Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1826 Return to Tokyo

Hearing this, Yu Gongming was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "To be honest, it would be great if this was really the case. Unfortunately, she was very loyal to the organization, or to the BOSS, in the beginning."

"If our series of actions hadn't shown the possibility of destroying the organization, as well as some of the connections between her and us, I'm afraid we wouldn't have been able to make her fall to our side."

He understood that Seriang's purpose in asking this question was nothing more than a sideways test to see if her mother's experience also had their shadow.

Strictly speaking, it wasn't wrong, but they only discovered Belmode's actions while traveling in London, and then guided Sera and his daughter to come to Japan.

From beginning to end, they had no ill intentions towards Sera and his daughter.

But Yu Gongming would not be stupid enough to tell the truth. After all, their methods at the time could not be called aboveboard, and many details were difficult to explain.

Therefore, Yu Miyazaki was simply vague, ignored Sera's hidden meaning, and only answered superficial questions.

As for what Sera and his daughter think, that is their business.

"That's it..." Shiliang seemed to have no intention of continuing to delve deeper, and muttered something and then stopped.


At twelve o'clock at noon, everyone took the car arranged by Yingyi and set off for Tokyo.

Of course, the only people in the car were Yu Gongming, Meng Yu, and Belmod. As for Conan, Sera and his daughter, they left first in the morning.

After all, Conan and Mary's state is a bit sensitive, and it's best not to be exposed to too much sight.

Yu Gongming also took the opportunity to learn about the situation on Ying Yi's side.

Generally speaking, it went smoothly. Although they encountered some obstacles, under the protection of the special police and Self-Defense Forces, they successfully sent a group of organization members to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department in the early morning.

Now, they are starting to deal with those members of the organization. Those with more serious injuries are sent to the hospital arranged by the police. Those with less serious injuries are immediately interrogated after simple treatment.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong there, Yu Gongming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There was silence all the way, and a few hours later, under Kageichi's arrangement, everyone arrived at Abedo Central Hospital.

After some cross-dressing, Belmod went through some inspections accompanied by Akira Hanomiya and others.

"The situation is better than expected!" Belmode smiled while looking at the inspection report.

Although I am not a professional doctor, I have been exposed to it for so many years and I still have no problem understanding some examination parameters.

To put it simply, there were no serious injuries to the internal organs, and most of them were just minor injuries such as muscle tissue contusions, as well as minor fractures to the right shoulder and left calf; plus a little concussion.

Based on Belmod's physical condition, he only needs to use some simple medicines, taken internally and applied externally, and he will be active and active in a few days.

Therefore, she declined the doctor's suggestion to be hospitalized for observation, saying that it would be fine as long as she was given a place to rest.

Yu Gongming readily agreed to this matter, which was also what they hoped for.

A crowded place like a hospital is not conducive to the protective surveillance of Belmode.

So, after asking the doctor to prescribe some medicine, everyone left the hospital.

"Where do you plan to let me live?" Belmod asked.

"It's better to live in Kudo's house. But as per the old rules, you can't show your true colors to others." Conan said calmly.

"It just so happens that my parents are also there, so you won't be too bored." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Oh? Is Yukiko here too? That's good." Belmod smiled.

"But before that, you have to complete your mission first." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"Of course!" Belmod naturally understood what the other party was referring to.

They are now on their way to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Half an hour later, everyone arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department.

The manager of the First Search Section - Kuroda Biewei personally received them.

"Thank you for your hard work." Kuroda Heiwei shook hands with Akira Hanomiya politely.

"No, Manager Kuroda is the one who really deserves credit for his hard work." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Kuroda smiled, glanced at everyone one by one, paused slightly at the disguised Belmode, and then made a gesture of invitation: "Everyone, please come with me."

Akira Hanomiya nodded slightly, and everyone followed Kuroda into the Metropolitan Police Department.

Not long after, everyone entered the visiting room next to the interrogation room - from here, they could see the situation in the interrogation room through a one-way glass.

Yu Gongming looked up and saw that in the interrogation room, the old man in kimono who was suspected to be the boss was being interrogated.

The interrogators are also quite heavyweights, namely Toshiro Odagiri, Chief of Criminal Investigation of the Metropolitan Police Department, and... Director Hakuba!

Akira Yumiya turned his attention to Belmod and observed her reaction.

Her eyes turned slightly, her lips pursed slightly, and she had an inexplicable expression on her face, as if she was in a very complicated mood.

At this time, Kuroda said: "Ms. Chris."

Seeing Belmode looking over, he continued: "Next, you need to correct the person in the interrogation room and confirm whether he is the leader of the black organization. I hope you can take responsibility for your next words. This is also about us. The police’s attitude toward you.”

Belmod's eyes flashed, and then he smiled and said: "I understand, and I will truthfully tell you the information I know."

"That's the best thing." Kuroda nodded.

"But..." Unexpectedly, Belmod changed the topic: "During this process, I hope that they will accompany me as witnesses throughout the process."

She gestured to Yu Gongming and others.

Kuroda glanced at Yumiya Akira and the others, and when Yumiya Akira nodded slightly, he frowned: "I can't make the decision on this matter, but I can ask your superiors for instructions."

"Thank you very much." Vermouth smiled.

Kuroda said no more and walked out silently, probably to ask for instructions.

After Kuroda left, Vermouth lightly lifted the golden hair beside her ear, looked at Yumiya Akira and smiled: "Sorry, I hope I won't cause you any trouble."

Yumiya Akira snorted: "If you really think it's a trouble, you should have told us in advance."

After a pause, he shrugged: "But it doesn't matter, we still don't mind helping with this little bit."

"Thank you very much." Vermouth smiled.

"But we can't guarantee the final result." Yumiya Akira said lightly.

"I understand." Vermouth replied calmly.

Yumiya Akira nodded slightly and said no more.

He understood what Vermouth meant by the seemingly random request just now after a little thought.

She was sending a signal to the police that she had considerable trust in Akira Hamiya and the others and had a close relationship with them.

Akira Hamiya's nod was an endorsement of the matter.

Then, it can be inferred that Vermouth could be an informant of Akira Hamiya and the others within the organization - this is also true to a certain extent.

However, for quite a long time, she was really loyal to the organization, and her initial help to Akira Hamiya and the others was also a relatively passive way.

But except for a few trustworthy people such as Maori Kogoro, others did not know the reasons.

Such information gap gave Vermouth room for maneuver.

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