Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 430 Don’t underestimate the organization

"Then when do you plan to notify?" Yu Gongming asked after hearing Conan's proposal.

Conan thought for two seconds and replied: "When you return to Tokyo, find a public phone booth and contact Director Hakuba using the same voice."

"I don't feel this is good." Meng Yu frowned.

"Why? Hasn't this been done before?" Conan asked doubtfully.

"The situation is different." Yu Gongming said calmly:

"Although our previous two cooperations with Director Baima were quite pleasant, for a person in power like him, an unknown force like ours is an extremely unstable factor."

"He would definitely not mind having more information about us if he could."

“The several times we collaborated with Director Hakuba were in densely populated areas like Tokyo, and we also made certain disguises and acted cautiously. We even had the FBI attract our attention when we rescued Miss Mingmei. "

"So, the chances of him investigating us are slim."

"But here, it's the outskirts of Tokyo. It's not inaccessible, but it can be considered sparsely populated."

"Then, if you want to discover the organization's base in a place like this, you should at least be near the base."

"And we happen to live in this castle near the organization's base."

"Not to mention that we also found out the truth about an old case. The police will arrive in the morning, and our whereabouts cannot be concealed at all."

"If we go back and contact Director White Horse immediately, Director White Horse will check, okay, I, the famous detective, stayed in the castle for one night not long ago."

"Tell me, will I fall into Director Baima's sight?"

"Don't underestimate this. In the past, people had no direction or goals. Even if the Metropolitan Police Department has a great cause, it would be difficult to find us."

"However, once he has a target and an object of suspicion, when he devotes all his power to investigating the target, with his energy to monitor the police director, I will definitely not be able to hide it."

"If nothing else, let's just say that the last few times we have called the police, we have almost always contacted Officer Megure, and I have a pretty good personal relationship with Officer Megure. This will further increase my suspicion!"

"If Director Baima determines that I am related to the mysterious person who contacted him, you who are in contact with me will also come into his sight."

"Director Baima doesn't know anything about the Histology Department. He even knows that the organization is researching a certain drug, and he also found the code name Sherry."

"And that's just the progress before. Now we have no way of knowing exactly what step he has found."

Yu Gongming looked at the three of them solemnly: "I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before the true identities of Conan and Xiao Ai are exposed."

As Yu Gongming narrated, Conan's face gradually darkened. In the end, even Xiao Ai and Meng Yu's expressions changed to a certain extent.

"So... we can't tell Director White Horse the news for the time being?" A trace of unwillingness flashed across Conan's face.

Yu Gongming smiled: "I'm just not telling you now. It's okay for us to contact you again after a while. At least then, our chances of being suspected will always be much smaller."

"But if the time drags on for too long, will those guys just change places?" Conan asked worriedly.

"I don't think so." Yu Gongming shook his head slightly:

"It can be seen from the conversation between those two people that Ireland was punished by the organization because of Xiao Ai's escape. Moreover, the base he is currently in is the one that the previous organization has abandoned. Even the secret passages have to be dug again."

"It is estimated that they will not abandon this base for a long time."

"It should be okay if we contact Director White Horse later."

Conan was silent for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, but I finally found another organization's base, and now I can't do anything. It feels quite awkward."

Xiao Ai snorted softly and said: "The organization has been established half a century ago, and the power they possess is beyond your imagination."

"Don't think that you can underestimate the organization just because you destroyed several organization bases."

"Those bases are not worthy of mentioning. As long as you know the location and notify the authorities, it is not difficult to destroy them."

"What is really difficult to deal with is the kind of organization that wears a legal veneer on the surface, but has illegal activities behind the scenes that have blocked official relations."

“These institutions are the real foundation of the organization, providing a steady stream of financial support to the organization.”

Xiao Ai looked at Conan and showed a meaningful smile: "Kudo, this world has never lacked people who hide in the dark, let alone those who are only interested in profit."

"As long as the organization's financial resources do not completely collapse, they can still re-establish such a base after a period of time."

Conan's expression became increasingly grim.

To be honest, he had never considered this aspect before.

What he wants is to grasp the information about the members of the organization and the locations of each stronghold, then collect evidence, notify the authorities, and wipe out this organization in one fell swoop!

However, if it is true as Xiao Ai said, things are definitely not as simple as he thought before.

Yu Gongming also had a look of approval on his face: "Xiao Ai is right, and don't forget, this is a transnational criminal organization. In addition to Japan, at least the organization also has considerable power in the United States."

"Otherwise why would the FBI send Mr. Akai as an undercover agent?"

"To deal with such an organization, we need to be cautious and cautious every step we take, and we must not act too hastily."

When Conan heard this, he also sighed helplessly: "I know, I am indeed impatient."

"Then it's settled, we don't need to worry about this base for the time being." Yu Gongming said.

Several people nodded,

"Okay, then Xiao Ai and Meng Yu can rest. Conan and I take turns watching the housekeeper." Yu Gongming said.

Meng Yu took out her cell phone and took a look: "It's half past one in the morning. I'm already very tired from the previous investigation. You have to drive tomorrow, so you should go and rest."

"Conan and I can just continue to watch her. I can catch up on some sleep in the car tomorrow, no problem!"

Yu Gongming hesitated for a while and nodded: "That's fine, but Conan, try to let Mengyu rest as long as possible."

Conan waved his hand impatiently: "You don't need to tell me, my own sister will definitely not let her get hurt!"

"If nothing happens, I'll go back to bed first. Good night."

After Xiao Ai said hello to a few people, she left the room.

"Then I'll go back to my room, and you should also take a rest." After Yu Gongming said goodbye to the other two, he also returned to his room.

After briefly handling personal chores, Yu Gongming went to bed to rest.

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