Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 315 Akira Hanomiya VS Shin Kyogoku

After seeing Kyogoku Makoto return to the playing field, the audience suddenly burst into cheers:

"Come on Kyogoku-senpai!"

"You are the pride of our cup family!"

"We must defeat Yumiya Akira!"

Encouragement or expectations like this are endless.

The audience at Didan High School took a look and thought, oh? The current commander has just been abused, how dare he be so arrogant?

As a result, the audience of Didan, including members of the Didan Women's Karate Club, also cheered.

"Come on, Hanomiya-senpai!" This is relatively normal.

There are also some unusual ones:

"Hanomiya-senpai, you have to work hard, you are the man that my eldest sister likes!"

"Hamiya-senpai, if you lose this time, be careful to go back and kneel on the washboard!"

"No, Hanomiya-senpai should be careful when kneeling on the keyboard!"

When Yu Gongming heard these words, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched. What kind of nonsense is this?

Shaking his head slightly, Hanomiya Akira looked at Kyogoku Makoto: "How is it? Now you are Acupito's last hope. Are you feeling any pressure?"

"If I can defeat you once, I can defeat you a second time." Kyogoku said calmly.

"That's not necessarily the case. I'm not what I used to be now!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Me too." Kyogoku replied simply and forcefully.

"Then let me see the real chapter." Yu Gongming put away his smile and his expression became extremely solemn.

Kyogoku nodded and said no more, but a deep and heavy aura had quietly gathered.

"Hanomiya-senpai, you just played a game, do you need a break?" asked the host girl on the side.

Yu Gongming shook his head: "No need, I didn't actually consume any physical strength just now. I have recovered after standing here for a while, and it was a good warm-up just now. I have no problem at all from now on."

"Okay! Let's witness another peak showdown between the two legendary generals, Teidan and Cupito!"

The host announced loudly, and the audience burst into cheers.

The host left the stage, the referee took his place, the players from both sides put on their protective gear and paid tribute to each other.

The duel... officially begins!

Hanamiya Akira and Kyogoku Jinma stood opposite each other. Neither of them put on any posture, and their whole bodies seemed to be very relaxed.

But facing the opponent's stance, which seemed to be full of flaws, no one acted rashly.

Because they all understand that the so-called flaws all over the body are just an illusion.

Once you really attack these flaws, you will inevitably face the fiercest counterattack from your opponent!

Akira Hanomiya looked solemn and stared at Kyogoku Makoto, who was a few meters away.

The opponent in front of him was definitely not comparable to Yi Tang Xiucheng.

The level of Yi Tang's cultivation is still at the most basic level of strength, speed, and use of moves and skills.

As for these things, Yu Gongming is only stronger than Yi Tang Xiucheng.

With a deep understanding of various karate moves, Hanomiya Akira can instantly understand Itou Shusei's intentions through judgment of body movements, positioning and other factors as soon as he sees Idou Shusei's move.

Therefore, facing Yi Tang Xiucheng, he was able to do it with ease and predict the enemy's attack first.

However, Kyogoku Zhen has entered another realm like him.

Not constrained by shape, not fixed in style, it moves according to one's heart like an antelope hanging its horns, and can reach the peak of perfection when the opportunity arises.

Facing such an opponent, it doesn't mean that you can't predict. After all, the way of martial arts is ever-changing, and masters like them all know what response is most appropriate under what circumstances.

However, even if you can predict, it is actually useless, because even if you predict the opponent's actions and respond to it, the other party can also instantly understand your response, and then make adjustments again, or even mislead.

Then, you see through this layer of misleading and make adjustments or counter-misleading...

If you go through all the layers of nesting like this, no one will be able to take advantage in the end.

In the end, the key to the competition between the two sides once again returned to the most basic strength, speed, and toughness.

Compete with who is more powerful, who is faster, and who... reveals the real flaw first!

Akira Hanamiya and Makoto Kyogoku stared closely at each other, and there seemed to be an invisible momentum fiercely colliding between them.

The originally noisy audience seemed to feel the aura of impending rain, and gradually held their breath and concentrated, and the venue fell into a brief silence.

At a certain moment, the two figures moved at the same time!

The audience suddenly felt their eyes dazzled.

boom! boom! boom!

Three dull, short sounds echoed in the silent venue.

Akira Hanamiya and Makoto Kyogoku took two steps back at the same time.

Feeling the tingling sensation coming from his hands, Yu Gongming bared his teeth.

"Damn, he is indeed a Super Saiyan, a ruthless person who can catch BB bullets with his bare hands. He punches three times in less than one second, and his strength is so exaggerated."

As soon as the thoughts in Yu Gongming's mind changed, Kyogoku Zhen had already attacked again.

Yu Gongming regained his composure and faced him as well.

The whole body of the two people was instantly submerged by Quan Feng's retreat, and the sound of fists and feet clashing could be heard endlessly.

Both of them were taking the fast attack route at this time, using high-frequency attacks to overwhelm their opponents. In the end, they had to expose their flaws and succeed with one blow.

The audience outside the venue widened their eyes.

"Hey! I thought I saw afterimages of their hands just now!" one person exclaimed.

"You are not alone, I saw it too!" the companion next to him echoed.

"How did they block such a fast attack?" Someone else asked in shock.

As the most expert group of people here, the karate club members of Teidan and Cupido saw more.

"Damn it! Not only the realm, but also the strength and speed are so strong?" Yitang Xiucheng, who was already in a low mood, looked at the two fighting on the field and felt even worse.

After some introspection, Yitang Xiucheng naturally realized the gap in his realm.

He also secretly vowed in his heart that he must step into the realm of Hanomiya Akira and Kyogoku Makoto as soon as possible. In this way, with the strength and speed that he thought he was better than Hanomiya Akira, he would be able to avenge his shame!

However, after seeing the real rhythm of the battle between Akira Hanamiya and Kyogoku, he realized that he really thought too much!

What about Di Dan?

"Nagano-senpai, what kind of move is that, Hatamiya-senpai? Why does it have the shadow of three-book kumite and a little bit of one-book kumite, but if you look closely, it's the free kumite method again. It's completely different. There are no tricks!" A member of the Didan Karate Club said in shock.

Hearing this, Toyoshi Nagano said with a proud look on his face: "Hanomiya-senpai no longer needs to follow the so-called routines. For him, there are no moves that make up a routine, only moves to defeat the enemy."

"Look, the move that Senior Hanomiya made just now was to switch to a hook kick halfway through the forward kick. It opened Kyogoku's sword at the right time, and at the same time forced Kyogoku to move his body, making his next attack impossible. It fell to the weak point of Hanomiya-senpai’s defense.”

"Kyogoku Shinya is very powerful. He just made a move by adjusting the angle of the knee strike, allowing Hanomiya-senpai to successfully reach a comfortable attack position for his arms. Then the knee strike landed on the leg, and he quickly followed up with a punch, and then followed up. A mid-section kick... Fortunately, Hanomiya-senpai reacted quickly, otherwise that mid-section kick would have been scored!"

Nagano Toyoshi was explaining some details of the battle to a group of confused club members, but such detailed confrontations were happening every moment on the field.

"The game time is up, neither side has scored, and now it enters a one-minute overtime!" the referee announced.

The competition time for each round of the junior karate group is two minutes. In the individual competition, if both sides fail to score within the specified time, they can enter a one-minute overtime, and the first one to score wins.

If the overtime still cannot determine the winner, the referee will make the decision.

After hearing the referee's words, the two bunt players suddenly separated and stood ten steps apart.

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