Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 325 Heartbroken Mengyu

At 6:50 in the evening, Mihua is a high-end western restaurant.

"Hey! What a coincidence, your coupon should also be for this Western restaurant, right?" Yu Gongming looked up at the signboard of this Western restaurant and said.

"Indeed, I felt a little embarrassed to let Xiaolan spend money, but now it's easier!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Eh? Why are you here? Are you going on a date?"

An intellectual girl with a beautiful face, outstanding temperament, and **** walked towards the two of them.

"Aunt Yingli, long time no see!" Mengyu greeted with a smile.

The person who came was none other than Xiaolan's mother, Fei Yingli.

"Aunt Yingli, you misunderstood. We are actually at Xiaolan's invitation. We will have dinner with you later." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Oh? What new tricks is this girl Xiaolan going to do?" Fei Yingli raised her eyebrows.

"It seems that Auntie is well aware of Xiaolan's thoughts!" Meng Yu said as if this was indeed the case.

"Haha, after all, this is not the first time Xiaolan has done this. To be honest, I haven't thought about moving back, but every time I see that damn guy's character, I get so angry!" Fei Yingli said He crossed his arms and looked dissatisfied:

"Moreover, the appointment was obviously at seven o'clock, but now you are all here, and Xiaolan and that damn ghost haven't come yet. I just thought with my toes that someone must be playing mahjong too late and wasting time!"

The corners of Yu Gongming's mouth twitched.

As expected of a couple who have been married for many years, they really hit the nail on the head!

"Forget it, let's go in first, Xiaolan has already reserved a table in advance." Fei Yingli said, motioning for the two of them to enter the Western restaurant.

Under the guidance of the waiter, the three of them arrived at the reserved table and chatted while waiting for Xiaolan and the others to arrive.

"Xiaolan told me before that you two have established a relationship, right?" Fei Yingli asked.

"Well, Ming and I have been dating for a while." Meng Yu nodded.

"Who confessed first?" Fei Yingli asked with interest.

"It's me." Yu Gongming said with a smile: "Of course it's better for boys to take the initiative in this kind of thing. There are a hundred steps in falling in love. If I take one more step in Mengyu, I will take one less step, right?"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli nodded approvingly: "Yes, your consciousness is quite high." She looked at Mengyu again: "It's just a pity that your brother doesn't seem to have such a state of mind at all. It's really hard on Xiaolan."

"Well, my brother and Xiaolan both like each other. I can see this clearly, but they are both a bit arrogant."

Meng Yu glanced at Fei Yingli cautiously and said tentatively: "Auntie, from what you mean, you should also agree with your brother and Xiaolan being together, right?"

"Oh? Are you helping that boy trick me?" Fei Yingli looked at Meng Yu with a half-smile.

"How dare I!" Meng Yu waved her hands quickly and said, "I just asked casually."

"Hmph! Although that boy was naughty and mischievous when he was a child, and often made Xiaolan get dirty. Now he is also pushy, not calm at all, and often makes Xiaolan unhappy."

After Fei Yingli scolded Kudou Shinichi, she suddenly sighed: "But Xiaolan didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup was poured into her, and her whole heart was tied to that kid."

"Although I don't like that kid very much, if he can protect Xiaolan and make Xiaolan happy, I don't object to them being together."

Fei Yingli looked at Mengyu with a smile: "Are you satisfied with this answer, Mengyu?"

"Ahem, if you are satisfied or dissatisfied, I will just find a random topic to chat about." Meng Yu's eyes flickered for a while, and she tilted her head guiltily.

"Don't be too happy too soon!" Fei Yingli suddenly changed the subject:

"To be honest, the current Shinichi is still far away from the standard of a son-in-law in my heart. If he doesn't work hard, maybe I will object to him and Xiaolan being together?"

"What are your standards?" Yu Gongming asked curiously.

"Haha, you can't say that!" Fei Yingli smiled mysteriously:

"You just need to tell that kid what I just said. As for the specific standards, let him figure it out for himself!" Fei Yingli's black-framed eyes on the bridge of her nose reflected a cold light:

"He has only defeated six generals in five levels, but he wants to marry Xiaolan after going through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties? What a wishful thinking!"

Looking at the smiling Fei Yingli in front of him, Yu Gongming suddenly felt a chill in his back.

"Uh, haha... Auntie is quite knowledgeable about the four great Chinese classics..." Meng Yu also laughed dryly and silently lit a candle for her brother.

Why! As a younger sister, she was so worried that her brother and Xiaolan could achieve success as soon as possible!

Fei Yingli was about to reply when Yu Gongming suddenly looked towards the entrance of the restaurant lobby: "Xiaolan and the others are here."

After hearing this, Fei Yingli also turned around and forgot about the past.

"Sorry, Mom! There are also Senior Yumiya and Mengyu, we are late!" Xiaolan had already arrived in front of several people as she spoke.

Conan and Mouri Kogoro followed closely behind.

"It doesn't matter, it's expected anyway. Let me guess, someone should have been playing mahjong until six o'clock before returning to the office, right?"

Fei Yingli said and glanced at Maori Goro.

Mouri Kogoro's eyes widened slightly, and then he turned his head to the side, but did not reply, and did not dare to look at Fei Yingli.

Conan's eyes twitched when he saw this scene: "This woman is indeed so terrifying... It seems that you must be careful what you say later!"

"Conan, long time no see, good evening!" Fei Yingli bent down and smiled at Conan.

"Good evening, Auntie!" Conan quickly responded in his most innocent voice.

"Eh? Isn't this Mr. Mori? Long time no see!"

As soon as Mouri Kogoro turned his head, he saw a tall man in a green suit walking over.

Moreover, the man was holding two young girls on his left and right, looking like a winner in life.

"Oh! It's Mr. Hiroki!" Mouri Kogoro seemed to recognize the man.

"Hey! Who is he?" asked a girl beside the man.

"He is the detective!" Hiroki said with a smile.

"Oh! You are the famous detective!" the two girls suddenly said.

"Ahem!" Mouri Kogoro immediately adjusted his tie, straightened his expression and said, "Yes, I am the famous detective Moori Kogoro!"

"Ah, by the way, let me introduce you." Mouri Kogoro pointed his hand at the people behind him:

"This is my wife, Yingli, and my daughter, Xiaolan. As for that child, he is Conan who is just eating at my house."

"What the hell is a freeloader? Can you become a famous detective without me?" Conan felt unhappy.

Mouri Kogoro didn't care about Conan's mood and continued to introduce: "As for the two next to me, they are my juniors, Akira Hanamiya and Mengyu Kudo."

"Oh? Is it actually Detective Hanomiya who is as famous as you?" Hiroki was stunned.

"Mr. Hiroki is overly praised. There is still a big gap between me and Uncle Mouri!" Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

"Yes, he is far worse than you!" Conan added silently in his heart.

"That's really rude. I, Tsuji Hiroki, please give me some advice." Hiroki introduced himself.

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