Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 428 Figure in the woods

Yu Gongming came all the way to the place where he found the entrance before.

Lift up a few floor tiles and open the metal panels to reveal the entrance underneath.

Yu Gongming squatted down and poked his flashlight into the entrance.

Below is a set of steps that go all the way down, and another passage seems to extend at the end.

After Yumiya was sure that there was no danger, he walked down the steps.

When he reached the end of the steps, Yu Gongming turned around and looked back.

I saw that there was a drop of nearly three meters between the ground below and the entrance.

"This is already below the ground..."

Yu Gongming murmured in his heart, composed himself, and turned his attention to the front.

There is a straight passage ahead. The entire passage seems narrower than the one above, and the ground texture under the feet is also softer.

Yu Gongming scanned the surrounding area with his flashlight and continued moving forward after seeing nothing unusual.

Yu Gongming kept moving forward along this passage.

Compared with the one above that extends in all directions, this passage is obviously consistent in style, with almost no twists and turns except for a roughly 70-degree turn in the middle.

Yu Gongming walked for nearly ten minutes and finally reached the end of the passage.

There is also a staircase at the end of the passage, and it is pitch black above the staircase.

Yu Gongming swept his flashlight upwards and saw that the top of the stairs was covered with a metal plate similar in shape to the previous entrance.

There is also a pull ring under the metal plate that is close to the metal plate.

Yu Gongming had noticed before that this kind of metal plate had such pull tabs on both the upper and lower sides, which should be for the convenience of lifting and moving.

Akira Hanamong walked up the steps and listened for a while in front of the metal plate.

There was complete silence on the other side of the metal plate, except for the occasional, inaudible rustling sound.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly, put the flashlight in his pocket temporarily, put his hands on the metal plate, and pushed it hard.

With a "rustling" and "clicking" sound, the metal plate was successfully pushed aside after hitting a series of obstacles.

Yu Gongming took out his flashlight and shined it outside again.

There is a dense bush at the entrance. Perhaps because of the metal plate that was just lifted, the branches of many bushes are already crooked and broken.

Seeing this, Yu Gongming came out of the passage.

Passing through a bush above his head, Yu Gongming's field of vision suddenly became wider.

He glanced around with his flashlight and saw that he was surrounded by a dark forest. Except for the sound of an unknown insect stirring the leaves, there was no other sound.

"I see... this passage is indeed the passage leading to the woods outside the castle. I am afraid that the body of the unlucky maid must have been carried out by the housekeeper through this passage."

Yu Gongming murmured to himself.

Of course, he would say this to himself from time to time along the way.

After all, he needs to let Conan and Mengyu on the other side of the bug know his movements, which can be considered safe.

Akira Hanomiya used the weak light of the flashlight to take a general look around.

"It doesn't seem to be anything special..."

After muttering in his mouth, Yu Gongming planned to return.

Just when he got back into the bushes and was about to enter the passage, his movements suddenly stopped.

His eyes flickered, his ears twitched slightly, and he suddenly turned his head to look in one direction.

About twenty meters away from Yu Gongming, the sound of turning soil suddenly sounded.

Such a sound is quite abrupt in the quiet woods, and it is definitely not something that ordinary bugs can make.

Yu Gongming frowned slightly and silently turned off the flashlight.

His vision suddenly fell into brief darkness.

And in this darkness, still in that direction, there was another sound of earth turning.

Then two, three...

At the end, the sound of turning earth turned into the muffled sound of some kind of metal tool colliding with earth.

Yu Gongming looked in that direction with burning eyes, and the dark adaptation of his eyes gradually made his vision more than just darkness.

With the dim moonlight filtering through the forest, he could faintly see two black figures emerging from the ground!

They seemed to be holding some kind of tool in their hands. Judging from the outline, it seemed to be a digging tool such as a Luoyang shovel. .

"What happened? Someone dug a tunnel here?"

Yu Gongming suddenly became interested and hid in the bushes, holding his breath and remaining motionless.

The two figures turned left and right around the place where they came out, and then a burst of conversation reached Yu Gongming's ears.

"Should we be able to dig up to this point?" A figure whispered, and you could tell it was a man by the sound of his voice.

For the sake of ease of understanding, let’s call him Zhang San.

"That's enough. It's at least ten minutes away from the base, and there are dense woods nearby. It's easy to hide after you come out." Another male voice said.

Well, this one is temporarily called John Doe.

"Hey, why are we sent to do such hard work!" Zhang San was obviously dissatisfied.

"There is no way, after all, it is a task assigned by the superiors." Li Si replied helplessly.

Zhang San snorted coldly: "Speaking of which, the guy who arranged the mission is really annoying. He obviously has no ability. If he hadn't been with the Irish boss for a long time, how would he be able to give orders?"

"Shh! Be careful what you say!" Li Si's tone immediately became stern.

"Since the Irish boss lost an important base of the organization some time ago, he has been severely punished by his superiors. Even the guy who gave the orders has suffered a lot."

"I heard that the organization issued a death order. The Irish boss must stay in Tokyo and try his best to reduce losses for Tokyo's power."

"However, the organization did not provide any help to Boss Ellan at all. Apart from us, he can hardly use any power."

"Now he has finally found an abandoned base that the organization had near here many years ago. One of us wishes he could use us as two people."

"Do you think that guy dared to be so arrogant to us without the instructions of the Irish boss?"

"Just say what you just said here. If you don't have a gatekeeper when you get back to the base, you'll be in good hands!"

After listening to Li Si's long speech, Zhang San immediately waved his hand: "Don't worry, I am just taking this time to complain. When I return to the base, I will resolutely execute the order without any complaints!"

"It's good that you know!" Li Si replied angrily.

"Now that the passage has been dug, let's go back and recover as soon as possible." Zhang San said.

"Well, first find something around to cover the entrance of the cave, and then we will go back." Li Si said.

The two stopped communicating after that, randomly found some shrubs, soil and leaves around them, and played around with them for a while.

Then they went back into the ground and built a bunker.

Silence returned to the woods.

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