Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 438 Secret Talk

Belmode walked into 401 with elegant and comfortable steps.

She followed the person who opened the door all the way to the living room.

The furnishings in the house are not very luxurious, and can even be said to be quite simple, slightly inferior to ordinary hotel suites.

Of course, Belmode didn't care about this. She was more concerned about the people in the room than the room itself.

The person who opened the door to Belmode was an old man in his seventies, with black hair with a hint of silver, and wearing a tailored suit.

The old man is not tall, but his waist is straight, and he exudes a vigorous and capable attitude in his movements, which makes people feel that this old man is extraordinary at a glance.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Whenever an entrepreneur with a certain status in the Japanese business community sees an old man, he will treat him with courtesy and call him "Mr. Masan".

He is none other than Kenzo Masayama, the chairman of Masayama Automobile Co., Ltd., a famous Japanese automobile company!

However, in Belmod's view, this identity is not actually important.

Rather than being the so-called chairman, a veteran of the organization, that gentleman's long-time friend, and being a member of the organization code-named Pisco, was the real reason why Belmode came to see him.

Belmode glanced around and saw that there was no one else in the room. He chuckled and said, "I thought that a respectable person like you would have to bring two bodyguards here!"

Pisco chuckled: "When we meet, the fewer people who know about it, the better, right?"

"Oh? How many people know about it now?" Belmode asked with a smile.

Pisco's smile faded and he said calmly: "Don't worry, I bought this house secretly. No one knows that I have such a place to stay. Moreover, I drove here by myself without informing anyone before."

He stared at Belmod and his face darkened: "It's you, why did you suddenly change the meeting time?"

Belmod's smile did not change: "It's nothing, I encountered something unexpected, so I can only postpone the meeting."

Pisco's eyes became sharper and he asked: "What accident made you enter the Metropolitan Police Department?"

When Belmode heard this, his eyes narrowed: "Oh? It seems like you have a lot of energy in Tokyo!"

"You haven't answered my question yet!" Pisco said coldly.

Belmod's aqua eyes were gleaming, and she walked slowly to the sofa and sat down. She crossed her legs leisurely, and her tight leather pants vividly outlined her perfect leg curves.

She raised her head to meet Pisko's sharp gaze and curled her lips: "I was unlucky on the way and encountered a robber on the way, but I was solved by a few nosy brats."

"Those brats even called the police. In order not to arouse suspicion, I had no choice but to go to the Metropolitan Police Department with them."

Belmod leaned gently against the sofa and said in a lazy tone: "Don't worry, all my procedures are legal. The police can't find anything at all, and as a victim, I don't need to record fingerprints."

Pisco's expression did not soften at all: "But it's not just the Japanese police who want to investigate us!"

"Ha!" Belmod smiled disdainfully: "It's like if I don't go to the Metropolitan Police Department, they won't be able to find out that I came to Tokyo."

Pisco was silent.

What Belmode said is indeed correct. Perhaps it is more difficult to locate a specific location. After all, Belmode has extremely high disguise skills, but he only has the ability to target a certain city. Whether it is the FBI or the Japanese police, they all have this ability.

"Okay." Belmod slowly stretched his body and said, "This is just an insignificant episode. There is no need to worry about it so much. Let's talk about business."

"Business?" Pisco asked.

"That's right!" Belmod's expression also became serious:

"That gentleman has an order to assassinate Tonkou Shigehiko within a month."

Pisco was shocked when he heard this: "Are you sure? Tunkou Zhongyan is the spokesperson we have finally cultivated in the political circles, and he just gave up like this?"

Belmode sneered: "Who told him that his corruption and bribery were discovered? Moreover, the public security has also been keeping an eye on him, and now it is just an excuse to arrest him."

"Tunkou originally started doing things for us because we had the handle on him,"

"Once he falls into the hands of the police, his career will be over. What value does he have to us? Why would he conceal the organization's affairs?"

"You know, after becoming a congressman, he also tried every means to collect information about a lot of organizations, and headed by him, there were also a group of politicians who paved the way for the organizations to act."

"Killing him will keep the secrets of the organization, and we will have room to mediate with the politicians who work for us. We will also have the opportunity to support another congressman later."

"So, got it?"

Pisco frowned and thought for a while, then nodded: "I understand, but I hope you can cooperate with my actions when the time comes."

"Of course, otherwise why do you think I would suddenly come to Tokyo?" Belmode replied.

But the next moment, she suddenly showed a joking expression:

"Originally Gin should have told you about this matter, but because of his previous mistakes, the organization's Tokyo Operations Department suffered a big blow."

"Now he himself is on the wanted list of the Metropolitan Police Department, so that adult had no choice but to ask me to inform you."

Pisco sneered: "Hmph! It's rare to see this guy Gin in such a mess. If I hadn't made a plan for emergencies in advance, he would have fallen into the hands of the police!"

Belmod chuckled: "The gentleman also said that in order for him to make up for his mistakes, he would also participate in the operation this time."

"This...he is still wanted by the police. Is it appropriate to participate in the operation?" Pisco frowned.

Belmod shrugged: "This is the adult's wish. I can't disobey it, but he should be able to make some disguises. As a professional killer, he still has this quality."

Pisco's eyes flickered for a while, then nodded: "Okay, is there anything else?"

"Not for the time being." Belmode replied.

Pisco looked at his watch: "In that case, do you want to have dinner together?"

Belmode immediately shook his head: "No, I still have some popularity in Japan. If someone were to photograph the chairman of a well-known Japanese car company with a famous American female star, it would be troublesome."

Pisco didn't take Belmode's rejection seriously at all, he was just being polite anyway.

"Then I won't keep you. I'll contact you next time."

Belmode smiled and nodded, then stood up from the sofa:

"Then I'll leave first. Let me know in advance when you will take action."

"No problem!" Pisco nodded.

The conversation between the two ended here, and Belmode left the room without any regret.

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