Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 327 Uncle Maori with explosive acting skills

Sawaki poured red wine for several people and after receiving satisfactory feedback, he continued to serve other tables.

Mengyu saw the disappointed look on Xiaolan's face and patted Xiaolan's shoulder gently:

"Xiaolan, you don't need to take it too seriously. After all, there are many such food books nowadays, and the quality will inevitably vary."

"Well, I know, but the descriptions of various delicacies in Mr. Nishina's book really moved me. I always feel a little awkward when I think that the knowledge described in these beautiful words may be wrong." Xiaolan said softly. .

"Oh, it's just a book, Xiaolan, you don't have to care so much, right?" Mouri Kogoro asked doubtfully: "And you actually pay attention to these things now?"

"Doesn't this mean we are old?" Fei Yingli said with a smile.

Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment, and then a look of emotion appeared on his face: "Yes, more than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye."

The two looked at each other and suddenly laughed at the same time.

This smile is like sighing, like relief, like reminiscing, mixed with a touch of warmth.

Xiaolan looked at Mouri Kogoro and Fei Yingli, and her original disappointment had long since disappeared. She turned her head to look at Conan, and said with a low smile:

"Conan, look, they look very harmonious!"

"Yeah! Yes!" Conan nodded.

He was also very surprised by the atmosphere between the two of them.

You know, Xiaolan has arranged "coincidental encounters" and dinners between these two people not once or twice. From when he was a high school student to now, he became Conan and stayed at the Maori Detective Agency. Xiaolan made her parents get back together. The hard work never stops.

However, every time the two of them met, they put on a bad face, and Conan couldn't remember how long ago it was when they looked at each other and smiled like this.

Conan looked at Xiaolan's smiling face and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth: "No matter what, as long as Xiaolan is happy."

All this was seen by Yu Gongming and Meng Yu who were eating at the same table.

"Hey, do you think we are a bit redundant?" Yu Gongming leaned into Meng Yu's ear and whispered.

Meng Yu tilted her head and replied in a low voice, "Well, it's a bit. We are obviously a producer of dog food, but it seems that the production capacity of these two pairs on the table obviously overwhelms us~"

"Oh, forget it. After all, it's their home court at this time, so we can't take the spotlight. Let's just keep eating."

As Yu Gongming spoke, he put a piece of the best steak on the Mengyu plate before Conan could.

"Thank you, I'll give this to you!" Meng Yu also smiled and put a fried golden lobster on Yu Gongming's plate.

Conan, who recovered from Xiaolan's smile, happened to see this scene, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Damn it, even if these two people showed off their affection, they also took away the best part of the two dishes!

This was the goal he had already set his sights on after the dishes were served!

"Damn it! It's all Xiaolan's fault. Why are you showing such a cute smile? I can't taste the delicious food!" Conan said depressedly.

In the next hour, several people tasted delicious food, drank fragrant red wine, and chatted from time to time. The atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Conan took a sip of juice, then put the last piece of steak on the plate into his mouth, and burped with satisfaction.

Xiaolan looked at Conan, frowned slightly, and said reproachfully: "Conan, didn't you say you shouldn't eat in such a hurry? Look, your mouth is so dirty!"

Xiaolan said, quickly taking out a wet tissue, her pretty face gradually moved closer to Conan: "Here, let me wipe it for you!"

"Uh, no... no need." Conan's cheeks turned slightly red as he looked at Xiaolan's beautiful face getting closer and closer.

Because as Xiaolan gets closer, from Conan's perspective, she can gradually see some different scenery through the collar.

Seeing this, Mouri Kogoro picked up the wet tissue and was about to wipe Conan's mouth.

Yumiya Ming's eyesight and quick hands quickly stopped him: "Uncle Maori, wiping a child's mouth is a delicate job, especially when juice and oil are mixed in the mouth like Conan is doing now. If you are not careful, your face will be stained. Let Xiaolan do it.”

When Conan heard this, he looked at Yu Gongming and saw Yu Gongming giving him a look and quietly giving him a thumbs up.

Conan, look how loyal I am to my brother. Help you get benefits for free!

Conan also returned the look.

They are indeed good brothers! It’s not in vain that I agree to hand over Dream Whisper to you!

So, Xiaolan gently helped Conan wipe the oil stains and juice from the corners of his mouth, while Conan tried his best to control his expression, but his eyes secretly glanced somewhere.

Yu Gongming was watching this scene with interest when he suddenly felt that his right foot was stepped on hard.

As soon as Yu Gongming turned his head, he met Meng Yu's reproachful gaze.

Yu Gongming smiled coquettishly, and quickly and diligently poured red wine into Meng Yu's empty goblet, adding a piece of ice that the waiter had just brought.

Meng Yu nodded with satisfaction and gave me a look that said, "You know what I mean".

Fei Yingli looked at the interaction between Yu Gongming and Meng Yu, and couldn't help but shook her head and sighed: "I really miss the time when we were young."

"Yes, although the food and red wine in this restaurant are still as delicious as ever, we are no longer young." Maori Goro also sighed.

Fei Yingli nodded lightly: "By the way, you still remember the first time we came to this Western restaurant fifteen years ago, and you gave me a gift at that time."

"Of course I remember, it's your favorite chocolate, Jikoba." Mouri Kogoro replied instantly.

Fei Yingli's smile became gentler: "I remember when we went home, we ate it together on the bench in Mihua Park!"

"That's right!" Mouri Kogoro also smiled, showing a look of reminiscence.

Xiaolan's eyes became brighter and brighter as she looked at the two people living in harmony.

Unexpectedly, Mouri Kogoro rolled his eyes, stood up suddenly, and looked in one direction.

Opposite the western restaurant, I saw a white Mercedes-Benz parked on the roadside. An attractive woman was standing next to the Mercedes-Benz, seemingly waiting for the people in the car to get out.

Xiaolan followed Mouri Kogoro's gaze, and when she saw the woman, her eyes immediately tightened.

Based on her understanding of her father, this is a sign that things are going to get messed up!

Xiaolan quickly looked at Yu Gongming and Meng Yu for help.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu also roughly understood what was going on. Yu Gongming rolled his eyes and suddenly became serious:

"Why is this woman here?"

"Huh? Mr. Hanomiya..." Before Mouri Kogoro could finish asking, Hanamiya Akira suddenly pulled Mouri Kogoro to the window, and at the same time made serious gestures to the woman.

However, he whispered: "Uncle Maori, Auntie Yingli is here, please pay attention to me! I advise you, the woman named Towako can be a mama in a nightclub in Ginza, which in itself represents and its complex background.”

"And during a commission, I accidentally investigated that she seems to be connected with the Yamaguchi-gumi, the largest gang in Japan. You'd better not have anything to do with her!"

Mouri Kogoro was confused by Hanamiya Akira's series of words, and then he couldn't help but lowered his voice and said: "Hey, is it true or false?"

Yu Gongming said with determination: "Really, so don't have any strange thoughts. When you go back later, you have to pretend to be serious and tell Aunt Yingli what happened when you meet this woman in the future. You have to be careful with lawsuits, understand?”

Mouri Kogoro nodded slightly, then patted Hanemiya Akira on the shoulder: "Boy, I didn't see it, but you are actually a little smart in this regard!"

"Thank you, okay, let's go back." Yu Gongming said.

The two returned to the table.

"What's wrong?" Fei Yingli asked doubtfully.

"I met an acquaintance." Mouri Kogoro glanced in Towako's direction and said expressionlessly: "That woman's name is Towako. She is a very dangerous person. Eri, you must be careful when encountering lawsuits about this woman in the future."

When Fei Yingli saw Mouri Kogoro's serious look, her heart trembled, and she asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

"It's nothing, just a reminder. Don't ask any more questions." Mouri Kogoro shook his head slightly.

Fei Yingli was silent for a while and nodded: "Yes, I understand."

Mouri Kogoro said "Yeah" and drank all the red wine in the glass.

Yu Gongming, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but applaud.

Uncle Maori's acting skills are simply amazing!

Tone, expression, movements, everything seems to come from the heart.

If he hadn't known the inside story, he might have been deceived by Uncle Maori.

Xiaolan and Mengyu looked at Mouri Kogoro and were a little stunned.

Xiaolan looked at Mouri Kogoro's series of actions, and for a moment she didn't know whether Moori Kogoro was pretending or if he really met a dangerous person.

A trace of worry flashed across her face.

Conan also frowned: "What's going on? Uncle always looks like a crazy person who wants to pounce on beautiful women when he sees them. Why is he so serious this time? Is there really something inside that I don't know about?"

He glanced at Yu Gongming: "It seems that Yu Gong Ming also knows something. Ask him when I get back."

Dream Whisper is much more awake. Based on his understanding of the plot of Conan, Mouri Kogoro's reaction is definitely due to Hanemiya Akira.

She touched Yu Gongming lightly, with a very serious expression on her face, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, as if she was thinking about what just happened.

However, under the table, she quietly gave Yu Gongming a thumbs up.

Yu Gongming also looked serious and wrote on Meng Yu's thigh: [Change the topic]

Sleepwalking made an "OK" gesture.

"Ahem." Meng Yu coughed lightly and said, "Now that everyone is full, why not go for a walk in Mihua Park and let your uncles and aunts experience what it was like more than ten years ago."

"Okay!" Fei Yingli agreed happily.

"Then go." Mouri Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief and naturally had no objection.

Just as Yu Gongming was about to speak, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

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