Senjian Yushiro's expression changed significantly when he heard Conan's last call.

Then, she forced herself to calm down and said, "Are you saying that I was the one who planned this dinner and killed Mr. Ogami?"

Senjian Yudai came to the second door of the restaurant and pushed it open, revealing the banquet hall where everyone was enjoying dinner.

"Then please explain, how do I make large river shrimp potassium cyanide in this restaurant and accurately control the time of each step?"

"There was no poison in his cup of black tea, and there was Mr. Mori between his seat and me."

"Besides, today's position was obviously decided at will after we punched each other. How did I design it so that Dashang only took the poison?"

"This has nothing to do with seats." Conan said calmly.

He came to the dining table and picked up a teacup: "Because you have already coated all of our teacups with potassium cyanide. As for the place where you applied the poison, it is the upper part where the teacup and the handle are connected."

"And this position happens to be where Mr. Ogami's right thumb will touch when he drinks tea. After my observation, he seems to have the habit of biting his thumb nail when he is thinking."

"You have already arranged the time for the maid to serve black tea. As long as you play the code recording at that time and let him think about it, he can naturally swallow the poison in his mouth."

"The evidence is that there are obvious bite marks on the thumb nail of the right hand of the corpse."

Conan pushed up his glasses: "However, you probably didn't expect that Detective Hanomiya left behind before he came. This led to obvious flaws in your recording, allowing us to see through the tape's deception."

"It's just that it was too late after all what we found out. Miss Aki had already served black tea. Mr. Ogami would definitely be thinking about the situation at that time. Although your plan had an accident, it still achieved the result you wanted in the end. .”

Qianjian Jiedai replied: "But, didn't we wipe all the tableware out of caution at that time?"

Conan smiled slightly: "Indeed, but I'm afraid Mr. Ogami didn't take it seriously at all. After all, if he wants to come, you can't harm him."

"Oh? Why is he so sure?" Qian Jian asked.

Conan snorted softly: "It's very simple, because he is also one of the planners of the dinner, that is, your accomplice, so he is convinced that your target will not be him."

"Huh?" Qianjian Fangshi's pupils narrowed.

Conan continued: "According to what Miss Aki said, the Mercedes-Benz was parked there early in the morning. To park such a Binshi sedan in such a remote place, someone would definitely need to drive over. and someone who came to pick him up in another car and was an accomplice with him.”

"So, after confirming that you were the murderer, and combined with Mr. Ogami's death, I deduced that you and him should be accomplices."

"The reason why you came here in Uncle Maori's car is actually to let him, who is not familiar with you, understand your reaction to cigarettes, so that he can exercise restraint so that he can accurately poison Mr. Ogami at dinner."

"After all, anyone who touches a cigarette with fingers stained with potassium cyanide before putting it in their mouth will die."

"And when you chose Miss Aki during the interview, you probably also took a fancy to her habit of biting her nails, right?"

"I think that after you killed Mr. Da Shang, you deliberately faked your death. In addition to hiding yourself, you also wanted to create pressure on the remaining detectives and let them work hard to find the treasure."

"And when they find the treasure, you will kill them all, just like what the wealthy Renya Karasuma did forty years ago."

When Conan said this, he stopped and looked at Senjian Kyousuke: "The last signature on the blood letter on the piano is Senjian Kyousuke's name. I think that is..."

"That's my father..." Senjian Shengyo took over the words in a low voice:

"My father is an archaeologist, and he did come to this annex forty years ago."

"Renya Karasuma, who was about to turn a hundred years old at that time, found clues about a considerable amount of treasure left by his mother in this villa, so he invited talented people from all over the world to come here to help. He searches for treasure.”

"The reward for finding the treasure was quite attractive. My father would enclose a check in his letters every day. My mother and I were very happy."

"It wasn't until half a year later that my father, who didn't tell us his whereabouts, suddenly lost contact."

"Later, I held the last letter my father sent me up to the light and discovered something was wrong."

"My father used a needle to prick a lot of writing on that letter."

"The content included the code for searching for the treasure, as well as the fact that many scholars were also invited. The letter also stated that Renye Karasuma was about to die and the scholars still had not found the treasure, so Renye Karasuma sent those scholars The scholars were brutally killed one by one.”

She sighed softly: "But even if they find the treasure, I'm afraid they won't survive, right?"

"Have you told the police about these things?" Conan asked.

Senjian Shidai shook his head: "No, when I found the needle letter, it was already twenty years later. Karasuma Renye had already died at that time, and this annex had passed through the hands of many people. "

"I started this plan two years ago after we accidentally talked about it in a meeting."

"He was very proactive in finding the location of the annex, bought it, and then began his treasure hunt."

"However, after more than a year of struggling, he still has no clue, and he owes a lot of debt because of the acquisition of this villa."

"One day, he suddenly told me..."

[Then let’s call the famous detective]

[Invite famous detectives in the name of Kaitou Kidd, and use this password as a puzzle to hold a reasoning game, and we can also create the illusion of death to give them a little excitement]

[Kill that maid, people will only show their true abilities when their lives are at stake]

[At that time, we just need to blame all the crimes on Kaitou Kidd]

Conan's eyes flashed coldly: "So, the person who admitted the maid is actually..."

"That's right, it's Dashang." Qian Jianjiangdai nodded:

"At that time, he was still very proud of the killing method he came up with based on his own habits, but he probably wouldn't have thought that he would die under the same method, right?"

"Originally, I made a recording without his knowledge in advance and asked him to bite his nails and think, but he was interrupted by Detective Hanomiya in the middle. I can only say that some people are destined to die."

"Why did you want to kill him?" Conan asked.

"Because from the beginning, he thought that once he knew the location of the treasure, he would kill all the detectives, including me."

"He placed pistols in everyone's room just to provoke a fight in the name of revenge for his companions."

"In order to stop him from being possessed by Renya Karasuma, I had no choice but to kill him cruelly."

Qian Jianjiangdai raised his head with a sigh on his face: "However, the result is still the same as forty years ago. The code has not been solved, but the tragedy has happened again."

"No, you are wrong." Conan said calmly.

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