Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 545 The so-called treasure?

"Huh?" Senjian Fangshi suddenly turned his head and looked at Conan.

Conan smiled and said, "Actually, your father had solved this code forty years ago."

As he said that, he came to the wall clock in the dining room: "Don't you find it strange? In such a big mansion, there is only this clock in the dining room."

Conan fiddled with the pointer and said calmly: "Two travelers in a hurry look up at the sky at night, which means that the long and short hands on the clock point to midnight at the same time."

As he spoke, Conan set the hour and minute hands on the clock to zero.

"The next clue is actually the bloody letter your father left on the piano, which is the final trump card."

"Ace generally refers to playing cards, and the emperor, princess, and soldiers in the secret code refer to the K, Q, and J in playing cards."

"The emperor holds a treasure, which can be understood as a gem, or a diamond, or a diamond. The Holy Grail refers to the heart, and the sword and soldiers refer to the spades."

"That is, the King of Diamonds, the Queen of Hearts, and the Jack of Spades."

"Next, just turn the suit-wearing card on the poker card in this villa by the corresponding degree."

Conan said as he began to move the long needle.

"That is, turn left 13 degrees, then turn left 12 degrees, and finally turn right 11 degrees..."


The clock suddenly popped out of the wall!

Conan's expression changed, and he quickly stepped aside, letting the clock fall to the ground.

He came to the clock, picked it up and looked at it.

"The spray paint on the face of the clock is peeling off... huh?"

Looking at the golden color exposed under the spray paint, Conan's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he weighed the weight of the clock, with a look of surprise on his face:

"So that's it, this entire clock is made of pure gold!"

Senjian Fangshi's eyes widened and he couldn't accept it: "What? My father died for such a gold nugget?"

Conan looked at Qianjian: "Okay, now that the treasure has been found, I'm curious now, how would you escape without Detective Hanomiya's backing?"

Senjian Fangshi looked at the clock with a complicated expression and sighed: "There is no way to escape. I lied to you from the beginning, but that guy in Ogami seems to believe it."

"I originally planned to end my life in this villa."

"Tch~ It's really disappointing. Is it really a lie?" A slightly dissatisfied voice suddenly sounded.

Upon hearing this voice, Senjian Yueyo's eyes widened instantly, as if he had seen a ghost.

She glanced at the door of the restaurant and saw that it was already crowded with people.

Detectives such as Motegi Haruka, Hakuba Detective, Hanomiya Akira, Mouri Kogoro, and Gunda Ikumi, as well as Meng Yu, Xiao Ran and Ishihara Aki, who were watching the excitement, all gathered at the door.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Senjian Yoyo.

Qianjian Fangdai couldn't help but take a step back: "You... you are not..."

"Haha, Sister Senjian, who do you think you can deceive with your tricks? No one here is a fuel-efficient lamp!" Motegi Harushi laughed.

Mouri Kogoro touched the red liquid on his chest, with a look of disgust on his face: "Damn it! My clothes are dirty, and that's what I'm wearing!"

Bai Ma Tan wiped the corner of his mouth: "I just said that this kind of trick to deceive children has no meaning at all."

Gunda Ikumi shrugged: "Don't say that, at least I think the role that Mr. Hanomiya arranged for me was pretty good, of course, except for the fact that I was killed by a needle in the end."

Akira Hanomiya smiled: "I just thought that Ms. Senjian would say more when facing children."

"And I see that you are working very hard in your acting. Didn't everyone who eavesdropped outside just now look like they were enjoying themselves?"

Qianjian Fangdai listened to what everyone said to each other, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "So, you just wanted me to tell the truth, so you faked your death on purpose?"

Motegi Harushi smiled and said: "Of course, you originally wanted to kill us and silence us, didn't you?"

Mouri Kogoro also said: "So, as long as we are still alive, no matter how we press, you probably won't confess."

Ikumi Gunda crossed her arms and said with a joking look on her face: "Of course you can't tell the difference between blood and tomato juice when you're sitting on the other side of the monitor."

Meng Yu frowned slightly: "But do you two prisoners have any hobbies? Even the sink outside the toilet cubicle has a video recorder. Originally, I wanted to just hide in the toilet, but in the end I had to pretend to sleep. "

Gunda Ikumi looked over and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, your acting skills are really amazing. That kind of dizzy reaction performance of penetrating three points. If I hadn't known in advance, I might have been deceived."

Meng Yu smiled slightly: "I won the prize, maybe it's because of my mother's influence?"

"You... when did you know that I was the murderer?" Qian Jian asked.

"That's when that kid proposed tossing a coin." Motegi Haruhi laughed:

"At that time, you deliberately took the ten-yuan coin that was the farthest away from you, but it was the only one. At that time, I began to suspect that you didn't want us to get that coin, because the finger that touched the potassium cyanide touched the copper one. A ten-yuan coin will produce an oxidation-reduction reaction, and your tactics will be exposed."

Gunda Ikumi said: "In addition, Brother Hanomiya immediately discovered that you cheated during the coin toss. From that time on, we have already considered you to be the murderer."

"That's why we acted out this death scene at Brother Yumiya's suggestion."

Hakuba Tan smoothed his brown hair and said with a smile: "Hanomiya and this child have already seen through your tricks when they saw the thumb of Ogami's right hand."

Qian Jian's expression was complicated, and he could only secretly sigh that he was indeed a famous detective, and indeed he lived up to his reputation.

Motegi Harushi stretched his body: "Now that the murderer has been found, we will wait for Brother Hanomiya's friend to contact the police."

"You actually don't have to wait so long." Baima Tan said with a smile.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at the White Horse Detective in confusion.


Suddenly there was a huge roar in everyone's ears.

"What's going on?" Gunda Ikumi asked in surprise.

Detective Bai Ma smiled lightly and said, "It should be the police helicopter I found that has arrived."

"Did you find it?" Motegi Harushi was stunned.

"Is it the eagle named Walter?" Yu Gongming asked with a smile.

Baima Tan nodded: "Yes, I took advantage of the dawn and asked Watson to send the letter I tied to its feet to the taxi driver who was staying at the bottom of the cliff."

"Fortunately, I marked the top of that taxi, otherwise Watson might not be able to find it."

Motegi Harushi smiled bitterly when he heard this: "I didn't expect that we guys who have been famous for many years can't be as thoughtful as two young boys."

Yu Gongming listened to the roar in his ears and suddenly said: "However, besides the roar of the helicopter, there seem to be other sounds."

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