"Brother Hanomiya? Why are you here at the training?" Officer Megure's expression became even weirder.

"I also got the invitation letter to this party by chance." Yu Gongming explained.

Officer Memu was really speechless when he heard this.

Is it really the case that calls the detective here?

Officer Memu was a little confused for a moment.

Shaking his head in his mind, Officer Mu Mu dismissed his distracting thoughts and brought the topic back to the case:

"Brother Hanomiya, you seem to have other opinions about Brother Maori's judgment?"

"Well, judging from the results, it seems that the murderer wanted to shoot President Ishimoto, but the bullet just missed and focused on Representative Takada."

"But don't you think it's strange? The murderer didn't seem to choose a good time to shoot."

"I just asked the staff. The room where the spotlight is placed is not the control room of the spotlight. No staff has entered there since the party started."

"In other words, the murderer could have been calmly hiding there and preparing to shoot."

"Then, why didn't he choose to shoot before the lights in the venue dimmed down, or after Representative Takada finished speaking and the lights in the venue came back on? Wouldn't that be safer?"

"In fact, the murderer chose to use the spotlight shining on Representative Takada to shoot. This choice of timing is really strange."

"I have reason to suspect that this murderer may not be using President Ishimoto as a cover. His real target is actually Representative Takada."

"Indeed, if you want to kill President Ishimoto, there is no need for the murderer to deliberately choose to attack when Representative Takada passes by President Ishimoto. On the contrary, he will make it more difficult for himself..." Officer Megure said thoughtfully.

"Kid Hanomiya, I think you just think too much. Maybe the murderer is an arrogant guy and he just wants to kill people in this way? Moreover, President Ishimoto did receive a threatening letter, and he himself was injured. , I think the murderer just missed the shot." Mouri Kogoro retorted.

"I just have suspicions. If you want to know the truth, you need to conduct further investigation. However, I do have some clues about the murderer." Hanemiya Ming said.

"Oh? Brother Hanomiya, do you have any clues?" Officer Megure asked.

"Conan, give that photo to Officer Megure." Akira Hanomiya looked at Conan.

"Okay!" Conan agreed, handed a photo in his hand to Officer Megure, and explained:

"This is a photo I just took with Sister Xiaolan. The person next to us has neither talked to anyone before nor tasted the food. He seems out of place for this party."

"And after the gunfire rang out and the lights came on, we saw with our own eyes that man standing right there in the spotlight!"

"Oh? Conan, are you talking about the man wearing sunglasses next to you and Xiaolan?" Officer Megure confirmed.

"Yes! Brother Yumiya and the others have all seen it!" Conan said, and Yumiya Ming and others also expressed that what Conan said was true.

"It seems that this person is suspected of committing a major crime... Brother Takagi!" Officer Megure called to Officer Takagi and handed him the photo:

"Please go and investigate the identity of the man wearing sunglasses in the photo!"

"Yes!" Officer Takagi agreed, took the photo and left quickly.

"Eh? Officer Megure, what is this?" Conan squatted in front of an evidence sign at some point, pointing at a pile of fragments and asked.

"You little brat, how many times have I told you not to disturb the police in handling the case!" Mouri Kogoro said unhappily.

"No, Conan can actually help a lot." Officer Megure chuckled.

"Besides, I feel that Conan is much more useful than you in the investigation of the case..." Officer Megure added silently in his mind.

Later, he explained to Conan:

"This is a fragment of the microphone on Representative Takada's chest. The microphone was completely damaged by a bullet."

"Is this so..." Conan looked at the pile of fragments, frowning slightly, thoughtfully.

Yu Gongming looked away from the pile of microphone fragments and accidentally glanced at the entrance of the venue. He saw young men in gray suits passing by the entrance of the venue and glanced at a few people.

"It's been so long, are there any guests who haven't left yet?" When Hanomiya Akira was confused, Tanaka Sachiko, who was standing next to Ishimoto Seiji, suddenly said:

"I'm sorry, President, I'm a little anxious, so I'll excuse you."

After receiving Seiji Ishimoto's consent, Sachiko Tanaka quickly walked out of the venue.

The young man in gray suit just passed by the entrance of the venue.

"Huh? Isn't this a coincidence?"

Yu Gongming frowned slightly, then came to Conan and knelt down, and whispered to Conan who was still thinking attentively: "Follow me and take a look."

Conan was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Akira Hanomiya pointing at Sachiko Tanaka who had already walked to the entrance of the venue.

Although Conan didn't understand what he meant, he nodded and trotted to follow Sachiko Tanaka.

"Conan, where are you going?" Xiaolan shouted when she saw Conan suddenly leaving.

"I asked Conan to do some things, don't worry." Akira Hanamiya explained.

"Hmph! It would be nice if he, a kid, doesn't mess up things!" Mouri Kogoro snorted.

Next, the police conducted another search of the scene. After all traces and evidence had been photographed and fixed, Officer Megure was ready to close the team and leave.

"Mr. Mori, I'm going to the hospital for recuperation. Please continue to protect me until the murderer is caught!" Seiji Ishimoto suddenly said.

"President Ishimoto, why don't you go to the hospital arranged by our police?" Officer Megure suggested.

"No, I don't trust the ability of the police. On the contrary, I think detectives like Mr. Mori who have been working for many years are more reliable." Honseiji said calmly.

"Uh...well..." Officer Megure suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Well, after all, the murderer wants your life, why not go to the hospital arranged by the police?" Mouri Kogoro also said.

"Our president has his own hospital." Accompanied by a soft female voice, Sachiko Tanaka walked towards the group of people.

She looked at the few people and smiled: "I think, as the targets of intimidation, we have the right to choose whether to accept police protection, right?"

"That's true, but..." Officer Megure wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Sachiko Tanaka:

"It's enough to leave the matter of protecting the president to me and Mr. Mori. Mr. Mori, do you have no problem?" Tanaka Yukiko looked at Kogoro Mori.

As soon as Mouri Kogoro caught Tanaka Sachiko's gaze, he straightened up immediately, patted his chest and promised:

"No problem, I leave the safety of President Ishimoto to me, Kogoro Mori!"

"...Okay." Officer Memu could only nod helplessly when he saw this.

Although he felt that Seiji Ishimoto's decision was somewhat unreliable, the police did not have the right to force citizens to accept protection.

"Officer Megure, we have also returned. Please be sure to inform me of any progress in the case." Akiya Hanomiya said.

"No problem!" Officer Memu agreed to the request readily.

Afterwards, Akira Hanamiya, Mengyu, Xiaolan and Conan, who returned quietly, took the subway back to Mihua, while Kogoro Mori got into Seiji Ishimoto's car and rushed to a certain hospital.

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