Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 472 Conan gradually becomes Hattori

The next morning.

Akira Hanomiya and his party boarded the luxury cruise ship of the Suzuki Consortium and set off for Yokosuka Castle.

The luxury cruise ship rides the wind and waves, sailing on the endless sea.

on board.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu came to the room where Xiao Lan and Conan were, and played poker together to kill time.

Yu Gongming also taught Xiaolan how to play Landlords from China, and they played Landlords together.

Because Conan had no interest in Landlords, he just held a mystery novel and read it with great concentration, so the last few people played a three-person Landlords game.

However, less than half an hour later, Yu Gongming threw away his cards helplessly:

"I said Xiaolan, are you really not cheating?"

Xiaolan blinked her clear eyes, a little confused: "No? Whether it's shuffling or dealing the cards, it's all done by Yumiya-senpai or Mengyu, and I just take the dealt cards in the end."

"Then why can you get four king bombs and four twos in a row? And this is already the third spring!" Yu Gongming said speechlessly.

He is so stupid, really, why did he forget Xiaolan’s lucky EX buff?

Playing cards with Xiaolan, isn't that humiliating yourself?

Xiaolan said a little embarrassedly: "Well...maybe it's because I have better luck?"

After all, if a few people play cards together, it would be boring if she always wins.

Meng Yu spread her hands: "To be honest, I remember that there seems to be a sports room on the ship, right? How about we go to the sports room for a few sparring sessions?"

"Practice for what?" Yu Gongming immediately shook his head and said:

"Not to mention that even if there is a sports room, there may not be a venue suitable for karate training. Even if there is, I don't want to give myself backache after finally going on a luxury cruise."

"Well, why don't you give it up? If you want to stretch your muscles, just play table tennis or bowling or something." Xiao Lan also said.

Meng Yu nodded indifferently: "Forget it, I just said it casually anyway."

At this time, a cheerful female voice came from outside the door: "Xiaolan! Miss Xia Mei and I are here to play with you!"

"It's Sonoko, I'll open the door!" Xiaolan said, walked to the door, opened the door, and let Sonoko and Natsumi Kasaka in.

"Excuse me!" Natsumi Kasaka smiled.

"Eh? Senior Yumiya and Mengyu are here too?" Yuanzi saw Yumiya Ming's eyes light up and said with a smile: "Then I might as well call Miss Qinglan over!"

"Okay!" Xiaolan agreed happily.

"Conan, come with me!" Sonoko said, regardless of the astonishment on Conan's face, he pulled Conan directly towards the door.

"Eh? Yuanzi, why are you taking Conan with you?" Xiaolan asked doubtfully.

Yuanzi turned around and smiled: "Don't worry, I just think it might be a bit sudden to go alone. It should be much better to take Conan with you."

After saying that, he took Conan out.

"What's wrong with Xiaolan? Why did you look so strange when Sonoko pulled Conan out just now?" Akira Yumiya asked casually.

"Ah? This..." Xiaolan's eyes immediately dodge, and then she explained: "I just find it strange. The relationship between Yuanzi and Conan was not very good before. I feel a bit strange that she suddenly called Conan this time."

"Oh! That's it." Yu Gongming's eyes flickered, nodded, and did not continue to ask.

Not long after, Conan, Yuanzi and Pu Si Qinglan walked into the room together.

After Yuanzi brought some drinks and snacks, they sat around on the sofa and started chatting.

"Wow! It turns out that Miss Xia Mei was in Paris when she was twenty years old!" Xiaolan said in surprise.

Natsumi Kasaka smiled and nodded: "Yes, because I have lived in France for a long time, my Japanese is a bit strange now."

"Speaking strange Japanese, what impressed me most is that sentence."

"Which sentence is it?" Yuanzi asked curiously.

"Baru Chenikukatame." Kasaka Natsumi spat out these words.

Perhaps she herself felt that her pronunciation was a bit strange, so she couldn't help but laugh: "I think it means Baluche bought meat? But I have no impression of this person's name at all."

Conan chewed on what he just said. Although he felt that it seemed to have a profound meaning, he had no clue for a while.

He raised his head slightly, looked at Kasaka Natsumi, and suddenly shouted in surprise: "Miss Natsume, your eyes are gray!"

"Eh? Really?" Xiaolan and Sonoko both looked at Kasaka Natsumi's eyes and found that they were indeed gray.

"It's really gray!" Xiaolan said in surprise.

"Yeah! The color of my eyes is hereditary. My mother and grandmother also have the same color. It should be inherited from my great-grandmother, right?"

"Wait a minute, Miss Qinglan's eyes seem to be gray too!" Yuanzi exclaimed.

Everyone looked closely and found that the color of Pu Si Qinglan's eyes was exactly the same as that of Kasaka Natsumi.

"Yuanzi observed very carefully!" Pu Si Qinglan smiled, but Yu Gongming noticed that her expression was unnatural at that moment.

"By the way, do all Chinese people have gray eyes?" Yuanzi asked.

"No, most Chinese people's eyes are brown and dark in color, a few are pure black, and gray is rare." Meng Yu immediately shook his head.

"So that's it!" Yuanzi suddenly said.

Xiaolan smiled and said: "Speaking of which, Miss Qinglan's name is Qinglanhua, and my name also has the word "lan" in it."

Pu Si Qinglan smiled and said: "You are pronunciating it in Japanese. My name is pronounced [Qinglan] in Chinese."

"[Qinglan]?" Suzuki Sonoko uttered two syllables with a slight twist.

"Yes, and my last name is pronounced [Pu Si]." Pu Si Qinglan continued.

"Pu Si...Qinglan? Does it mean that the Chinese pronunciation of "lan" is the same as that in Japanese?" Xiaolan asked with interest.

"Yes, your last name is pronounced [Maori]" Pu Siqinglan said with a smile.

Xiaolan pointed her slender fingers at her chin and murmured: "So, my name is [Mao Lilan]... Wow! What a cute pronunciation!"

"How interesting! What about me?" Yuanzi looked at it with bright eyes:

Pu Si Qinglan said: "Your Chinese name, read [Suzuki Garden]."

"[Suzuki Sonoko]..." Sonoko muttered this pronunciation with a bad expression. She always felt that this pronunciation was not as cute as Xiaolan's name.

On the side, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu looked at each other silently, and both saw a hint of embarrassment in each other's eyes.

Really, watching a Russian show off his Chinese language in front of two of them [Chinese people] that makes people feel uncomfortable, the two of them really have too much to say...

If he hadn't been wary of Pu Si Qinglan Shi Kaobing's identity and didn't want to draw too much attention from the other side, Yu Gong would have spoken out early in the morning and told everyone present what the real Chinese language was!

After a few people chatted in Chinese for a while, Natsumi Kosaka looked at Urusi Qinglan: "Speaking of which, Qinglan should be as old as me, right?"

"I am 27 years old this year." Pu Siqinglan smiled.

Kasaka Natsumi’s eyes lit up: ‘You are just like me! What month was she born? ’

Pu Siqinglan replied: "May, May 5th."

Natsumi Kasaka became even more excited: "Wow! Really? It's May 3rd!"

"Eh? What a coincidence, your birthday coincides with mine..." Conan's expression suddenly changed in the middle of his words and he shut up suddenly.

"Eh? What's wrong, little brother? Does your birthday coincide with our birthday?" Natsumi Kasaka asked confused.

"Ah! It's nothing, it's just my miscalculation..." Conan quickly explained.

He really wants to slap himself now, why can't he control his mouth like Hattori?

He could clearly feel Xiaolan's eyes looking at him again!

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