Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 580 Is this a love drama?

The female knight looked at the black-armored knight standing in front of her and narrowed her eyes slightly: "You... why are you standing in front of me?"

The black-armored knight was silent for a while, and then spoke for the first time since his appearance: "You...can't kill him."

The voice was very hoarse, with a metallic texture, as if a knife had been cut across glass, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

The female knight frowned: "I watched the battle between you and him just now. He is indeed very strong and worthy of the title of leader of the Lava Knights of the Kingdom of Lance. However, if the two of us join forces, we may not be able to kill him. .”

The black-armored knight shook his head slightly: "He didn't use all his strength just now. We can't take him down in a short time. If we all go to fight Fiona, who will protect the princess?"

The knight in black tapped the men in black who fell to the ground around him with the tip of his sword: "You don't think that Assassin only assassinated these people, do you?"

When the female knight heard this, her expression was gloomy. She looked at the princess who seemed to be still in shock, and the fighting spirit in her eyes had begun to waver.

Seeing this, the black-armored knight turned to look at the red-armored knight Fiona, and took out a letter from somewhere behind him.

With a flick of his wrist, he threw the letter towards Fiona.

Fiona raised his hand to catch the letter and looked down.

This is an unopened letter, and the seal of the envelope is stamped with a red stamp.

"This...this is His Majesty the King's personal seal!?" Fiona couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Take a look, there is a letter written by His Majesty the King." The black-armored knight said calmly.

Fiona stared at the letter in front of him and stood there, motionless for a long time.

After a long time, he finally slowly opened the envelope in front of him and took out the letter paper inside.

He stepped back slightly, further distanced himself from the three black-armored knights, and then began to browse the letters in his hands.

After a while, the red-armored knight raised his head and said calmly: "The letter paper is indeed a special gift from the royal family. The seal and the final signature are indeed the handwriting of His Majesty the King. This letter is indeed written by His Majesty the King himself..."

The red-armored knight resealed the letter and put it solemnly into his arms.

He glanced at the three of them and put the long sword back into its scabbard: "Since it is His Majesty the King's will, I will naturally obey it."

He bowed to the three of them and said: "Then, as Your Majesty wishes, I will stop all actions against Princess Hart. Everyone, we will meet again if we are destined."

After saying that, the red-armored knight quickly retreated and quickly disappeared from the audience's sight.

Both the princess and the female knight were extremely surprised by Fiona's sudden departure. The female knight looked at the black-armored knight: "What's going on with that letter?"

The black-armored knight replied: "As you can see, the king of the Kingdom of Lance also does not want to destroy this hard-won peace. He knew the prince's plan in advance, so he asked me to come with this personal letter to stop Fiona. .”

The female knight raised her eyebrows: "So, you are from the Kingdom of Lance?"

The black-armored knight shook his head: "No, I am not from any party. I just want to stop the conspiracy of some ambitious people."

"Conspiracy?" The female knight was stunned.

"What are you going to do now? Are you still going to take Princess Hart to the Kingdom of Lance?" The black-armored knight asked instead of answering the female knight's doubts.

Upon hearing this, the female knight's pretty face was filled with frost: "Now I must take the princess back to the Principality of Puli immediately. I will never allow the princess to marry a guy who wants to kill her!"

The black-armored knight did not comment on this answer, but once again took out a letter from behind his back: "Let's take a look."

As soon as the female knight saw the letter, the expression on her face became wonderful: "This... letter from His Excellency the Grand Duke? You... who are you?"

"You'll know after reading the letter." The black-armored knight said calmly.

The female knight's eyes flickered slightly, and she also opened the envelope and began to browse the letters.

And Princess Hart couldn't help but come over curiously.

As time went by, the expressions of surprise on their faces became more and more intense. After a long time, the female knight repackaged the envelope and breathed out softly: "So that's it..."

She looked at the black-armored knight, her eyes becoming extremely complicated: "It turns out that this so-called marriage was actually a conspiracy of the Kingdom of Orlando from the beginning."

"That's right." The knight in black said quietly.

"While the Principality of Puli and the Kingdom of Lance are fighting endlessly, the originally weak Kingdom of Orlando is quietly rising. Not only is its national strength increasing, it also breeds huge ambitions."

"They secretly planted or instigated many important ministers in the two countries. Not only did they provide them with secret information about the two countries, but they also waited for opportunities to provoke war, leaving the two countries with no time to care about anything else."

"Seeing that the two countries reached a peace agreement, the Kingdom of Orlando used its secret agents in the Kingdom of Reims to instigate the king to make this engagement."

"So this time Assassin intercepted and killed Her Royal Highness the Princess to provoke conflict between the two countries?" the female knight asked.

The knight in black snorted: "It's not that simple."

"On the one hand, they sent Assassin assassins to assassinate Princess Hart. On the other hand, they sent people disguised as marriage envoys to sneak into the Royal Capital of Reims."

"When the wedding is held, the king will definitely attend. When the time comes, the fake princess and the envoy will assassinate King Lance!"

"What? Assassinate the king!?" The female knight and princess were both shocked.

"Yes, you should know what the consequences will be if the assassination is actually carried out." The black-armored knight said solemnly.

The female knight's face had turned as gloomy as water, and the princess couldn't help but exclaimed with fear on her face!

"Damn! He actually designed such a vicious plan!" The female knight's eyes were cold.

But while she was angry, she suddenly looked at the black-armored knight thoughtfully: "Wait a minute, since you brought the autograph letter from King Lance and His Excellency the Grand Duke, it means..."

The black-armored knight curled his lips: "Otherwise, why do you think His Excellency the Grand Duke suddenly asked you, the first knight of the Principality of Puli, to personally escort you?"

What else did the female knight want to say. The black-armored knight waved his hand: "Okay, enough time has been wasted here, it's time for you to continue your mission."

The female knight lowered her eyes slightly, was silent for two seconds, and nodded slightly: "I understand."

She came to the carriage and turned to look at the black-armored knight and the princess: "Then, the next step will be left to you, Princess."

Her eyes suddenly became extremely sharp: "If you let me know that Her Royal Highness the Princess has been hurt, believe me, even if you escape to the end of the earth, I will find you and make you pay a heavy price!"

Hearing this, the black-armored knight gave a standard knightly salute to the female knight: "I swear on my character and honor that I will never let the princess get hurt at all, even if I risk my life!"

Seeing the attitude of the knight in black, the female knight nodded with satisfaction, and then drove the carriage away.

On the stage, only the black-armored knight and the princess were left.

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