I remember correctly, you applied here specifically, right?"

Toru Amuro snorted: "I finally got to the top, but was tricked by the organization's boss. Not only were all my years of hard work in vain, but I almost lost my life. I don't plan to just swallow this!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes: "What's more, there is a debt, and I have to settle it with the BOSS no matter what!"

As he spoke, he glanced at the other person farthest away from him—the FBI ace agent whose pseudonym was Subaru Okiya—Shuichi Akai!

Okiya Subaru, who was closing his eyes to rest his mind, seemed to realize something, and opened his eyes slightly to look at him.

The two looked at each other. At this time, everyone was wearing black robes and covering their faces. Amuro Toru could not see Okiya Subaru's expression, but from his eyes, Amuro Toru only saw peace.

"After the organization is eliminated, if you are still worried about what happened back then, you can come to me at any time." Okiya Subaru said.

Amuro Toru's eyebrows raised slightly under her mask, and then she replied calmly: "If necessary, I will."

"I said, the organization BOSS hasn't been caught yet, don't raise such a flag!" Yu Gongming complained speechlessly. ,

"That's right! Let's wait until the operation is successful before making a fight, right?" Meng Yu also agreed.

Okiya Subaru shrugged: "Okay, you can think of this as a joke to relieve the tension."

"After the operation is successful, this may not be a joke anymore." Amuro said coldly.

After hearing this, Subaru Okiya just glanced at him, then re-entered the state of resting with his eyes closed, and said no more.

Amuro Toru made a "cut" sound and closed her mouth in a self-conscious manner.

The cabin suddenly fell into silence, leaving only the roar of mechanical operation lingering in my ears.

The silence lasted for several minutes.

"Everyone, get ready for the exit!" the shadow in charge of driving said.

As soon as the words fell, everyone immediately became energetic and began to make final inspections of their equipment.

"What's the situation near the exit?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"Preliminary observation shows that there is a small dock. The radar has detected life reactions nearby. They are probably the guards, five of them." The driver replied.

"They shouldn't have noticed us, right?" Mengyu asked.


"Probably not. They say they are preparing to reach the exit, but the horizontal distance is still almost a hundred meters, and the vertical distance is also thirty meters. The submarine has also entered a silent state after collecting information, so it will not be discovered."

Mouri Kogoro nodded slightly when he heard this: "Since it's still within the plan, let's go step by step."

"Understood!" Everyone responded.


The organization's secret base, the lowest area.

A group of men in black with guns were hiding in the shadows, observing the entire dock.

At this time, the internal communication suddenly sounded, and the team leader quickly picked up the communication.

"...Yes! Got it! We'll get ready right away!"

After hanging up the communication, he immediately called to his subordinates: "Quick! There is an order from above. Put down the submarine immediately and prepare to escort the BOSS to evacuate!"

"Yes!" Everyone took the order and quickly ran to the submarine fixed at the dock.

Halfway through, the team leader suddenly heard an unusual roar and immediately stopped the others: "Wait! There seems to be something going on!"

As he spoke, the roar became clearer.

The squad leader immediately shined his flashlight on it.


Under the watchful eyes of several men in black, a submarine about 10 meters long broke out of the water!

Then, the hatch above the submarine began to slowly open.

"Be careful! Get ready to fight!" The squad leader immediately realized something was wrong and quickly asked his subordinates to be on guard with guns.

Finally, the cabin door was completely opened, and the next moment, with a buzzing sound, a blurry black shadow flashed out of the cabin!

The reaction of the men in black was also quick, and they immediately started shooting with the help of the captain's flashlight!

Bang bang bang!

After firing a few shots, the team leader frowned, realized something was wrong, and shouted loudly: "No! It's a drone! Hurry and take cover!"

If the opponent is a human, they can also try to suppress it with fire while the opponent has just left the cabin.

However, the opponent has replaced it with a smaller but more maneuverable drone, so it is not so easy to hit the target with only the flashlight.

Since the opponent has chosen to release the drone, it is likely to be equipped with weapons. Even the most ordinary machine gun is enough for them to drink a pot, not to mention that there may be more powerful rockets!

Therefore, it is wise to find a hidden place to hide, deal with the opponent while looking for an opportunity to report the situation!

The captain's order was decisive enough, but unfortunately, as soon as he finished speaking, the submarine took action again.

A black shadow flashed, and another drone rushed out!

However, this drone did not fly out of the flashlight range immediately like the previous one, but after slightly leaving the hatch, it immediately pointed the black muzzle at the man in black!

Da da da da!

The captain realized that something was wrong before the machine gun was ready to fire, but he only had time to shout to remind his companions to be careful, and then he quickly rolled to the side.

The rest of the men in black were sent to guard the dock, and they were not easy to deal with. They also used various means to avoid the drone's strafing.

The captain had just adjusted his body after rolling, and subconsciously shone the flashlight in the direction of the submarine, and saw something flying towards this side!

He suddenly felt a great sense of alarm in his heart, and without hesitation, he immediately rushed to the side again. The next moment...


A huge explosion rushed into his ears, and the air wave hit his back. The huge impact made his body stagger.

Then, there was a shrill scream from his subordinates!

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