Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 334 It’s all a show

In a certain karaoke box.

At this time, there was no enthusiastic song playing in the box, but instead a rather soothing piano music echoed in the room.

The group of people was sitting on the sofa in the box at this time, quietly listening to Yu Gongming's narration.

This place was chosen at Mengyu's suggestion.

The sound insulation effect of the private rooms in karaoke halls is generally very good, and you can also play the songs you want to listen to inside, which can cover up the content of the conversation to the maximum extent and the environment is also very good.

"What? Murakami's father-in-law wants to kill me?" Mouri Kogoro was so shocked that he almost jumped up.

"Uncle Murakami...the same one ten years ago..." Fei Yingli's expression also changed slightly.

"Eri!" Kogoro suddenly interrupted Fei Eri.

"Wait a minute!" Xiaolan's eyes widened slightly and she looked at her parents: "Ten years ago... wasn't that the time when mom and dad separated?"

"My separation from this woman has nothing to do with what we are talking about. I just can't stand this woman anymore!"

"Hmph! You still have the nerve to say that?" Fei Yingli's face suddenly darkened: "What's wrong with a dead ghost who only knows to shout "Is dinner ready" when he comes home, doesn't know how to do any housework, and drinks all day long? Are you qualified to speak to me?"

"What are you saying, woman? Isn't cooking and housework what you women should do? I'm so tired from working outside. Is it too much to want to have a hot meal when I come back? And the food you cook is so unpalatable!" Maori Xiao Wulang choked.

Fei Yingli also responded coldly:

"You are tired from work, aren't I tired from work? And you think my cooking is unpalatable, why don't you do it yourself? Let Xiaolan pick up a kitchen knife in the first grade."

"When I went to see Xiaolan, three fingers on my left hand were covered with band-aids, and my right hand was burned in several places. How did you become a father!?"

"I..." Mouri Kogoro's momentum suddenly weakened, and then he turned his head slightly and hummed: "At that time, I told Xiaolan to just order a take-out lunch box. I can still afford this amount of money, who can Did you know that she actually took it upon herself to cook?"

"So, it's true that you are such a waste and that's why Xiaolan suffered!" Fei Ying was unreasonable and unforgiving.

"What did you say!?" Mouri Kogoro was furious again.

Conan looked at the two people who were arguing again, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Here we go again..."

Meng Yu and Yu Gongming watched this scene with interest.

"Okay, stop arguing!" Xiaolan shouted.

"Hmph! I think I'd better leave. Staying with this guy is simply torture!" Fei Yingli said as she stood up and was about to walk out.

"Eh? Wait a minute, mom, don't leave, Senior Hanomiya hasn't finished talking yet!" Xiaolan said quickly.

Fei Yingli paused for a moment, then came back with a reluctant expression: "Forget it, I'll just endure it for a while longer."

"Senior Hanomiya, please continue talking!" Xiaolan quickly looked at Yumiya Ming and motioned for him to continue talking.

"Xiaolan, you've been fooled!" Mengyu suddenly laughed.

"Ah?" Xiaolan was stunned and looked at Mengyu in confusion.

"Think about it, why did you speak in the first place?" Meng Yu asked with a smile.

" seems that my mother mentioned ten years That's right!" Xiaolan suddenly reacted:

"I first saw my mother mentioning it ten years ago, and it was related to my father. I had always been confused about the reason why my parents separated at that time, so I wanted to ask."

"So, after the quarrel between these two, have you almost forgotten what you originally wanted to ask and focused on keeping Aunt Yingli?" Mengyu asked again.

"Well, that's right!" Xiaolan nodded affirmatively and suddenly looked at her parents with some suspicion.

Meng Yu nodded slightly and looked at Mouri Kogoro and Fei Yingli, who looked a little unnatural, with playful eyes: "So, this old couple is playing a double act!"

"And what's even more interesting is that their quarrel was not completely staged. What they said actually showed a bit of true feelings, and they were really unhappy with what the other party said."

"However, they all maintained a certain sense of reason and did not forget the purpose of this quarrel, so Aunt Yingli just stood up symbolically and could not really leave."

"Eh? Is that so?" Xiaolan stared at her parents' expressions, observing their reactions.

"Xiaolan, what I'm talking about is related to Uncle Maori's life!" Yu Gongming also said:

"If Aunt Yingli can just walk away from this kind of thing, then... I advise you to give up as soon as possible."

Yu Gongming's words were vague, but everyone present understood what he meant.

Conan said he was a little confused. Were these two acting? Why didn't he see it?

Fei Yingli sighed helplessly: "I'm talking about Mengyu, A Ming, is it really okay for you to tear down the elders like this?"

"That's right, Meng Yu said forget it. Why are you joining in the fun, Mr. Yumiya?" Mouri Kogoro also stared at Yumiya Akira with some displeasure.

"Xiaolan has worked so hard. I can't bear to see you fooling Xiaolan like this." Meng Yu said lightly.

"What Uncle Maoli said is wrong. Xiaolan is also my friend. Even if you are her parents, it is not appropriate to fool her like this, right?"

"And you should not treat Xiaolan as the child she used to be. As a sixteen-year-old girl, there are certain things that she has the right to know and the ability to bear."

After Mouri Kogoro and Fei Yingli looked at each other, they both remained silent.

"Dad, Mom? What happened ten years ago? Why did you hide it from me?" Xiaolan looked at her parents, her eyes full of anxiety and prayer.

Mouri Kogoro was silent for a while, and finally sighed and said: "Well, you will know it as long as you investigate it anyway, it doesn't matter if you tell me."

"Hey! Kogoro..." Fei Yingli frowned.

"It doesn't matter." Mouri Kogoro interrupted Fei Li: "As Hanemiya said, Xiaolan is already sixteen years old, and she stays with our group of detectives all day long. There are some things she always has to face. Yes."

So, Kogoro Mouri recounted the past ten years ago.

"Ten years ago, Officer Megure and I arrested a prisoner, the Murakami that Mr. Hanomiya just mentioned."

"When we took him back to the station to take notes, he suddenly asked to go to the toilet, so Officer Megure and I sent a police officer to take him to the toilet."

"It happened that Yingli brought Xiaolan to give me clothes at that time, and the accident happened at that time."

When Kogoro Mouri said this, his voice became hoarse: "Murakami took the opportunity to attack the police officer, snatched his gun, rushed out, and kidnapped Eri."

"Hmm...I seem to have remembered..." Xiaolan frowned slightly:

"I remember... my father seemed to have shot my mother, right?"

Mouri Kogoro nodded silently.

"Why?" Xiaolan's voice trembled slightly.

"Xiaolan, don't get me wrong, uncle was right to shoot Aunt Yingli at that time." Yu Gongming said.

"Eh?" Xiaolan looked at Yu Gongming doubtfully.

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