Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 471 Yu Gongming’s tangle

Dr. A Li's house, living room.

"Eh? Where's the doctor?" Conan looked around for a while.

"He went out to meet a friend and came back in the evening." Xiao Ai said while briefly clearing the coffee table.

Soon, everyone was sitting on the sofa.

"Tell me, what's the matter here?" Xiao Ai looked at Conan calmly.

Conan didn't waste any time and went straight to the point: "On the one hand, I'm here to replenish the anesthetic needles, and on the other hand, I also want to ask about the antidote."

"Antidote?" Hattori Heiji wondered.

Conan nodded: "Don't look at her now, she holds a double doctorate in biology from Harvard University in the United States, and she is also the main developer of the drug that makes me smaller."

Hattori Heiji's eyes widened: "Hey! Are you kidding me? This little girl is actually a mad scientist who develops strange drugs?"

"Hattori, please don't say that. Xiao Ai only developed this drug under the pressure of the organization. Now she is on our side." Meng Yu said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Hattori Heiji apologized quickly.

Xiao Ai glanced at Hattori Heiji indifferently, said nothing, and turned to Conan: "Why do you suddenly ask about the antidote? Now is not a good time to change back."

Conan sighed softly: "Oh! I can't help it. Xiaolan has begun to doubt me again recently. If Kudo Shinichi doesn't appear in front of her, it will be difficult to really dispel her doubts."

Xiao Ai frowned slightly: "Didn't you build the character of your genius primary school student very well before? Why would that girl still doubt you? And it seems quite serious?"

"Uh, um..." Conan's expression immediately became unnatural.

"Let me tell you." Seeing her brother's ink stain, Meng Yu simply explained on Conan's behalf.

Listening to Mengyu's explanation, Xiao Ai's expression became strange.

The corners of her mouth raised, and her smile was full of teasing: "So, is the cause of everything actually just that the big detective wants to please his girlfriend?"

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense about what it means to please your girlfriend!" Conan immediately became furious.

Xiao Ai tilted her head, showing a "puzzled" look: "What? Isn't it?"

Conan looked at Xiao Ai's expression, and his face became darker and darker, almost catching up with Hattori Heiji.

"Hehe! It turns out that Xiaolan knitted a sweater for you with her own hands! It's really enviable, Kudo!"

Hattori Ping on the side patted Conan on the shoulder with a mean smile, his face full of gossip.

Conan's eyes turned cold: "What did you just call me!?"


"Huh!?" Conan's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Hattori Heiji saw this and quickly changed his words: "Ah! I mean Conan, Conan!"

Conan snorted coldly, not wanting to talk to Hattori Heiji anymore, and looked at Xiao Ai again: "So, how is the antidote research going now?"

Xiao Ai immediately shook his head: "The antidote is still in the research and development stage, and the ingredients are still very unstable. If you take that medicine."

Xiao Ai looked at Conan with a faint look: "I can tell you responsibly that there is a 99% chance that you can go directly to see Holmes."

"What about the remaining 1%?" Hattori Heiji couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Ai shrugged: "There is still a 1% chance that Conan can change back, but there may be physical deformities, such as the head becoming twice as big as a normal person, or the two hands are one long and one short, and there are also There is a possibility of female sexual characteristics occurring.”

"Is this... so scary?" Hattori Heiji broke into a cold sweat, and Conan also turned pale.

"So, even if it's just a temporary antidote, it will take some time to develop it. You'd better think of other ways."

"Damn it... The way Xiaolan looks at me now is totally wrong!" Conan scratched his hair in frustration.

"Since Xiao Ai can't do it here, we have to find another way." Meng Yu said.

Hattori Heiji touched his chin and thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "By the way, how about I put on makeup as Kudo Shinichi, and then use your voice changer to imitate Kudo's voice and talk to Xiaolan."

"As long as Conan and I appear in front of Xiaolan at the same time, she should be able to dispel her suspicions, right?"

"This can be considered a solution..." Conan thought.

"But this method may not work." Yu Gongming was not so optimistic:

"Actually, we have also done a scene where Conan and Kudo Shinichi appeared together before. At that time, Conan's mother personally disguised herself as Kudo and talked to Xiaolan."

"At that time, as soon as the disguised Kudo left, Conan appeared on the back. I think Xiaolan has not forgotten this scene."

"But now, Xiaolan is still beginning to doubt Conan's identity. I'm afraid she has already thought about disguise."

"When the time comes, she will come directly to pinch your face. Once the secret is revealed, won't it make her even more suspicious?"

"Ah... what should we do?" Hattori Heiji also started to scratch his hair.

"Forget it!" Conan shook his head violently: "Let's wait until Xiaolan really shows her cards!"

"What? Did the famous detective give up on himself?" Xiao Ai asked.

"Then there is no other good way now. We can only take it one step at a time." Conan said helplessly.

"It's up to you." Xiao Ai gently jumped off the sofa and walked toward the basement: "I'll get you an anesthetic needle. You wait here."

When he reached the entrance of the basement passage, Xiao Ai paused and a cold voice sounded: "If that time comes, I hope you are really ready to wake up."

After that, her figure disappeared from the sight of several people.

"This girl is not easy to get along with! And she seems to have gone through a lot of things..." Hattori Heiji said thoughtfully.

"Don't mind. After all, she has grown up in that organization since she was a child. What she has experienced may be something we can never imagine." Meng Yu sighed.

Yu Gongming looked at Conan who didn't say a word and seemed to be lowering his head in deep thought. He was also filled with thoughts.

In the original work, Xiaolan also suspected Conan's identity, but because of Kaitou Kidd's interference, it was not revealed in the end.

But in the anime, it was because Conan saved Kaitou Kid's pigeon, and Kaitou Kid eavesdropped on the conversation between Conan and the doctor through the ship's radio signal, and learned that Conan was Kudo Shinichi, that he finally installed it. Kudo Shinichi helps Conan come to the rescue.

But now, the plot of Conan rescuing the pigeon has been changed, and it is also unknown whether Kaitou Kidd can learn Kudo Shinichi's identity through the ship's radio.

So now, Xiaolan is very likely to reveal Conan's identity in the end.

Yu Gongming has been hesitating whether to let Xiaolan know Conan's identity?

As a Conan fan, he was very happy to see Xiaolan know Conan's identity.

But as a friend, he couldn't judge whether involving Xiaolan in this matter would bring danger to Xiaolan.

If danger comes, can they really guarantee Xiaolan's safety?

"What should we do..." Yu Gongming was troubled in his heart.

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