Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 57 Yu Gongming becomes more and more skilled

"I found two anomalies in the library. The first one was a foreign hardcover book placed in the children's book section. The book was placed upside down in a box and wrapped in plastic film. When I wanted to pick it up and read it, At that time, I was stopped by the curator."

"If you combine it with the suspicion of the curator you just mentioned, then this behavior of the curator is worthy of scrutiny."

"The second anomaly was when we found a police car parked downstairs and wanted to take the elevator down to check."

"The elevator's load-bearing limit is 7 people. Generally, this [person] refers to adults. There were eight people in the elevator at that time, four adults of normal weight and four of us children. Even the heaviest Yuanta should be It won’t exceed fifty kilograms, and with our average weight being less than twenty-five kilograms, it’s absolutely impossible for the eight of us in the elevator to be overweight.”

Conan summarized the doubts he found in the library.

Yu Gongming, who had expected it, nodded slightly and said:

"If these two doubts are put into this case, new clues can be derived."

"The curator didn't let you touch those books, and he deliberately emphasized not to destroy the books when the police searched them. So assuming there is something wrong with the curator, could the things the curator wants to hide be related to those foreign hardcover books?"

"And the elevator prompts that it is overweight even though it is obviously not overweight. To rule out the possibility of machine failure, does this mean that besides you, the elevator actually carries invisible heavy objects? For example..."

"Mr. Tamada's body!" Conan and Akira Hanomiya said in unison.

"Now that our reasoning has reached this point, should we notify Officer Megure to come over now?" Conan asked.

"No need for the moment. Although the body is hidden in the library, we can't really confirm that the prisoner is the director. Maybe he is a staff member of another library?"

"If we inform Officer Megure now that more than a day has passed since the body was found, the murderer may have wiped out almost all the clues, which will make it more difficult for us to find the murderer."

"Today the police came to investigate with a high profile. The prisoner must have a sense of urgency and want to quickly dispose of Mr. Tamada's body. So as long as we sneak in after the library closes later, we might be able to catch the murderer who disposed of the body on the spot. ." Yu Gongming said.

Although he already knew the plot, Akira Hanomiya decided to collect the clues step by step, and then deduce the truth in a matter of steps.

"Well, let's go in after the library closes." Conan thought for a while and agreed to Hanamiya Akira's plan.


Outside the window of the toilet on the first floor of the library.

"The library has been closed, and those three troublesome guys have left. It's our time now." Conan smiled.

"Okay, there's no one inside, Conan, you go in first to explore the way." Yu Gongming said.

"Why me?" Conan asked dissatisfied.

"You are small and not easy to be discovered. I want people to make the most of their talents." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"You're a fool for trying your best! I think you're just lazy..." Conan muttered, then jumped into the toilet from the window, walked all the way to the toilet door, and looked out.

He gestured to Yu Gongming to come over.

Seeing this, Yu Gongming also came to the door of the toilet.

It is now 6:30 in the afternoon, the library has closed, the staff have gone off work, and the entire library is very quiet.

Akira Hanamiya and Conan walked out of the toilet, walking lightly, looking around and listening in all directions. We went up the stairs and finally came to the floor where the children's book area was.

Conan consciously went to investigate the situation first.

"No one." Conan whispered.

Yu Gongming walked out of the stairwell, looked around and said:

"Let's go to the elevator and take a look first."

The two of them came to the elevator door.

"Huh?" Conan suddenly moved his nose.

"Hey! Yumiya..." Conan's expression suddenly changed!

"I also smelled it, the smell as if something was rotten." Yu Gongming said lightly.

"It's the smell of corpse! Sure enough, the corpse is hidden in the elevator!" Conan said with certainty.

"That's not very accurate. After all, judging from your description, the body is not in the elevator, let alone under the elevator. That's only possible..."

"On top of the elevator!" Conan took over.

"Well, this is confirmed, let's... wait, someone is coming up in the elevator, hide first." Yu Gongming looked at the moving indicator light on the elevator.

The two quickly hid in a nearby room.

A few seconds later, the elevator opened, and Director Jinchuan slowly walked out of the elevator and walked towards the children's book area.

It wasn't until he entered the room in the children's book area that Akira Hanamiya and Conan walked out silently.

After the two exchanged glances, they quietly approached the children's book area.


Director Jinchuan took out the foreign hardcover book in the carton and showed a sarcastic smile:

"Those police officers were really useless. They closed down the team so easily. They would never have thought that Tamada was actually lying in this library!"

"Haha, it's his fault. Who asked him to open these books? What a pity... Hahahaha!"

At the end of the soliloquy, Director Jinchuan seemed to have fallen into some kind of self-pleasure mode, stretching his arms slightly and laughing wildly.

"You're so old, you shouldn't be so good at it, right? I'm almost suffering from embarrassment." A young joking voice sounded, making Director Jinchuan's expression change drastically!

He instinctively turned his head to look for the source of the sound. As his eyes moved, a blurry figure suddenly passed before his eyes. Before he could tell whether his eyesight was blurred, he suddenly felt pain in his cervical spine, and then his vision went black, and he lost consciousness. .

"Let me tell you, you are getting more and more skilled at knocking out prisoners..." Conan's mouth twitched as he looked at Director Tsukawa, who was instantly killed by Akira Hanomiya.

"I'm not as skilled as you in kicking a prisoner unconscious with a football, and not as skilled as you in shooting Uncle Mouri." Akira Hanamiya retorted.

"Hahaha..." Conan laughed dryly, without answering, and went directly to the box of hardcover books.

"Judging from what Director Tsugawa just said, Mr. Yoda was killed because he read these books. There is indeed something wrong with these books...Eh? This book doesn't have a spine?"

Conan took out a few more books from the cardboard box and found that those books also had no spines and seemed to have book edges on all sides.

"Such a strange it and take a look."

Conan pulled off the plastic film wrapping the book and prepared to open the book.

"Imported from abroad...the designs are so strange...Mr. Tamada will be killed if he sees these books..."

Conan pushed hard and opened the book completely.

I saw that the inside of the book had been hollowed out, and in the hollowed-out space, a bag of white powder the size of a palm lay quietly.

"It's drugs!" Conan showed the book to Akira Hanomiya.

"I already know." Yu Gongming also showed the open book in his hand.

"It seems that the motive for the murder has been found. Mr. Tamada was killed by the curator after discovering the drugs in these books." Conan said.

"Well, if these books are filled with drugs, the amount would be staggering. You can inform Officer Megure now."


"Brother Hanomiya is really reliable! Not only did we find the body, but we also found such a large amount of drugs!" Officer Megure patted Yumiya Akira's shoulder very affectionately, looking very excited.

Can you not be excited? According to Hanomiya Akira's usual style, all the credit for drug cases goes to the police. He arrested three drug dealers just the day before yesterday, seized nearly ten kilograms of drugs, and even arrested their spies through interrogation confessions. Nearly five kilograms of drugs were successively seized.

Since Akira Hanomiya wanted to fade away from the incident, he directly took the main credit as the leading police officer!

The commendation from above has not yet come down, Yu Gongming has given him another great contribution, how can he not be excited? How could you not be excited?

"Officer Megure, stay calm and follow the same old rules." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"I understand." Officer Memu looked understanding.

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