After hearing Akira Hanomiya's inquiry, Conan replied: "The target location is in a residential building two hundred meters away. According to the observations of several of us, there are at least three informants on the outside, and at least two people were seen entering and exiting inside."

Yu Gongming touched his chin and looked thoughtful: "To keep an eye on Belmod, at least two or three people must be present at the same time. A conservative estimate is that there are at least four people inside."

"I agree." Conan nodded.

On the side, Mengyu looked around: "Where are Ms. Mary and Seriang?"

"They are watching from the rooftop over there." Conan pointed to a very prominent commercial building diagonally opposite fifty meters away.

Yu Gongming pondered for a while: "Well, let's join them first."

About ten minutes later.

"Here! It's the twelfth house on the right side of the street with a red exterior wall." Seriang introduced.

Yu Gongming adjusted the field of view of the telescope and quickly found the target.

"Where is the eyeliner?" Yu Gongming asked.

"The first one was disguised as a drunken and decadent office worker and leaned against the outer wall of the house opposite the residence; the second one was hiding in a black Toyota car twenty meters away from the residence; and the last one was leaning against the residence. In the apartment building opposite." Mary replied calmly.

"The investigation is very clear!" Yu Gongming praised.

"It's all thanks to Conan!" Sera smiled: "At that time, when there were still a lot of people on the street, we asked Conan to pretend to be a naughty child who didn't want to go home, and I pretended to be chasing him. Sister, we walked all the way across the street and deliberately stopped for a while in front of the target building.”

"Those guys quickly noticed us, which exposed their flaws, and the mother who was observing in the dark discovered the clues."

Conan rolled his eyes at Sera angrily: "There's no need to explain this kind of thing so clearly!"

Meng Yu smiled softly after hearing this: "This is not the first time you have done this kind of thing, are you still shy?"

Conan curled his lips and said nothing, but secretly cursed in his heart, don't you have to make fun of this kind of thing every time?

"Let's continue talking about business." Yu Gongming brought the topic back: "If we expect the enemy to be lenient, we estimate that there should be ten external informants and internal guards."

"To be sent to guard Belmod, the overall quality of these people must be high. They are the elite of the organization. To deal with them, head-on confrontation will be very disadvantageous for us."

"Considering that our ultimate goal is to save people, it's best to kill those people. If you can't kill them, don't force them..." He looked at Conan and the others: "First tell us about some of their activities, and then discuss the plan together. "

"No problem." Conan nodded slightly, and then he, Mari and Sera told them everything they had discovered.


Inside a residential building.

Belmode stretched out, opened the curtain, and walked out of the narrow cell-like space in the corner of the living room. She saw No. 1 and No. 3 with guns pointed at her.

"Aren't you guys going to rest?" Belmode asked with a smile.

"No need." No. 1 replied coldly.

"What time is it now?" she continued.

"One o'clock in the morning." No. 1 replied. After a pause, he continued: "I advise you not to do anything unnecessary. At this time, it is best for everyone to go back and rest honestly."

Belmod snorted: "Being monitored by a group of killers who want to take my life at any time, no one can sleep peacefully, right?"

Number 3 on the side snorted coldly: "If you don't rest, don't think about doing other things. At this point, we won't go out to bring you anything, and we won't let you turn on the TV."

Belmode chuckled when he heard this: "Why are you so unkind? Can watching TV help me escape?"

"If it doesn't work, it won't work." No. 3 said firmly.

Belmode clicked his tongue, and then shrugged helplessly: "Okay, then it's okay if I sit on the sofa for a while and have a cigarette, right?"

No. 3 frowned slightly and looked at No. 1.

No. 1 pondered for a while and said, "You can sit on the sofa, but you can't smoke."

"Why?" Belmode looked puzzled: "You brought the cigarettes back. You should have checked them, right?"

No. 1 did not continue to reply, but looked at her coldly, his attitude was self-evident.

Belmode sighed: "Okay, then I can just go and sit on the sofa for a while, right?"

With that said, she walked towards the sofa, and No. 1 and No. 3 immediately followed her with guns in hand.

Sitting on the sofa, Bellmore's eyes flickered slightly and he continued to think about ways to escape.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened!


The buzzing sound reached everyone's ears almost at the same time.

No. 1 and No. 3 reacted immediately. No. 1 directly pressed the muzzle of the gun to Belmode's temple, while No. 3 immediately turned the muzzle and fired.

I saw a flash of black shadow, and something rushed into the living room close to the ground at an extremely fast speed!

No. 3 immediately instinctively fired a bunch of bullets at the black shadow.

Da da da da!



Dazzling flashes instantly filled the entire living room!

The severe pain in their eyes made No. 1 and No. 3 subconsciously raise their hands to cover their eyes.

As for Belmode, because she was sitting on the sofa, she was grabbed against her temples and had to lower her head. Although she was affected to some extent, the degree was less severe than that of the two organization killers. many.

While she was trying to endure the discomfort in her eyes, she rolled over and quickly left the spot.

Although she didn't fully understand the situation, she could at least confirm one thing - the flash just now was definitely not the work of the killers.

Knowing this, with Belmode's wisdom, she naturally realized that her chance to escape had come!

On the other side, No. 1 and No. 3 were indeed extraordinary people. They quickly recovered, just two or three seconds slower than Belmode.

And it was these two or three seconds that determined their fate.

No. 1 was about to continue pulling the trigger and shoot in the direction where Belmode was just now, when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his arm, neck, and back of the head at the same time.

The next moment, his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

He fell down with No. 3, who was also preparing to shoot at the entrance of the hall based on his memory.

"Go through the window!"

An order came to Belmode's ears.

Belmode recognized the voice instantly.

"It's those little guys!"

Vermouth didn't hesitate and rushed to the nearest window!

Suddenly, there was a sound of a door opening from behind, and the other two guards in black, No. 2 and No. 4, rushed out at the same time.

Vermouth was startled and immediately turned around to observe the situation.

The next moment, she saw a black shadow rushing in front of the two of them.


The flames of the explosion instantly engulfed the two organization killers!

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