Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 417 Conan, the King of Children

The next evening.

On the outskirts of Tokyo, a black Toyota sedan was driving on the road.

With the faint roar of the car engine ringing in his ears, and his hands calmly controlling the steering wheel, Hanomiya Akira looked forward and said leisurely:

"We can reach the castle in about ten minutes."

Mengyu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned her head and looked at him:

"Well, speaking of it, it feels quite strange to build a castle in such a remote place."

"This should be some hobby of the older generation, right?" Yu Gongming smiled.

"But to be honest, I'm really looking forward to the view that the former owner of the castle called a treasure!" Mengyu said and looked at the camera bag on the back seat.

After hearing what Yu Gongming said about the commission, she was quite interested in the castle and the so-called treasure, so she followed along.

"Maybe it's not just the scenery, the castle is also old. Maybe there are some gold and silver treasures hidden in it?" Yu Gongming teased.

"If you can find the key, remember to treat me!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"That's no problem!" Yu Gongming agreed readily.

Of course, both of them were just joking. They actually thought that the castle would have no other treasures in the traditional sense.

The two chatted for a while, and soon a castle with a European medieval style came into view.

The black Toyota slowly stopped in front of the castle gate.

The two got out of the car and came to the gate of the castle.

"Hey! Is anyone home?" Yu Gongming called to the door.

"Who are you?" A man in his fifties, dressed as a servant, came to the door and looked at the two of them warily.

"Hello, this is the Mamiya family, right?" Akira Yumiya asked politely.

"Yes, what do you want?" The servant seemed a little impatient.

Akira Hanomiya replied: "That's right, we are friends of Lord Mamiya, and he invited us to be guests here today."

"Oh? Are you friends of the noble young master?" There was obvious doubt in the servant's eyes.

The smile on Yu Gongming's face did not change: "Of course, if you don't believe it, you can ask him. He should be at home now, right?"

"Tabata, let them in, they are indeed my friends."

Takato Mamiya also came to the door and looked at each other calmly with Akira Hanomiya.

"That's it... Okay, you two, please come in." When the servant named Tabata saw Lord Mamiya say this, he didn't doubt anything anymore and opened the door.

"The car should be able to drive in, right?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Okay, you can park in the open space over there." Tabata pointed to an open space on the left side of the gate.

"Thank you." Akira Yumiya thanked him and drove the Toyota into the castle.

After locking the car, Yu Gongming met up with Meng Yu who entered the castle first.

"Welcome to my home as a guest." Mamiya nobleman said with a warm smile.

"Where is it? It's our honor to see such a beautiful castle."

"Are there any guests?" A slightly hoarse male voice sounded, and a middle-aged man with a mustache came over.

"Ah! This is Master Aman of our castle." Tabata introduced.

"These two are..." Mamiya Mitsuru looked at Yu Gongming and Meng Yu in confusion.

"They are friends I met when I was studying in college abroad. They came to Tokyo for a trip this time. After I heard about it, I planned to invite them to our place as guests." Mamiya Takato quickly introduced.

"Hello, I am Akira Kazama, please give me some advice." Akira Yumiya nodded to Mitsuru Mamiya.

"My name is Hoshino Kaede, please give me some advice." Meng Yu also made the same move.

Because the name Akira Hanomiya is still somewhat famous now, after discussing with Takato Mamiya, Akira Hanomiya decided to use a pseudonym.

"Oh! So you are your friend! Welcome!" Mamiya Mitsuru said with a smile.

Just as a few people were chatting, another call came from the gate: "Is there anyone there?"

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu's expressions changed slightly when they heard this voice.

"Damn it! Why is this guy Conan here? After I confirmed that the detective team was going to camp today, I specifically told the doctor to remember to bring a tent... It seems that next time something similar happens, it would be more reliable to tell Xiao Ai... "

Yu Gongming changed his mind and suddenly felt a headache.

Because if they met the Young Detective Team, it would be a bit embarrassing if these brats were to reveal their and Mengyu's real names without any hesitation.

With his mind racing, he naturally reached into his pocket with his right hand. After touching the phone, his fingers began to move slightly.

Outside the gate, Conan, who was looking in, suddenly felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket.

He took out his cell phone in confusion and saw a text message reminding him.

"Hanomiya?" Conan frowned and clicked on the text message.

[I am in the castle, using a pseudonym to cover up]

Conan raised his eyebrows and turned his head slightly to look inside the castle.

The black Toyota car and Akira Hanomiya's group standing next to the car were immediately in full view.

After Conan saw one of the people walking towards this side, he turned to look at everyone: "Doctor, you negotiate with the person. Haiyuan and the others have something to say."

"Uh...Okay." Although the doctor was confused, he still nodded.

"You guys, come with me." Conan waved to the three little ones and Haiyuan, and then walked away from the door.

"What's wrong?"

"What are you doing?"

The three little ones and Xiao Ai were a little confused, but they followed Conan silently.

Several people gathered together, and Conan whispered: "Brother Yu Gong and sister Meng Yu are also inside now..."

"What? Yu...wuwu!" Conan covered Yuantai's mouth and frowned: "Yuntai, how many times have I told you, don't always be surprised!"

"Woooooo!" Yuantai nodded quickly.

Seeing this, Conan let go of his hand covering Yuantai's mouth and continued:

"Right now, Brother Hanomiya and the others are secretly investigating some things. They are using false names. After you go in, you must pretend that you don't know Brother Hanamiya and the others, and then call them by the false names they said. Do you understand?"

After everyone nodded, Conan continued: "I don't know what he is investigating now, but if you behave well, he might tell us, but if you reveal his identity later, then he will It’s impossible for you to intervene in the investigation under any circumstances, so don’t let anything slip!”

"Especially you, Yuanta!" Conan looked at Yuanta sharply:

"If something goes wrong with Brother Hanomiya's investigation this time because of you, then just wait and write a thousand-word letter of apology!"

"I...I will definitely not cause trouble!" Yuantai promised quickly.

A thousand-word letter of repentance is simply a hellish difficulty for him!

Xiao Ai on the side looked at this scene meaningfully, and chuckled in his heart: "You are really becoming more and more like a child king!"

Conan has recently established considerable prestige among the young detective team.

Genta, who was the only one who was not convinced, was severely punished by Conan using the moves taught by Yu Miyako and Meng Yu. Now he is the most afraid of Conan.

Seeing this, Conan waved his hand: "Okay, let's go back."

Several people nodded and returned to Dr. Ali.

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