Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 431 Encounter on the way back

The next day, eight o'clock in the morning.

Yu Gongming was awakened by the sound of a siren.

He blinked, then rolled out of bed, came to the window and looked out.

In the courtyard below, two police cars were seen entering the castle from the gate.

"Did the police arrive so soon? It's at least an hour's drive from Tokyo... You're really dedicated!"

Yu Gongming sighed in his heart, feeling no longer sleepy. After washing for a while, he opened the door and walked out of the room.

"Good morning, Hanomiya-nii!"

Three little lively voices sounded from the corridor.

Yu Gongming turned his eyes and saw three little ones walking over from the other side of the corridor.

"It's you guys. I didn't expect you to get up so early." Yu Gongming also greeted them.

Ayumi showed a sweet smile and said: "Brother Mamiya has prepared breakfast. Haibara and the doctor have already passed by. We are here to call you!"

"That's really troublesome for you!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

At this time, the door to Mengyu's room also opened, and Conan walked out listlessly.

"Conan! What's wrong with you? Did you not sleep last night?" Ayumi immediately asked with concern on her face.

Conan shook his head slightly: "It's okay, I just have to watch the murderer, so I slept less."

While the two were talking, Meng Yu also walked out, but she had the housekeeper in front of her.

"Eh? Are you all up?" Meng Yu said a little surprised when she saw so many people crowded in the corridor.

Yu Gongming looked at Meng Yu. Maybe she was in better shape. Her overall mental outlook was not as sluggish as Conan's, but there was a hint of tiredness between her eyebrows from time to time.

Seeing this, Yu Gongming said softly: "Let's catch up on some sleep in the car later."

"Okay." Mengyou also smiled and nodded.

"Then can I take your car too?" Conan asked.

"Eh? Conan, won't you go back with us?" Ayumi asked doubtfully.

"Well, the doctor's car is not very suitable for resting." Conan explained.

"That's it... okay then." Ayumi looked at Conan's tired face and said nothing in the end.

Yu Gongming looked at the old woman being escorted by Meng Yu and said, "You go to have breakfast first. I will take this person to hand over to the police."

"No problem, I'll leave that to you." Meng Yu nodded and handed the old woman over to Yu Gongming for escort.

Afterwards, Mengyu and Conan followed the three little ones to the restaurant for breakfast, while Yumiya Akira went all the way to the lobby on the first floor.

At this moment, the servant Tabata was walking in with a team of policemen.

As expected, the leader was an acquaintance of Yu Gongming.

"Good morning, Officer Sato!" Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

Officer Sato, who was talking to Tabata, turned his head when he heard the sound, and immediately showed a look of surprise:

"Eh? Detective Hanomiya, why are you here?"

Yu Gongming pushed the old woman in front of him and said: "I came here after receiving a commission, and then I caught the murderer by chance."

Officer Sato looked the old woman up and down, then looked at Akira Hanomiya: "Detective Hanomiya, can you tell us more about the situation? The operator only told us that a body was found in this castle."

"This is no problem, but can you let me have breakfast first?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Of course there is no problem with this. We police officers are not unreasonable people." Officer Sato naturally had no objection to this.

Anyway, the case is not urgent, and Hanomiya Akira is considered an acquaintance. Of course, Officer Sato will not refuse this request.

"That person will be left to you first." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Officer Sato nodded: "No problem, but after breakfast, if there are other relevant personnel, please call Detective Hanomiya over. We will conduct a simple inquiry."


After that, Yu Gongming handed the old woman to the police and went to the restaurant upstairs to prepare for breakfast.

When we arrived at the restaurant, everyone was already sitting at the dining table, and the servants were serving breakfast one after another.

Noticing the arrival of Akira Hanomiya, Noble Mamiya immediately greeted him to take a seat.

Afterwards, everyone began to enjoy a sumptuous breakfast.

However, the atmosphere at the table was obviously duller than yesterday.

Akira Hanomiya was not surprised by this. After all, for Mamiya Mitsuru and Mamiya Takato, what happened in the early morning had a big impact on them.

After breakfast, at the reminder of Akira Hanomiya, everyone, including members of the Mamiya family, gathered in the lobby on the first floor of the castle to be questioned by the police.

During this period, Yu Gongming also took forensic personnel to the secret passage and transported the skeleton out.

After about half an hour, Yu Gongming and others were finally able to leave.

But before leaving, Mengyu also used a camera to take pictures of the "treasure" left by the elder from the entrance behind the portrait, which was considered to have completed her original purpose.

As for Yu Gongming, of course he did not forget his commission fee.

Mamiya Takato was happy and took two million in cash directly from the castle safe and gave it to Yu Miyazaki.

Afterwards, after bidding farewell to the Mamiya family, Yumiya Akira took Mengyu and Conan on their way back to Tokyo.

The car was driving smoothly on the road, and Akira Hanamiya tried his best to keep the car from bumping so as to give the Kudo siblings a better rest experience.

Now only Yu Gongming was awake in the car, Conan and Mengyu had fallen asleep with steady breathing.

Yu Gongming skillfully controlled the steering wheel and felt quite relaxed.

"That's right. I received a big order of two million as soon as I opened the business. After returning to Tokyo, let's watch a movie with Mengyu and have a candlelight dinner or something to celebrate?"

"If the atmosphere is right at that time, maybe..."

The corners of Yu Gongming's mouth curled up, revealing a smile that all men knew.

Afterwards, Yu Gongming shook his head and calmed down slightly.

After all, we are driving now, so it is better to concentrate.

At this moment, Yu Gongming's eyes flashed slightly.

There was a white car parked on the roadside not far ahead.

There was also a black motorcycle parked diagonally next to the car.

Four people were standing next to two cars.

Three of them surrounded the other.

The person surrounded was wearing a brown leather jacket and a full-face helmet. Judging from the figure, he should be a woman.

The attire of the three people surrounding her was obviously different from ordinary people.

Wearing a black tights and a black hood on his head, the most important thing is that from Akira Hanomiya's perspective, one of the men in black can be seen pointing a pistol at the woman!

Yu Gongming's expression changed, he suddenly stepped on the brakes and slowed down the car.

The sudden deceleration woke up both Mengyu and Conan.

"What's going on?" Conan asked, rubbing his eyes.

"It seems like someone is robbing someone in front of you with a gun!" Yu Gongming said solemnly.

"What?" When Conan heard this, he immediately became completely awake.

"I saw it." Meng Yu also narrowed her eyes slightly and looked forward.

While several people were talking, Yu Gongming's car was getting closer and closer to the location of the incident.

And those people seemed to have noticed the approach of the car.

One of the men in black suddenly turned around!

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