Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 437 Xiao Ai’s Fear

In the evening, Kudo's house.

"Okay, this is the last dish." Meng Yu smiled and brought a large plate of greasy barbecued pork to the table.

"Then I won't be polite!"

After a few people finished speaking, they began to scan the food on the table in front of them.

"Hey, Mengyu's cooking skills are getting better and better. I feel it's even more delicious than the Western food I had for lunch!"

After Yu Gongming swallowed a mouthful of egg dumplings, he couldn't help but sigh.

Meng Yu curled up her lips, with a look of pride on her face: "Of course! If your cooking skills stagnate, how can you deal with you guys who have increasingly demanding appetites?"

Conan looked at Yu Gongming: "Hey! I said Yu Gong, don't always let Meng Yu cook. I heard that you are also very good at Chinese cuisine. When will you show your skills?"

"Okay, I'm better at Cantonese cuisine. I'll cook a meal for you when I find time." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Then don't you mind if I come and taste the craftsmanship of the famous detective?" Xiao Ai asked with a smile.

"Welcome!" Yu Gongming nodded happily.

Xiao Ai put a piece of lotus root into the bowl and looked at Yu Gongming: "By the way, I think you guys came back a little late. According to your speed, you should have returned to Tokyo two hours early. You guys What did you do in the middle?"

Meng Yu shrugged: "Following two famous detectives, what good things can happen to me? Of course I will encounter a case!"

"Have you encountered another case?" Xiao Ai asked in surprise.

"Well, it was a roadside robbery, and the person who robbed was an American female star." Conan explained.

"American female star? Who is it?" Xiao Ai's expression tightened, and her tone suddenly became urgent.

Conan didn't notice Xiao Ai's change, and said nonchalantly: "That female star's name is Chrissy Wynyard, she seems to be very famous in the United States..."



While Conan was speaking, there was suddenly a strange sound.

Several people looked around and saw that Xiao Ai's expression became very stiff, her ice-blue eyes widened slightly, and the chopsticks she held in her hand fell to the ground at some point.

"Xiao Ai?" Meng Yu immediately asked with concern on her face.

"What's the problem with Chris?" Akira Hanomiya got straight to the point.

Conan saw Xiao Ai's reaction and knew something was wrong, and immediately looked at Xiao Ai seriously.

Xiao Ai met everyone's gaze, took a deep breath, and asked softly: "Are you sure her name is really Chris Wynyard?"

"She said this herself, and Mengyu seems to know her." Conan replied.

"I knew her mother Sharon Wynyard. She looked exactly like her mother, so I recognized her as her mother at that time." Mengyu added.

"What does she... look like?" Xiao Ai's voice had a subtle tremor.

"I took a photo with her, and I'll show it to you now!" Mengyu said as she stood up.

However, Yu Gongming held her shoulders.

"Let's eat first. I think Xiao Ai needs some time to calm down."

"Xiao Ai?" Meng Yu cast a questioning look at Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai was silent for a while and whispered: "Let's read it later."

"Okay, let's eat first." Meng Yu nodded.

After that, several people continued to have lunch.

However, the originally delicious dinner was already tasteless in the mouths of a few people.

Meng Yu and Yu Gongming looked at each other vaguely, with some helplessness in their eyes.

They did plan to tell Xiao Ai about Belmod's arrival in Tokyo, but they really didn't expect Xiao Ai's reaction to be so big.

But now that the matter has come to an end, I can only try my best to appease Xiao Ai later.

In such a dull atmosphere, several people ended their dinner hastily.

Yu Gongming stopped washing the dishes and gathered directly on the sofa with a few others.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu sat on both sides of Xiao Ai.

Mengyu took out the camera from her camera bag, and after operating it for a while, she retrieved the previous photo with Belmode.

"That's her." Mengyu pointed at the blonde in the photo.

When Xiao Ai saw Belmode in the photo, her whole body immediately trembled!

Conan saw Xiao Ai's reaction and frowned more and more: "Do you know her?"

Xiao Ai didn't answer, but her body trembled even more.

At this moment, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu put their hands on Xiao Ai's shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right:

"Xiao Ai, if you have anything to say, just say it and let's find a solution together." Yu Gongming said warmly.

"Yes! We are here! What are you afraid of?" Meng Yu said softly.

Xiao Ai looked up at the two people holding her shoulders, feeling the touch on their shoulders. A hint of warmth flashed across her eyes, and her mind gradually calmed down.

As time passed, her expression gradually returned to normal.

After another moment of silence, she finally spoke:

"The female celebrity you met today is a member of the organization!"

"What? That organization again!?" Conan's expression changed!

Xiao Ai nodded slightly and said softly: "She is a senior cadre in the organization, codenamed Absinthe. She is a more mysterious person than Gin."

"And she has more trust from the leader of the organization than Gin."

"How is her strength?" Conan asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Ai's eyes flickered slightly, as if she was recalling something: "She has extremely superb disguise and voice-changing abilities. As long as you give her time, she can even directly take over another person's identity."

"Her ability to collect intelligence is also outstanding. She is one of the organization's top agents and a quite difficult character."

Conan's expression changed as he listened to Xiao Ai's narration.

He looked up at Yu Gongming and Meng Yu: 'When we contacted her today, we shouldn't have exposed any unnecessary information, right? ’

Yu Gongming shook his head: "Don't worry, we all speak in a measured manner, and I knew from the beginning that this woman is not simple."

Akira Hanomiya told a few people about the dangerous feeling he felt at that time:

"So, ever since I sensed that woman's dangerous aura, I have been wary of that woman, but at the moment, it seems that she has no interest in us. She just treated us to a meal as normal and didn't put any bugs or anything like that. "

"Huh, that's good!" Conan was obviously relieved.

"Don't forget..." Meng Yu showed a meaningful smile: "I got her email address!"

"Eh? That's right!" Conan's eyes lit up immediately!


Tokyo, an apartment building in Cupido Town.

A motorcycle slowly drove into the parking lot in front of the apartment.

After the motorcycle was parked, the rider took off his helmet, revealing Belmode's charming and enchanting face.

She looked up at the apartment in front of her and took out her phone from her pocket, seemingly checking something.

After a while, she nodded slightly and walked towards the entrance of the apartment.

All the way to the fourth floor of the apartment, she knocked on the door of 401 with a certain rhythm.

After a while, the door slowly opened.

Belmode smoothed his blond hair around his ears and looked at the person who opened the door with a smile: "Pisco, long time no see."

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