Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 210 Restoration Techniques

"This is this?" Officer Megure looked at what Akira Hanomiya handed over, his expression a little confused.

"This is the microphone I borrowed from the hotel staff. It is the same model as the one that Representative Takada wore on his chest last night." Akira Hanomiya explained.

"Uh, but Brother Hanomiya, why are you giving me this?" Officer Megure was still confused.

"Next, I will restore the entire process of last night's shooting. Now I would like to ask Officer Megure to play the role of Representative Takada." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

"I see, I understand." Officer Megure nodded and put the microphone on his chest.

"Well, everyone, now please stand in the same place as last night based on your memory." Yu Gongming continued.

After everyone hesitated for a moment, they finally followed what Yu Gongming said and stood in roughly the same place as last night.

Of course, Representative Takada's position has been replaced by Officer Megure.

After seeing everyone in place, Yumiya Mingyi snapped his fingers.


The lights in the entire venue suddenly dimmed.

About two seconds later, a spotlight accurately shone on Officer Megure.

"Mr. Arakura, please lead Officer Megure past President Ishimoto like you did last night!" came Akira Hanamiya's voice.

Shinkura Tsuneaki nodded slightly, leading Officer Megure to follow the route last night, and finally came to Ishimoto Seiji.

next moment……


A gunshot suddenly rang out!

Everyone was shocked.

Officer Megure's body immediately stiffened.

However, after feeling that there was no abnormality in his body, he breathed a sigh of relief.


The venue lights came on again.

All eyes are focused on the spotlight.

"Ah? Dream Whisper? Why are you there? Did you fire the gun just now?" Officer Megure shouted.

In the room where the spotlight was, Meng Yu suddenly appeared!

Meng Yu crossed her arms and looked down at the people below. She didn't say anything, but pointed to the upper part of the spotlight.

Everyone's eyes subconsciously followed her hand.

"Huh? That's..." Officer Memu's eyes suddenly widened!

"There is a pistol stuck to the spotlight!" Mouri Kogoro said in surprise.

"Wait, what is that thing on the pistol?" Officer Megure asked confused.

I saw an unknown object tied to the outside of the pistol. A thin line extended from the object, and the other end of the thin line was connected to the trigger of the pistol!

"This is a motor!" Mengyu finally said:

"Use a thin wire to connect the motor to the trigger of the pistol. As long as the motor starts to rotate, the pistol will fire even if no one pulls the trigger!"

"And the remote control that controls the rotation of the motor..." Akira Hanamong took over the conversation and slowly took out his right hand from his pocket: "It's right here with me!"

There is already an extra remote control in Yu Gongming's hand.

"Wait a minute, this doesn't make sense..." Officer Megure said, rubbing his chin.

"According to what you guys said before, Brother Hanomiya, gunshots rang out and after the lights at the venue were turned on, you saw Hiraoka under the spotlight."

"Since he was there at the time, why bother designing such a mechanism?"

"Because of the spotlight characteristics of this venue." Hanemiya Akira said with a smile:

"This spotlight uses the latest equipment. The equipment will receive the signal from the microphone on your chest and will move according to the signal source."

"Oh? Is this the case?" Officer Megure said and took two steps forward.

"That spotlight really moved!" Mouri Kogoro said in surprise.

As Officer Megure moved, the spotlight above also adjusted the angle of illumination.

"Wait a minute, if the spotlight is designed like this, then Hiraoka's goal is actually..." Officer Megure's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, Hiraoka's target has been Councilor Takada from the beginning!" Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

"So, he waited until Congressman Takada passed by President Ishimoto to shoot him, and the threatening letter he sent to President Ishimoto was actually a cover-up!" Mouri Kogoro suddenly said.

"That's right." Yu Gongming nodded.

"But why would Hiraoka, a commercial extortionist, want to kill Representative Takada?" Officer Megure asked doubtfully.

"Hiraoka is just an accomplice. There is someone else who really wants Councilor Takada's life!" Akira Hanomiya said solemnly.

"And that accomplice is Ishimoto Seiji!" Shibata Kenichi on the side suddenly interjected.

Everyone was attracted by the sudden sound and looked over unconsciously.

"Kenichi?" Tanaka Sachiko asked in surprise.

"Eh? Who are you?" Mouri Kogoro asked in confusion.

"This is my boyfriend Shibata Kenichi." Sachiko Tanaka introduced.

"Wha...what? Boyfriend!?" Mouri Kogoro's expression suddenly became dull.

When Hanemiya Akira looked at Mouri Kogoro's expression, he seemed to hear the sound of something breaking.

"Sure enough, Uncle Maori's dream of old cows eating tender grass is as yellow as ever..." Yu Gongming secretly laughed in his heart.

"Mr. Shibata, you just said that the accomplice was President Ishimoto. What is the basis for this?"

"Because I found that remote control in Ishimoto Seiji's company. If you don't believe me, you can ask this detective. He got the remote control from me!" Shibata Kenichi shouted.

"Impossible! I don't have such a thing at all!" Ishimoto Seiji said with an ugly expression.

"Hmph! There's no point in pretending now. You're really good at planning. You pretended to be intimidated to clear your suspicions. However, I found the evidence for you after all!" Shibata Kenichi said coldly.

"No... no... I didn't kill anyone!" Ishimoto Cheng denied it repeatedly.

"The accomplice is not President Ishimoto." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

"What? This is impossible! Didn't that kid see me taking the remote control?" Kenichi Shibata pointed at Conan, who had been making soy sauce.

"Brother, you want to send President Ishimoto to prison. We can understand your desire to avenge your father. However, unfortunately, I tell you that the murderer is not President Ishimoto." Conan shook his head and smiled:

"Because, if the murderer is President Ishimoto, there is one thing that doesn't make sense."

"Which point?" Shibata Kenichi asked.

"It's very simple, because the murderer sent a threatening letter to President Ishimoto before and chose the time to open the box to make everyone think that it was President Ishimoto he wanted to kill."

“However, in order to do this, we must make sure that Representative Takada will pass by President Ishimoto.”

"But, neither Hiraoka nor President Ishimoto could have expected this before." Conan explained.

""I see. In other words, the accomplice must be sure that Representative Takada can pass President Ishimoto before this plan can be completed... huh? In that case, the only one who can do this is..."

Officer Megure looked at one person.

As Officer Megure muttered to himself, everyone also speculated on the eligible accomplices.

Gradually, everyone's eyes focused on one person.

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