Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 316 Victory or Loss

Seeing Akira Hanomiya and Makoto Kyogoku, who were fighting fiercely, suddenly separated, everyone onlookers were stunned.

At this time, the two men's breathing was still steady, but sweat was already visible on their foreheads. It was obvious that both of them had consumed a lot of energy in the previous confrontation.

"Let's do this for now." Yu Gongming breathed lightly and said: "If this continues, let alone one minute, even if it is five minutes, I don't think anyone will be able to score first. Then the referee will have to make the decision. That would be boring. ah!"

"You should eventually reveal your flaws before me." Kyogoku said calmly.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "But I can also make the flaws appear in advance. Such flaws are more controllable. Maybe I will be a little embarrassed, but you don't want to score."

Kyogoku Zhen frowned: "Do you usually compete with Mengyu like this without knowing the outcome?"

Yu Gongming shook his head: "That's different. My competition with Mengyu will not be limited to the restrictions of various competition rules. Joints, temples, jaws, sides of the neck, back of the head, various joints, etc. can all be attacked. And some more dangerous wrestling techniques can also be performed."

"Whoever touches the opponent's vital parts first, or whoever knocks the opponent to the ground first, will win. Anyway, we all have a sense of propriety. Although the moves are dangerous, it's okay if we get hit."

Kyogoku nodded in understanding: "If you are not restricted by the rules of the competition, the methods you can use will indeed be more diverse, and it will indeed be easier for you to determine the outcome."

"But, here, in front of so many juniors from both schools, we can't do such outrageous things." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Kyogoku was silent for a while, then sighed: "I underestimated the enemy. I thought I could tell the difference within the framework of the competition, but I didn't expect your progress to be so unexpected."

"Thank you, it turns out that a good sparring partner is very important." Yu Gongming smiled and looked in the direction of Meng Yu.

Mengyu noticed his gaze, smiled and waved to him.

"It seems that the competition with Mengyu can only wait for the next opportunity." Kyogoku said with a regretful expression.

"Don't worry, I will let this opportunity always be just an opportunity." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Hmph! When the time comes, we will follow the rules of your competition." Kyogoku snorted coldly.

"Then we have to wait until you can control the growing power!" Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

Kyogoku was really taken aback: "Did you see it?"

Yu Gongming curled his lips: "Nonsense! I've been fighting you for two minutes. Doesn't this show that I can fight you till now?"

In fact, during the fight with Kyogoku, Akira Hanomiya discovered that although Kyogoku's strength and speed had made great progress compared to his memory, Kyogoku could not control this power. freely.

Therefore, several times, Akira Hanomiya used the deviation in the control of this power to cleverly block Kyogoku's explosive offensive.

"My strength has entered a period of rapid growth during this period, and it's not easy to control it." Kyogoku said helplessly.

"Do you know how many people will hit you with this expression? Countless people dream of entering such a period of strength growth!" Yu Gongming complained.

"You should know that power beyond your control is a burden." Kyogoku said calmly.

"But once you take control, the burden will immediately turn into powerful strength." Yu Gongming replied.

"So, you have to be careful next time." Kyogoku's eyes narrowed slightly.

Akira Hanamiya's expression remained unchanged: "It's not just you who is making progress."

"Both of you, the one-minute extra time has arrived a long time ago." Seeing that the two of them were not fighting well, but actually chatting with each other, a referee reminded him helplessly.

"There's no need to compete. Just like what Hanomiya said just now, no one will be able to score in another five minutes. You can just watch and judge." Kyogoku said indifferently.

The referees suddenly became ashamed.

The battle between these two people in the first two minutes was indeed exciting, and their level of performance was comparable even to that of the famous players in each genre.

However, it was precisely because both of them performed so impeccably that no one scored at the end of the game.

Seeing this situation, the referees couldn't help but think of a phenomenon in the karate world.

Those who participate in various karate competitions are generally not too old, and most of them are young disciples of various schools.

However, many famous masters who have been immersed in karate for many years have gradually faded out of these events. They occasionally attend, either as referees, judges, or commentators.

Because at their level, there is no way to push them to their limits through competition, and bullying opponents who are weaker than them is not beneficial to their progress.

Then, they will naturally have no interest in this kind of competition with sports competition and spectatorship.

Karate is, after all, a fighting art, and can even be regarded as a killing art.

Under the restrictions of the competition system, it not only greatly restricts the performance of various karate skills, but also makes it impossible to achieve a truly advanced state.

On the contrary, such a competition also cannot allow masters who have entered the advanced realm to truly decide the winner.

Just like Akira Hanomiya and Shin Kyogoku in front of them.

The referees looked at the two teenagers with complicated eyes.

Unexpectedly, these two young men, who are not as young as the weak crown, have already reached a height that many famous masters may not be able to achieve after years of hard training.

What a terrible future!

It's a sigh, but how to judge has become a problem.

In the eyes of the audience, the two were tied, and both performed brilliantly. It seemed inappropriate to judge who won.

After deliberation, the referee finally decided that after all, Hanamiya Akira had fought Itou Shucheni before, and then immediately faced Kyogoku Makoto. Taken together, Hanamiya Akira's will and resilience were even more outstanding in this game. , therefore, it was finally decided that Akira Hagong won.

The audience at Aido High School naturally complained about this result, but they were not that confident either.

After all, the referee's decision was not without basis. No matter how easy it was for Yu Gongming to beat Yi Tang Xiucheng, it was still a game, wasn't it?

Could it be said that the opponent had almost no effort to beat his current leader, which means he was in full condition to face Kyogoku?

Although this is true to a certain extent, it would be too demoralizing to say it.

Therefore, the audience at Aidedo High School just complained and stopped making noise after that.

After the game, the two returned to the guest seats.

"You performed well, thank you for your hard work!" Meng Yu took a towel and helped Yu Gongming wipe the sweat on his face.

Not far away, Yi Tang Xiucheng, who had been paying attention intentionally or unintentionally, suddenly felt jealousy in his eyes.

"Damn it! Just wait and see, you guy!"

"Kyogoku-senpai, please wipe your sweat." Suzuki Sonoko handed a towel to Kyogoku Makoto.

Kyogoku was stunned for a moment, then thanked him, took the towel and started wiping his sweat.

Suzuki Sonoko happily picked up her camera and watched the battle video on the screen, her eyes shining brightly:

"Hamiya-senpai and Kyogoku-senpai are both so handsome...Hamiya-senpai is already famous, and Kyogoku-senpai doesn't seem to have a girlfriend yet!"

Suzuki Sonoko secretly glanced at Kyogoku Makoto and murmured in her heart: "Hmm... Although he is a bit darker, he still looks quite handsome, and judging from his speech and behavior, he seems to be a pretty calm person."

"But people with this kind of personality generally don't understand amorous feelings, right?"

"Oh, forget it, I'd better find a romantic handsome guy like Kidd-sama!"

After that, the host came on stage, and after another round of greetings, the joint karate exchange meeting between the two schools officially came to an end.

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