Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 209 Collecting clues

The man glanced at Yu Gongming, and then sighed:

"Okay, just ask whatever you want to know."

"Let's start by introducing ourselves." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"Okay, my name is Shibata Kenichi, and I'm the bartender at a bar in Miwa."

"As far as I know, you seem to have hatred for President Ishimoto?" Akira Hanomiya asked again.

"That's right, because my father's company was destroyed by that guy Ishimoto, and my father eventually committed suicide by jumping off a building. How can I not hate Seiji Ishimoto?" Kenichi Shibata gritted his teeth.

"What is the purpose of your coming to the president's office?" Akira Yunomiya continued to ask.

"Of course it's to find evidence that he killed Representative Takada so that he can be sent to prison!" Shibata Kenichi said matter-of-factly.

"Oh? Do you suspect that President Ishimoto is behind all this?" Akira Hanomiya asked with interest.

"That's right! Otherwise, I wouldn't believe it was such a coincidence. Representative Takada was shot just as he was passing by."

"I think he must have some grudge against Councilor Takada and want to get rid of Councilor Takada, so he pretended to be intimidated to avoid suspicion."

"Furthermore, in order to kill Representative Takada, I thought Ishimoto must have used some mechanism to control the pistol in the spotlight to fire, so I came to the president's office to look for any clues."

"As you can see, I found this remote control in Ishimoto's drawer. This should be the remote control used by Ishimoto to control the pistol!"

After listening to Kenichi Shibata's narration, Akira Hanamiya and Conan's eyes became brighter and brighter!

"Hey! Hanomiya, do you remember the traces of adhesive on the spotlight?" Conan asked.

"Of course I remember. Moreover, as long as we combine the characteristics of the spotlight and add that device, the entire murder mechanism can be completed." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"Wait a minute, if that's the case, maybe Ping Gang will leave us some clues? I think he should also have the consciousness of being used as a gunman, right?" Meng Yu also followed the thoughts of the two detectives.

"Let's go take a look at the building in Ping Gang!" Hanemiya Ming said.

Mengyu also let go of Shibata Kenichi::

"Mr. Shibata, we have almost restored the truth. If you are interested, you might as well come to the banquet hall last night."

"Hey! Who are you after spending a long time?" Kenichi Shibata asked doubtfully.

"We are just a group of idle people with some curiosity, so, goodbye!" Yu Gongming said and left quickly towards the elevator, Mengyu and Conan naturally followed closely behind.

Shibata Kenichi stared blankly at the people walking away, not knowing what to do for a moment...


The entrance to an abandoned building in Mihua.

"I'm sorry, a murder just happened here. No one can enter!" A young police officer blocked the way of Yu Gongming and the others.

"Wait a minute Kuroki, let them in!" An older police officer walked over.

"But team leader..." The young police officer seemed hesitant.

The older police officer ignored the young police officer, turned to Hanomiya Akira and said with a smile:

"Sorry, Detective Hanomiya, this is a newcomer who has just joined the police force as an intern. Officer Megure has already greeted me. You can go in and investigate as you like."

"Thank you." Yu Gongming thanked him and then entered the building with Conan and Mengyu.

The older police officer looked at the retreating figures of Hanemiya Ming and others, patted the young police officer on the shoulder and said:

"You must remember the faces of those people just now. This is a famous detective and his assistant who have helped us solve countless cases. Not only does he have a good personal relationship with Officer Megure, there are also rumors that he and Matsumoto Management The official also has a certain connection, and we can never afford to offend him!"

"Oh, I remember." The young police officer nodded and humbly accepted the teachings of his seniors.


"Is this where Ping Gang fell to the ground?" Conan glanced at the outline of a human figure drawn on the ground with chalk and asked.

"Let's look around. For people like Hiraoka, since they are willing to take risks and conspire with that person to murder, they will definitely leave some backup to avoid becoming a scapegoat." Hanemiya Ming said.

After hearing this, several people began to search around.

Conan kicked over the trash can placed in the stairwell, and some scattered garbage inside was scattered on the floor.

Conan took a cursory glance and looked away when he saw that there was nothing of value.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly stopped.

Then, he moved the trash can completely away.

A gap between the wall and the floor caught Conan's eyes.

Conan's eyes lit up, and he hurried to the gap, reached in and took it out.

When he pulled out his hand, something was already in his hand.

"I found it!" Conan shouted.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu heard the sound and came over. When they saw what Conan was holding, smiles appeared on their faces.

"Okay, now that the techniques and evidence are in place, the next step is to identify the murderer!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

While everyone was excited, Yu Gongming's cell phone rang.

Yu Gongming answered the phone:

"Hey! Brother Hanomiya, the result of the man named [Kenichi] you asked me to check before has been found!" Officer Megure's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Oh! We have met Mr. Shibata before." Akira Hanomiya replied.

Then, Officer Megure and Akira Hanomiya exchanged information about Kenichi Shibata.

"Well, now that we have figured out the whole story of this case, please ask Officer Megure to invite President Ishimoto, Secretary Arakura and other relevant personnel to the banquet hall of the Aipido Hotel in an hour? I will The truth was revealed there!" Yu Gongming finally said.

"Oh? Brother Hanomiya already knows the truth?" Officer Megure's voice suddenly rose, and his tone was full of excitement.

"Well, I will explain the case when the time comes." Yu Gongming affirmed.

"Okay! In one hour, I guarantee that everyone will be able to arrive at the Abeido Hotel banquet hall!" Officer Megure promised.

The two of them hung up the phone after a few more polite words.

"Let's go, let's rush to Aimeido Hotel first. We still have to make some preparations after all." Hanamiya Akira said with a smile.

Conan and Mengyu nodded, and the three of them left the abandoned building and headed to the Cupido Hotel.

after an hour……

"Brother Hanomiya, we are here!" Officer Megure walked into the banquet hall with a large group of people.

Seiji Ishimoto, Tsuneaki Arakura, Sachiko Tanaka, Kenichi Shibata, and even Kogoro Mouri also came along.

"Mr. Detective, I think you need to know that after the death of Representative Takada, I have too many things to be busy with. I hope you can satisfy me." Tsuneaki Arakura said in a domineering tone.

"Yes, Mr. Hanomiya, why did you call us here specifically? Isn't this case over? Isn't the murderer Hiraoka?" Mouri Kogoro asked doubtfully.

"Everyone, please be patient." Yu Gongming, who was standing in front of everyone, smiled and said:

"Since I called everyone here, I will naturally tell everyone the truth, but before that..." Akira Hanomiya suddenly took out something and handed it to Officer Megure.

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