Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1825 Conversation

"These little guys seem to have brought some interesting gadgets..." Belmode thought to herself, and immediately retracted her sight and continued to rush towards the window.

She came to the window without any obstacles, quickly opened the window, and jumped out.

"This way!" A voice came from her ear.

Belmode looked in the direction of the sound, and could only vaguely see a figure flashing into an alley.

Belmode's eyes flashed slightly, and without much hesitation, she rushed towards the alley.

However, before she ran a few meters, a loud noise suddenly came from behind!


Belmode only felt a scorching air wave sweeping over, and the huge impact force directly lifted her whole body out!


Her body hit the ground heavily, and then her eyes went black, and she lost consciousness.


Belmode opened her eyes slightly, carefully observing the surrounding environment.

Two minutes ago, she successfully regained consciousness, and then felt the pain from all over her body.

She recalled a little and remembered the last scene of her consciousness.

"The house exploded... Such an impact force is definitely not caused by an ordinary grenade... Is it a pre-buried bomb? Then where am I now?"

She did not rush to open her eyes, and used her ears to collect information.

The environment was very quiet, and only some subtle footsteps could be heard faintly.

Seeing that the information was limited, Vermouth chose to open her eyes.

What she saw was a simply decorated room, which seemed to be a bedroom from the furnishings.

At this time, she was the only one in the bedroom, and the bedroom door was also closed.

However, judging from the footsteps she heard just now, there should be someone outside.

She tried to sit up, and the pain in her body suddenly became more obvious. She carefully adjusted for a long time before letting her body sit against the head of the bed.

At this time, there was a twisting sound from the bedroom door, and then the door opened, and a little boy about seven years old walked in.

He glanced at Vermouth who was sitting back, pushed his glasses, and said in a calm tone that was not suitable for his age: "Are you awake?"

Vermouth finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this - it seems that she was saved.

And the identity of the little boy in front of him was self-evident.

"How did you find me?" she asked curiously.

Conan smiled slightly: "We almost saw you being taken away by them with our own eyes."

Vermouth suddenly realized and did not ask any more questions.

Since they could see her being taken away, it would not be surprising for Conan and his team to find her with their abilities.

As for why Conan could witness her being taken away? Vermouth also knew it well.

Previously, Yumiya Akira asked her to help lead out the BOSS, and the two sides reached a cooperation, and a [mark] was left on her mobile phone.

And Vermouth did not try to remove the [mark], and even deliberately exposed her actions to Yumiya Akira and others.

On the one hand, it was a kind of silent help to them, and at the same time, it was also a guarantee for herself.

The boss no longer trusted her, and she also no longer trusted the boss - she no longer believed that the boss would tolerate her "willfulness" as before, and would not take extreme measures against her.

As it turned out, her approach was extremely wise.

Apart from anything else, just the last powerful explosion, she had already run out of the building, but was still blown unconscious. If she was in the house, she would definitely die!

However, she still had to confirm the details.

"What happened before and after I fainted?" she asked.

"Before you fainted, the house exploded, the whole house was destroyed in an instant, and even affected other houses around, causing a large fire. When we took you away, the fire truck had not arrived yet, and the fire may not have been extinguished yet." Conan replied.

Vermouth thought that it was true, and her heart became even colder.

At this time, the door was pushed open again, and Yumiya Akira, Mengyu, Shiliang and Mary walked in one after another.

Vermouth's eyes swept over the four people one by one, and finally paused on Mary, saying jokingly: "It seems that you are very used to your current body!"

Mary raised her eyebrows and snorted coldly: "I will settle this account with you sooner or later!"

Vermouth chuckled: "There are many people who want to settle accounts with me, and you may not be able to rank on the list. Moreover, you should actually thank me. If someone else had performed that task, you might not even have a corpse left now."

Mary frowned: "So, you deliberately gave me that pill?"

"That's right~" Vermouth no longer concealed it at this point: "For me, whether you can survive in the end or not, my goal can be achieved."

"What do you mean?" Mary asked.

Vermouth explained patiently: "Taking that kind of medicine, there are only two results, direct death or physical degeneration. No matter which result, your precious daughter will not turn a blind eye, right?"

"Huh?" Sera, who was suddenly mentioned, was slightly stunned.

Mary's eyes suddenly fixed: "So, your purpose is to make us connect with them?"

She pointed her eyes at Yumiya Ming and the others.

"I am naturally happy to see such a development." Vermouth smiled and said: "But, I just did it casually, and I didn't expect things to go so smoothly."

"Hey! You old lady are really bad!" Shira put her hands on her hips and said with some dissatisfaction.

Vermouth looked over with a gloomy look, and Shira instantly felt a sense of horror as if being stared at by a poisonous snake.

However, she was not easily frightened, and glared: "What? Am I wrong? I heard from my mother that you are older than her, and calling you aunt is considered to be too young, right?"

Vermouth snorted, retracted her gaze, and looked at Yumiya Akira: "So, how are you doing over there? Is the progress going smoothly?"

Yumiya Akira smiled and said: "It's going well. We caught the guy who seems to be the boss, but whether it is the real boss, I am afraid I have to let you, who is most familiar with the boss, take a look."

Vermouth heard this, and a complex look flashed across her face.

She was silent for a while, and nodded slightly: "No problem, at this point, I have no way out."

"Then you continue to rest, and we will set off to return to Tokyo at noon." Yumiya Akira said lightly.

"Okay, but I was affected by the explosion, and it may be inconvenient to move." Vermouth reminded.

"It's not a big problem." Yumiya Akira smiled and said, "I will arrange a car to pick us up here directly. You don't need to move around. When you arrive in Tokyo, we will also arrange necessary examinations and treatments for you."

Vermouth nodded slightly: "I'm fine."

"Okay, then we won't bother you." After that, Yumiya Akira gestured to everyone.

Everyone understood and immediately left the bedroom.

Coming to the living room, Sera looked at Yumiya Akira: "I say, Vermouth couldn't have been yours from the beginning, right?"

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