Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 416 The Fire Four Years Ago

"Excuse me, is this Detective Yumiya?" the figure asked.

Yu Gongming took a closer look and saw that it was a man who looked to be in his twenties, wearing a blue shirt and glasses, with an elegant and elegant temperament.

Yu Gongming's glasses lit up, and finally a commission came to his door!

"Hello, this is me, please come in!" He said with a smile on his face.

The two sat down on the guest sofa. Yu Gongming skillfully poured the black tea for each other and began to inquire. .

"I took the liberty of coming here this time because I want to entrust Detective Hanomiya to help investigate the accidental death of my mother four years ago."

The man who claimed to be the noble Mamiya made his intention clear.

"Oh? Can you tell me more specifically?" Yu Gongming asked.

Mamiya Takato nodded slightly: "The thing is like this, our family lives in a European-style castle on the outskirts of Tokyo, but before, only my grandmother lived in the castle. I, my mother, and my stepfather all lived abroad. .”

"Four years ago, we went back to that castle to celebrate my grandmother's birthday."

"My mother arrived at the castle very late, so as soon as she arrived at the castle, she went back to her dormitory to rest."

"What's the dormitory like?" Yu Gongming interjected.

"Oh, that's a stone tower on the left side of the main building of the castle. There are quite a few rooms inside. In addition to my mother, some friends and servants who came back with my mother have also been arranged to live in it." Mamiya replied. road.

Akira Hanomiya nodded and motioned for Takato Mamiya to continue.

The noble Mamiya continued: "Everything was fine at first, but just before dawn, a fire suddenly broke out in the dormitory. The fire could not be controlled at all, and the entire stone tower was ignited!"

"When the firemen arrived and put out the fire, my mother, the friends and servants she brought back, and my grandmother's housekeeper were all killed! Only my grandmother, who had a cold that day and slept in the main building, survived..."

When the noble Mamiya said this, there was a sad look on his face.

Seeing this, Yu Miyazaki said in a gentle voice: "Please forgive me, but does Mr. Mamiya think there is something wrong with this fire? Otherwise, there is no need to ask me to investigate specifically, right?"

"Yes." Lord Mamiya nodded:

"According to the conclusion of the police at the time, someone accidentally knocked over the kerosene for lighting the lamp, which eventually caused the fire."

"But no matter how much I think about it, something doesn't feel right."

"Because I came back a few days earlier than my mother, I am not completely unfamiliar with the dormitory where my mother lives, that is, the stone tower."

"I remember that the only room in the entire stone tower that used kerosene lamps was my grandmother's room."

"The other rooms are illuminated by electric lights."

"Isn't it strange that the fire started in my mother's bedroom, and the source of the fire was kerosene, which was only used in my grandmother's room?"

"Could it be that your mother had to get up at night and the light in the room broke down, so your mother ran to your grandmother's room to ask for kerosene lamps for lighting?" Akira Hanamiya put forward a hypothesis.

"Impossible." Noble Mamiya shook his head slightly:

“Because there’s a flashlight in the room for this situation, there’s no need to go to grandma’s room.”

"Also, the fire was quite fierce at that time. If it was just kerosene that caught fire, based on my impression of the stone tower's furnishings, there should be no way for the fire to spread so quickly."

"In addition, the corpses at that time had been burned beyond recognition, and the identity could only be determined through the relics. There were originally fifteen people in the stone tower, but the final confirmed death toll was only fourteen!"

Yu Gongming frowned slightly: "So, you think this fire was not an accident? But someone did it deliberately?"

"Yes, I have been staying in the castle to secretly investigate this matter for the past few years, but I have never had any clues, so I came to find Detective Hanomiya." Takato Mamiya sighed.

"That's it." Yu Gongming suddenly said:

"But besides these, do you have any other valuable clues?"

The noble Mamiya thought for a while and said with some hesitation: "I remember that after the fire, almost no one left the stone tower."

"But once, a servant secretly went to the stone tower at night out of curiosity, and then disappeared."

"The police searched the entire stone tower and nearby woods, but found no trace of her."

"However, just nine days later, someone found the servant's body in the woods near the castle!"

"She was starved to death!"

"The police concluded that she accidentally got lost in the woods and died due to lack of food."

"Then the matter ended accidentally."

"Is the terrain of the forest where you are located very complex?" Yu Gongming asked.

The noble Mamiya shook his head: "No, in fact there is a driveway outside our castle gate, and vehicles will pass by from time to time during the day."

"If you really stray into the nearby woods, you can easily return to the castle as long as you wait until dawn."

"And the police initially searched near the woods and even dispatched helicopters, but found nothing."

"How far can that servant travel in just one day?"

Yu Gongming's eyes flashed: "This is indeed very strange."

Mamiya Takato thought about it for a while and shook his head slightly: "That's probably it. I can't think of anything else for the moment."

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "Then I understand. It seems that we have to visit your castle to get new clues."

"Well, I wonder if Detective Hanomiya is free tomorrow?" Takato Mamiya asked.

"Of course!" Yu Gongming smiled.

"Well, tomorrow evening, can I ask Detective Hanomiya to come to the castle to investigate as my friend?" Takato Mamiya suggested.

"Tomorrow evening... no problem!" Yu Gongming readily agreed.

Afterwards, after completing a set of entrustments to Liu Cheng, Mamiya nobleman left.

After Yu Gongming saw off Mr. Mamiya, he put away the newly received deposit of 200,000 yuan, and the business ended today.

Akira Hanomiya locked the door of the office and thought silently in his heart: "The European-style castle... the fire four years ago... Oh! I remembered it, it turned out to be the Blue Castle incident in the Shadows of Childhood series!"

He remembered that this case seemed to be a series of tragedies planned by a crazy woman for the so-called treasure left by the former owner of the castle.

But ironically, the final treasure seems to be just a view on the top of the castle.

"But in the original work, this seems to be a plot about the young detective team. It seems that the noble Mamiya has never asked a detective?"

"Or is it that before those children came, Mamiya Takato had already hired a detective to investigate?"

Yu Gongming murmured in his heart, then shook his head slightly: "Never mind it, anyway, if you don't do it, it will be in vain if you don't do it!"

Putting this matter behind him for the time being, Akira Hanomiya walked towards Kudo's house while humming a tune.

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