Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 206 The murderer is dead?

Return to Mihua on the subway.

"How about it? Is there anything gained from following Miss Tanaka?" Yu Gongming asked.

"There are some." Conan nodded and said:

"I followed Ms. Tanaka to an inconspicuous corner and found her meeting a man with a ponytail there."

"I stepped forward, and without being discovered by them, I faintly heard Miss Tanaka asking the man if [this matter] was related to him, but the man denied it."

"After that, they talked about other things. Judging from the conversation, the man seemed to have a lot of hatred for President Ishimoto."

"Oh? Do you know that man's name?" Yu Gongming asked.

"I don't know the full name, but Miss Tanaka called the man [Kenichi]." Conan recalled.

"It seems that the man named Kenichi also had the motive to kill President Ishimoto." Meng Yu said.

"However, according to Hanomiya-senpai's analysis, the murderer may have come for President Ishimoto, or he may have targeted Congressman Takada. In this case, it is difficult to say whether Kenichi is related to the shooting incident." Xiaolan analyzed.

"No matter what, you can ask Officer Megure to check on this person." Yumiya Akira said and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

As a result, as soon as he took out his cell phone, the phone started ringing.

"Oh? What a coincidence. Officer Megure also received news." Akira Hanomiya said and answered the phone.

"Hey! Officer Megure...oh? Has the man in sunglasses been found out?"

"Yes!" Officer Memu said on the other end of the phone:

"We found his information in the files of ex-convicts. This guy has quite a few criminal records!"

"Is he actually a habitual offender?" Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, his name is Hiraoka Shiro. He is 35 years old. He has repeatedly dug up the secrets of large companies in order to extort huge intimidation payments."

"He used to dig up the shady secrets of the company, so the victims did not report the crime out of self-protection, but once he tried the same trick again but failed."

"The secret he dug up turned out to be someone else who framed the president, so the president confidently reported the case, and Hiraoka spent several years in jail because of it. He was not released from prison until a year ago."

"This man is quite famous in the underworld. Rumor has it that as long as he meets a suitable target, he will not let go, so the gang gave him the nickname "Piranha Hiraoka"."

To a certain extent, the information the police have is quite large and detailed. Less than an hour before the actual investigation of this person, Officer Megure already has detailed information about this person.

"Are you planning to arrest this Ping Gang now?" Akira Yunomiya asked.

"Well, but this Ping Gang is very cunning, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to catch him." Officer Megure said.

"Then I hope Officer Megure can catch him soon. In addition, I also have some clues to provide." Hanomiya smiled.

"Oh? Did Brother Hanomiya find any clues?" Officer Megure's tone became obviously excited.

"It's nothing. I just discovered that President Ishimoto's secretary secretly met with a man named [Kenichi] during our investigation."

"I asked Conan to eavesdrop on their conversation. According to Conan's account, that [Kenichi] seemed to have a lot of hatred for President Ishimoto."

"Oh? Such a thing could happen?" Officer Megure asked in surprise.

"Yes, so Officer Megure might as well investigate this person. If the murderer's target is really President Ishimoto, then he is the biggest suspect at present." Akira Hanomiya said solemnly.

"Okay! I understand. I will contact Brother Hanomiya again if there is any new progress!"

"Okay! I'm waiting for your news!"

Officer Memu agreed and hung up the phone.

"What did Officer Mu Mu say?" Meng Yu asked a question that was of great interest to the other three people present.

Akira Hanomiya summarized the information provided by Officer Megure.

"Now it is basically certain that Hiraoka should be the murderer who directly killed Representative Takada. However, judging from Hiraoka's past behavior style, it is more likely that he targeted President Ishimoto."

"Coupled with the fact that [Kenichi] has hatred for President Ishimoto, is this really a manslaughter?" Conan frowned.

There was something odd about the whole thing that struck him.

"Now it depends on whether Officer Megure and the others can catch Hiraoka Shiro. As the person who directly took action, he should know a lot of things." Meng Yu said.

"Wait a minute, if the murderer's target is really President Ishimoto, and the [Kenichi] you are talking about is really related to this matter, will my father who is with Miss Tanaka be in danger?" Xiaolan suddenly worried road.

"That's right, I'll inform Uncle Maori now." Yu Gongming took out his mobile phone again.

Soon, the call was connected...

"Hey! Mr. Hanomiya, what do you want from me? I'm busy right now!" As soon as he answered the phone, Mouri Kogoro showed an impatient attitude.

"Uncle Maori, are there anyone else around you?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Yes, I am chatting with Miss Tanaka now!" Mouri Kogoro's tone became more and more dissatisfied.

Obviously, he was blaming Yu Gongming for disturbing his friendly communication with the beauty.

"I have something very important to tell you. You'd better go to a place without people to talk to me now. Uncle, please pay attention to it. This matter is related to your safety." He said in a serious tone.

"Uh...wait a minute." Mouri Kogoro corrected his attitude when he heard Hanamiya Akira being so solemn.

Akira Hanomiya only heard a few words of explanation between Mouri Kogoro and someone on the other end of the phone. After another period of silence, Mouri Kogoro's voice rang again:

"Okay, I'm in a deserted place now. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

So, Akira Hanomiya told Conan's discovery and the concerns of several of his own people.

"In short, although I am not sure whether Miss Tanaka has anything to do with this matter, you still need to be careful when getting along with her."

After a pause, Yu Gongming continued: "I hope you will pay attention to your safety, uncle. Xiaolan has been worried about you all the way."

Mouri Kogoro had no illustrations during Hanamiya Akira's narration, and until Hanamiya Akira finished speaking, he still did not reply immediately.

After a moment, he finally said: "I understand, tell Xiaolan that I will pay attention to safety so that she doesn't have to worry."

Without waiting for Akira Hanomiya's reply, Mouri Kogoro hung up the phone.

Yu Gongming put the phone back into his pocket and smiled at Xiaolan: "I have already told my uncle. Judging from his attitude, he should have listened."

"That's good." Xiaolan's expression relaxed slightly.

Although his father is sometimes a little out of tune, when he is serious, he is still relatively reliable.

After that, after Yu Gongming and others returned to Mihua Station, they went back to their respective homes.


The next morning.

As soon as Yu Gongming came out of the bathroom to wash up, the phone on the table rang.

As soon as Hanemiya Akira looked at the caller ID, he immediately answered the call:

"Hey! Officer Megure, what's new? What? Hiraoka is dead!?"

Yu Gongming's face darkened!

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