Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 55 The client is missing?

Noon the next day.

Akira Hanomiya called Tamada Kazuo's phone number again.


"Huh? Did you turn off the phone directly this time?" Yu Gongming had a bad feeling in his heart.

"No one answered yesterday, and today it was turned off... There are two possibilities. The first is that Tamada Kazuo turned off the phone on his own initiative; the second possibility is that the phone naturally ran out of power and turned off."

"If it's the first possibility, that's fine. I can just go to Tamada's house or the library to find Kazuo Tamada."

"If it's the second possibility, then the situation is a bit complicated. The phone is out of power. It's possible that Kazuo Tamada didn't remember to charge it, causing the phone to run out of power. It's also possible... that he can no longer charge the phone!"

"Combined with the fact that no one answered the call to him yesterday, the second possibility is not low..."

After thinking about this, Yu Gongming felt more and more necessary to go to Tamada's house to take a look.

So, after Akira Hanomiya tidied up, he set off for the apartment building where Tamada Kazuo lived.


When Yumiya Akira arrived at the apartment where Tamada's family lived, he was surprised to find a police car parked downstairs in the apartment.

"Did a crime happen in this apartment?"

With doubts, Yu Gongming entered the apartment.

All the way to the third floor, Yu Gongming saw several figures in police uniforms stationed outside Tamada's house.

And the huge figure at the head, Yu Gongming, is all too familiar.

"Officer Megure? Why are you here? Did something happen here?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

Officer Memu heard a familiar voice and turned to look:

"It's brother Yu Gong, why are you here too?"

"I'm here to see Mr. Tamada Kazuo who lives in Room 302." Hanemiya Ming said.

When Officer Mu Mu heard this, his expression suddenly became strange, and then he said:

"That's a coincidence. We received a report from Ms. Tamada Ena. Her husband Tamada Kazuo has been missing since the night before yesterday."

"Missing?" Yu Gongming asked with a frown.

"Yes, we are here to find out the situation from Ms. Eina."

As soon as Officer Megure finished speaking, the door of Tamada's house slowly opened, revealing the figure of Tamada Eina.

"Hello, I'm the head of the Search Class 1. I came here to learn about your husband's disappearance after receiving your wife's report."

Officer Megure showed his police officer ID.

"It turns out to be Mr. Police Officer, please come in." Tamada Eina hurriedly asked several police officers to enter the house.

Yu Gongming also followed in very naturally.

"Eh? This... aren't you the gentleman who went to the wrong door?" Tamada Ena actually still remembers Akira Hanomiya who [went to the wrong door] the day before yesterday.

"Yes, but I did come here to see Mr. Tamada. But as soon as I arrived, I got the news that he had disappeared." Hanemiya Ming said.

"Do Brother Hanomiya and Mr. Tamada know each other?" Officer Megure asked.

"He is my client. I completed his client yesterday, but no one answered my call to him yesterday. I called him again today, but his phone was turned off. I felt something was not right. , I came here based on the address he left." Yu Gongming said.

" are a detective?" Tamada Ena's face suddenly changed when she heard this.

"Haha, yes, my name is Yu Gongming, and I am a detective." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"You are actually the famous Detective Hanomiya? Then the day before yesterday..." Tamada Ena's voice was already trembling slightly.

"I have completed Mr. Tamada's commission." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

When Tamada Eina heard this, her face suddenly turned pale.

"Huh? Brother Hanomiya, what did Mr. Tamada entrust you with? Can you reveal the content of the entrustment? This may be related to Mr. Tamada's disappearance." Officer Megure said seriously.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly and said: "Well, after all, it may involve the life safety of the client, so I can only cooperate with the police investigation."

"However, I hope you can keep the content of the commission confidential."

"No!" Tamada Eina suddenly said emotionally to Hanemiya Akira.

"What's wrong, Mrs. Tamada, does the content of the commission have anything to do with you?" Officer Megure looked at Tamada Ena with a majestic look.

"No, I..." Tamada Eina was stared at by the majestic gaze of Police Officer Megure, and suddenly panicked.

"Then, why don't you let Brother Hanomiya reveal the contents of the commission?" Officer Megure pressed.

"This..." Tamada Eina didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Officer Megure, there's no need to push her. I can understand her reaction. Let's do this. I'll ask Mrs. Tamada a few questions. If I feel that it has nothing to do with the commission, then I won't reveal the content of the commission. "

"That's okay." Officer Megure nodded slightly.

Tamada Ena also nodded:

"If you have any questions, Detective Hanomiya, feel free to ask. As long as I know what I know, I will answer it truthfully!"

"Okay, then I would like to ask, how did Mrs. Tamada confirm that Mr. Tamada disappeared the night before yesterday?"

Ena Tamada recalled:

"Because my husband would call me from the library where he works every day after finishing his work every day, but I didn't receive the call until almost 11 o'clock the day before yesterday."

"At that time, I comforted myself that maybe the phone in the library was broken and the phone was out of battery, so I didn't call back. Maybe he went drinking with friends."

"But when I woke up the next day, I found that he still hadn't come back, so I went to the library where he worked to inquire. According to the director, he and my husband were working overtime the day before yesterday. When he left at eight o'clock, my husband Still in the library."

But yesterday, my husband didn’t ask for leave and didn’t come to work. That’s when I really confirmed that my husband was missing.

Akira Hanomiya frowned slightly as he listened to Tamada Eina's narration, feeling a sense of familiarity.

"Strange, why does it feel like the plot of a certain Conan case? The library...the can't be, right?"

Yu Gongming was moved in his heart, and then asked: "Is the librarian of that library named Jinchuan?"

"Yes, the curator's name is Tsugawa Hideharu." Tamada Ena said.

"It's almost certain that it's this case, the murder in the library... Damn it, it's such a coincidence that the client happened to be the victim of a certain Conan murder case. I didn't even remember it before..."

Akira Hanomiya suppressed the annoyance in his heart, turned to Officer Megure and said, "Well, I think the disappearance case has nothing to do with my commission."

"According to my analysis, if the director's statement is true, then Mr. Tamada's disappearance should have been after eight o'clock the night before yesterday, and the place where he disappeared is most likely the library!"

"And if the director's words are false, then his lying behavior is very suspicious, and the library is also a key suspect."

"So, if something unexpected happens to Mr. Tamada, the library is the first place we need to investigate!"

Officer Memu thought for a while, nodded and said:

"Brother Yumiya, you are right. The library does need to investigate. Well, Mrs. Tamada, please also tell me where Mr. Yoda often goes at night. This way, if there is no clue in the library, we will not be like no one. My head is spinning like a fly."

"Okay, there is a place where he will go at night..." Tamada Eina saw that Hanomiya Akira didn't mention the content of the commission, and immediately relaxed and spoke more fluently.

After Officer Megure recorded these places, he said goodbye and left Tamada's house.

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