Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 335 The reason why Maoli is obsessed with a certain female star is...

Yu Gongming met Xiaolan's gaze and smiled slightly:

"I would like to ask, did the shot that Uncle Maoli shot Aunt Yingli hit in the foot?"

"Yes, it seems that you do understand." Mouri Kogoro nodded slightly.

"Sure enough, when Uncle Maori shot him, he didn't care about Aunt Yingli's life or death. It was exactly the same. It was to ensure Aunt Yingli's safety that he shot the bullet at Aunt Yingli." Akira Hanamiya looked as expected. appearance

"Why is this?" Xiaolan became more and more confused.

Mengyu also said: "Xiaolan, let me ask you, what was the purpose of Murakami's father-in-law holding Aunt Yingli hostage at that time?"

"Hmm..." Xiaolan thought for two seconds and said, "It's to escape from the Metropolitan Police Department."

"That's right!" Akichi Hanomiya snapped his fingers: "So, for Murakami, the purpose of taking hostages is to make the police worry. He is not trying to take Aunt Eri's life."

"So, what does it mean to the hijackers that the hostage was hit in the foot by a bullet?"

"This..." Xiaolan pointed her slender fingers at her chin, and thought for a moment, then her eyes suddenly lit up:

"I understand! If the hostage's feet are hit, it will be quite inconvenient for him to move. For the hostage, the hostage will become a drag and affect his escape."

"But at this time, the kidnapper will give up this drag. Dad is trying to get Murakami to give up kidnapping mom!"

"Yes." Mengyu confirmed Xiaolan's guess: "Another point is to give the prisoner the illusion that [I don't care about the hostages] and increase the prisoner's psychological pressure."

"If my guess is correct, Murakami must have been shocked by Uncle Maori's shot. Uncle Maori seized the opportunity and fired a second shot, knocking down Murakami." Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

"You are absolutely right." Mouri Kogoro replied calmly.

"Well! I remember that after that incident, my parents had a big fight, and then they started to live apart..." Xiaolan looked at Fei Yingli with bright eyes:

"Did Mom always misunderstand Dad's shooting that year, so she separated from Dad?"

"How is that possible!" Fei Yingli glanced at Xiaolan with some annoyance:

"Your mother has already established herself as the undefeated queen of the legal profession back then. How could she not even be able to figure this out?"

"Then you..." Xiaolan said doubtfully.

"It's not this damn ghost!" Fei Yingli glared at Mouri Kogoro:

"In order to thank him for saving me, I endured the pain in my feet and cooked him a table of dishes."

"After he came back, he was ungrateful and sarcastic towards me. In the end, he refused to admit his mistake. That's why I felt that I shouldn't be in the same room with him."

"Do you blame me?" Mouri Kogoro snorted; "Your foot was injured by a bullet! Why don't you just lie down and push yourself down to cook? The cooking is so unpalatable, how do you expect me to have a good attitude?" ?”

"You are still so self-righteous!" Fei Yingli said coldly.

"Why don't you still go your own way?" Maori Kogoro said tit for tat.

"Dad, Mom! It's rare to see each other, so don't keep arguing!" Xiaolan quickly tried to smooth things over.

"Yes, you are obviously thinking about each other, but I don't understand why you are so arrogant?" Meng Yu said speechlessly.

"This woman just doesn't know what's important!"

"This damn guy just doesn't understand the charm!"

Mouri Kogoro and Fei Yingli spoke at the same time.

Then, after the two looked at each other, they snorted and turned their heads to the side at the same time.

"There is really a tacit understanding..." Conan's eyes twitched as he watched the show.

"Dad!" Xiaolan sat next to Mouri Kogoro and shook his arm coquettishly.

Mouri Kogoro didn't buy into his daughter's coquettishness at all. He crossed his arms and twisted his head to the side.

"Mom~" Xiaolan came to Fei Yingli again, staring at Fei Yingli with her big watery eyes.

Fei Yingli turned her head slightly, was silent for a while, and said calmly: "Xiaolan, you don't need to say more, this damn ghost's performance tonight can only be regarded as barely adequate, but if he wants me to go back, he is still far away! "

"If you don't come back, you won't come back. If you come back, you'll bother me to see Miss Yoko!" Mouri Kogoro said not to be outdone.

"Uncle Maori." Meng Yu suddenly said faintly: "I remember that you like Okino Yoko so much, actually because her face is somewhat similar to Aunt Yingli."

"Huh? Does that mean that uncle usually holds the TV and watches Okino Yoko like a crazy person, but actually imagines her as an aunt?" Conan also pretended to be innocent and said, sending an assist.


"Ah! It hurts!"

Conan bared his teeth and covered his bulging head, looking resentfully at Kogoro Mouri who retracted his fist.

"What are you talking about, you little brat!?" Mouri Kogoro's face turned red. He didn't know whether he was angry or embarrassed.

He shouted: "Miss Yoko 2 is much gentler than this cold woman!"

"Eh? Meng Yu said this, Miss Yoko does look a bit like her mother!" Xiaolan also looked at Mouri Kogoro with a look of surprise:

"So, dad is so obsessed with Okino Yoko, is he actually pining on his longing for mom?"

"So Uncle Mouri likes this tone?" Akira Hanamiya looked at Kogoro Mouri with a meaningful look.

"Asshole! Mengyu, Xiaolan, don't talk nonsense! And boy Yu Gong, what's that look in your eyes?"

Mouri Kogoro jumped up from the sofa and shouted to Hanomiya Akira and others.

"Looking at this reaction, it seems that Meng Yu's judgment is correct." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Well, Uncle Maoli is really not frank!" Meng Yu also nodded seriously.

"Dad! It turns out that you are so obsessed with Miss Yoko because of your mother!" Xiaolan also seemed to be in a very happy mood.

"I..." Mouri Kogoro was speechless for a while.

"Auntie, look, uncle has nothing to say, he just wants to save face!" Conan also made a point.

Conan is very clear-headed now. If the relationship between Xiaolan's parents, who are happy enemies, gets better, Xiaolan will be happy. When Xiaolan is happy, he will be happy.

Since it's something that makes him happy, why doesn't Conan do it?

"You..." Mouri Kogoro glared at Hanomiya Akira and the others, but they were unusually calm about Moori Kogoro's "angry gaze" and even wanted to laugh a little.

A few seconds later, Mouri Kogoro sat down on the sofa like a deflated rubber ball. He silently turned his head to the side without looking at Fei Yingli's reaction.

Fei Yingli looked at Mouri Kogoro's behavior, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and a gentle look flashed in her eyes.

She turned to look at Yu Gongming: "You guys, that's about it. A Ming, let's continue talking about Murakami's father-in-law."

"Okay." Yu Gongming's expression became serious again.

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