Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 56 The Suspicious Curator

Soon, Officer Megure and Akira Hanomiya came to the library together.

Library Director Tsugawa Hideharu saw the police coming to the door and hurried out to greet them.

"Police officer, what's the matter?" Tsugawa Hideharu asked.

"Hello, Mr. Director, I am here to investigate the disappearance of your employee, Tamada Kazuo." Officer Megure said.

"Tamada...he is missing?" Tsugawa Hideharu showed an obviously surprised look.

"Yes, according to Mrs. Tamada's account, he once came to see you. According to your statement, Mr. Tamada was still working in the library after eight o'clock last night, and then disappeared, so we doubt whether Mr. Tamada was there. Something unexpected happened in the library, so we came over to investigate." Officer Megure said.

"Oh, Tamada's wife did come to see me yesterday, but I did leave before Tamada the night before yesterday. Tamada was still working at that time, and I don't know what happened after that." The curator recalled.

"Well, then please cooperate with our investigation and let us search this library to see if there are any clues about Mr. Tamada's disappearance."

Jinchuan Xiuji hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly and said:

"Okay, Mr. Police Officer, but please be careful not to damage the collection of books here."

"Haha, after all, some of the books in the collection contain drugs, so of course they cannot be destroyed..." Yu Gongming sneered in his heart.

"Officer Megure? Brother Hanomiya? Why are you here?" came a childish voice, and the familiar voice made Officer Megure look down unconsciously.

"Oh! So it's Conan and you kids. Are you here to read in the library?"

Akira Hanomiya also saw Conan and the three little ones from the Young Detective Team coming out of the library.

"Well, may I ask why Officer Megure and Brother Hanomiya came here? Did something happen here?" Conan asked.

"Mr. Tamada Kazuo, an employee of this library, disappeared the night before yesterday. According to his wife's account, Mr. Tamada would call his wife every time before going home to report that he was safe, but he did not do so the night before yesterday."

"According to the librarian's account, Mr. Tamada and the librarian were on night shift that day. At eight o'clock, the librarian left the library, but Mr. Tamada continued to work."

"So, the police suspected that Mr. Tamada encountered an accident in this library after eight o'clock, so they came here to investigate." Akira Hanomiya directly informed Conan of the clues he currently has.

"Is that so? In other words, Mr. Tamada may have been attacked or even killed here. It is very likely that there are traces of Mr. Tamada's attack or even his body hidden in this library?" Conan asked.

"Although we do not rule out the possibility that he was attacked by someone on his way home, based on the details of the phone call, it is more likely that he had an accident in the library." Officer Megure said.


"Report! We have searched all the places here and found nothing suspicious." A police officer reported.

"That's it... then let's go look elsewhere, Mr. Curator, excuse me." Officer Megure said with obvious disappointment in his tone.

So, Akira Hanomiya and Officer Megure left the library together.

When he was about to get into the police car, Yu Gongming suddenly said.

"Officer Megure, you go to other places to investigate, I will continue to stay in the library."

"Oh? Brother Hanomiya, do you think this library is still suspicious?" Officer Megure asked doubtfully.

"Well, when you announced that Mr. Tamada was missing just now, Director Tsukawa showed an obvious look of surprise. But Mrs. Tamada came to see him yesterday. He should have known that Mr. Tamada was missing yesterday, but now he shows such a look of surprise. The surprised expression is really a bit artificial.”

"And when you said you wanted to search, Director Jinchuan hesitated for a long time. I think his reaction was not normal. Although the police did not find anything suspicious, I always felt that the director seemed He’s hiding something.”

"You continue to investigate elsewhere. I will go in and take a look after the library closes."

"If Director Jinchuan really concealed something bad, then under the psychological pressure of the police just coming to search, he might take some action after the police have withdrawn and the readers have left."

"I see...Brother Yu Gong, please be careful. If you find anything, notify us as soon as possible. We will go to other places to investigate."

After Haremiya Akira said goodbye to Officer Megure, he returned to the library again.

"Eh? You're not the one with the police officers..." Director Tsukawa said in surprise when he saw Hanomiya Akira.

"Well, I'm not a policeman, I'm just an ordinary citizen assisting the police in their investigation. When I came back, one of the children just now was a child of my friend's family. My friend called just now and said he was going out for a dinner now. Please ask me. Help take care of that child."

"I have to go home and be busy with work now, so I'll just take that child to my house first." Hanemiya Ming said.

"Oh, that's it, those children were in the children's book area just now." Curator Jinchuan suddenly said, and then pointed in a direction.

After Yu Gongming thanked him, he walked towards the children's book area.

When I came to the children's book area, I happened to see the three little ones each reading a book, exchanging and discussing a few words from time to time, and they seemed very interested.

Conan, on the other hand, was flipping through a children's book listlessly, not looking up at all.

Yu Gongming went straight to Conan and said with a smile:

"Conan, Xiaolan called just now and said that she and Yuanzi were eating out tonight. Uncle Maori went out to complete a commission again. There is no one at home anymore. She asked me to help take care of you."

"But now I have to go home and get busy with work. You come home with me now."

As he spoke, he winked at Conan.

Conan has known Yu Gongming for more than a day or two. When he heard Yu Gongming's words, he glanced at the three little ones who had already turned their attention to him, and he already had some guesses in his mind.

"That's it...then you guys can continue reading here, and Brother Yumiya and I will leave first." Conan turned to the three little ones and said.

"But, Conan, have you already thought about how to write a book report?" Ayumi asked with concern.

"It's no problem, don't worry! Brother Yumiya, let's go, see you all!"

Conan said, immediately put down the book and walked out of the library.

After Yu Gongming smiled kindly at the three little ones, he followed Conan and left.


A cold drink shop diagonally opposite the library.

"Tell me, why are you calling me out alone?"

Conan took a sip of oolong tea and looked at Yu Gongming.

Akira Hanomiya changed what he said to Officer Megure and said it again, and then said:

"I asked you to come out. On the one hand, as a child, you have been staying in the library before. You may find some clues that the police have not found."

"On the other hand, I also consider that if there is really something wrong with the curator, if you find out the clues again, your personality will definitely go to find out, and the three children with you will definitely follow."

"So, as long as you leave them, they will just leave the library unconsciously, which will make it easier for me to move."

"Is it convenient for you? You have called me out and told me so many clues. Do you still want to leave me to investigate alone?" Conan glanced sideways at Hanomiya Akira.

"I don't care. If you want to follow, just follow. You don't need me to take care of you. If you don't want to follow, you can go home by yourself later. Anyway, the main purpose of calling you out is to get those three little ones to leave the library." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"You guy..." Conan muttered unhappily, and then said:

"As a detective, now that you know the case and have the clues, you must reveal the final truth before you are willing to do it. You will take me with you later," Conan said.

"Okay." Yu Gongming nodded in agreement.

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