Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 427 Xiao Ai’s Thoughts

"Eh? Is this a secret passage? It's so dark!" Mitsuhiko glanced around with the portable flashlight invented by the doctor.

"Yes, in fact, the so-called secret passage is just like that. There is nothing in it... Oh, that's not right, look at the steps."

Yu Gongming pointed his flashlight at a set of steps that happened to be passing by.

The three little ones looked along the light and were instantly startled!

"Wow! What is that!?" Ayumi couldn't help but scream.

"That...that seems to be a skeleton..." Mitsuhiko stuttered.

Xiao Ai raised her eyes to look at the skeleton and said calmly: "This should be the remains of the real eldest lady, right?"

Yu Gongming nodded: "Yes, after four years of weathering, only the bones are left."

"Hey! It's so scary!" Ayumi covered her mouth with a look of fear.

"Come on, I'll show you around again, and then you can go back to sleep."

Yu Gongming withdrew his flashlight and continued to walk around in the dark passage with the three little ones.

Not long after, the group of people wandered through the entire secret passage, and finally walked out from the entrance of the lobby on the first floor.

"I didn't expect this secret passage to connect so many entrances. It's really amazing!" Mitsuhiko sighed.

"That is to say, it would be fun to play hide and seek here!" Yuantai also agreed.

"Okay, now that the secret passage has been seen, it's time for you to go back to sleep." Yu Gongming reminded.

"Okay!" The three little ones agreed and ran upstairs.

Xiao Ai was not as excited as the three little ones, so she walked up the stairs unhurriedly.

Yu Gongming suddenly stopped her.

He approached Xiao Ai and whispered: "Watch those children and don't let them leave the room again."

Xiao Ai's icy blue eyes flashed: "Isn't the matter over yet?"

"Well, in that secret passage, we found a new entrance under the floor tiles, but because the old lady suddenly arrived, we didn't have time to go in and take a look."

"I plan to go there later to find out what's inside, but looking at how excited the three children are, they might sneak out in the middle of the night to explore or something."

"So... please."

Xiao Ai frowned: "Why do you all ask me to babysit your children? How can I sleep while I'm watching them?"

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "Actually, you don't have to do anything, just try to dissuade them when they are going to explore."

"Then what if I can't stop it?" Xiao Ai asked.

"Then you contact Conan and Mengyu, they will take those disobedient guys back."

Akira Hanomiya paused and stretched out a finger: "One hundred peanut butter and blueberry jam sandwiches."

Xiao Ai looked at Han Gongming with a faint smile: "You are much more generous than Edogawa."

"That's right!" Yu Gongming waved his hand proudly: "I'm not his elementary school student who only relies on Xiaolan's pocket money to survive!"

The corner of Xiao Ai's mouth curled up: "But, I don't need so many blueberry jam sandwiches now. After all, you can't eat this kind of dessert every day. The forty portions of Edogawa are enough for a long time."

"So?" Yu Gongming asked tentatively.

"So, I don't need you to give me another hundred sandwiches." After Xiao Ai finished speaking, she turned and walked upstairs.

"Hey! Wait!" Yu Gongming hurriedly chased after him.

Xiao Ai turned her head and said calmly: "Don't worry, I will help take care of those children. Just do whatever you want."

After saying that, she quickened her pace and walked upstairs.

Yu Gongming was stunned for a moment, then shouted upstairs: "Thank you!"

When Xiao Ai heard the voice behind her, her steps didn't stop at all, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

"Compared to everything you have done for me and my sister, what do I do?" She whispered in her heart.

Since leaving the organization, she has met many people, some of whom can be called friends, such as the three little ones and Conan.

However, there are only two people, and Xiao Ai's feelings for them are particularly special.

It's Yu Gongming and Meng Yu.

It was Yu Gongming, Meng Yu, and Conan who discovered her in the woods together and took her out of the woods together, successfully escaping from the clutches of the organization.

And in the subsequent phone call with her sister Miyano Akemi, she learned that it was the efforts and planning of these three people that allowed her sister to escape death.

However, because Conan was operating in the shadows at the time, Miyano Akemi's narrative only mentioned the contributions of Hanemiya Akira and Mengyu.

Therefore, from that time on, her perception of the two of them had undergone subtle changes.

As for Conan, although she roughly guessed that Conan was also involved in the plan against her sister, even now, he is still slightly wary and alienated from her.

Although Conan hid it well, she could still feel it.

Therefore, although she was grateful to Conan for saving her sister together, she only regarded Conan as an ordinary friend.

Well, the status is actually no different from the three little ones.

However, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu showed genuine concern for her and tolerance for her dark past.

In her opinion, the two of them seemed to have an unreasonable closeness and trust in her.

In their eyes, she didn't see any hostility, only a touch of gentleness and care.

Compared to friends, she felt that Yu Gongming and Meng Yu were more like... family members?

She didn't know where she came from.

Anyway, every time she went to Kudo's house to have dinner with Mengyu and Akira Hanomiya, who came to visit her every day, she felt as relaxed as if she was staying with her sister.

As for the doctor's place, she felt like a workplace.

She actually likes the doctor, a short, fat old man who is a bit confused and slovenly, and often makes some strange inventions, but cares about children very much and is cheerful all day long.

However, she is only an elder who is easy to get along with as a doctor, and is not as good as a family member (after all, the doctor did not pick up Xiao Ai on a rainy night).

For friends, such as Conan, she doesn't mind using venomous words and occasionally trying to take advantage of Conan.

However, for her family, it is impossible for her to do this.

Therefore, she has never been harsh on Yu Gongming and Meng Yu, and she will naturally not ask for anything in return for Yu Gongming's request.

However, she would not say such words directly, so that was why she had the strange conversation with Yu Gongming before.

Yu Gongming didn't know what Xiao Ai was thinking. At this moment, he came to a room on the first floor.

Mengyu and Conan were looking at the housekeeper.

"You take her to the room upstairs and take turns watching her tonight until the police arrive. I will go to that place to have a look."

Hearing this, Meng Yu frowned immediately: "Is it okay for you to go alone?"

Yu Gongming smiled confidently and said: "No problem, don't forget the equipment we carry. You can always confirm my safety."

Mengyu naturally knows what he means. It's a bug, it's a traditional art.

"Actually, I can go too!" Conan shouted.

Yu Gongming glanced at Conan: "That's not necessary. You stay and take turns with Mengyu. Girls staying up all night are not only prone to gain weight, but are also bad for their skin. Can't you take care of it?"

"I..." Conan was speechless.

"Okay, it's settled!" Yu Gongming said directly.

Mengyu hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly: "Okay, be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll do the work!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

After confirming the equipment, Yu Gongming walked into the entrance of the secret passage on the first floor again.

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