Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 581 Mengyu’s complaints

Next to the stage.

Yuanzi watched the performance on the stage with bright eyes: "The scene is finally coming!"

"It seems that this actor is doing a very good job. It's no secret that I agreed to entrust the role to him." A gentle voice sounded from behind Yuanzi.

Yuanzi was stunned when he heard this, and then turned his head in shock.

Behind her, he saw that it was the new doctor.

"Doctor Xinde, you...why are you here?" Yuanzi's eyes widened with confusion on his face.

"Ah! Although I didn't participate in the performance in the end, after all, I also participated in the guidance and rehearsal of the stage play. I also want to see the final effect."

"Wait a minute... Doctor Shinde, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Sonoko felt that she could understand every word Doctor Shinde said, but she couldn't understand them all.

When Doctor Shinde saw Sonoko's reaction, he also showed doubts: "Huh? Last night, Mengyu's classmate suddenly called me and said that he had found another actor to play the role of the black knight, so I don't need to make a temporary guest appearance? You don't know ?”

Yuanzi was even more confused: "This... I don't know! Mengyu didn't tell me about changing actors at all. I always thought you were the new doctor on stage!"

"That's strange... You can ask her later, but for now, it seems that this actor is still doing a pretty good job." Doctor Shinde smiled.

"That's what I say, but who is that guy on the stage?" Sonoko looked at the black-armored knight standing next to the princess on the stage.

"Yuanzi, come here." A dreamy voice suddenly sounded in Yuanzi's ears.

When Yuanzi heard the sound, she turned around and saw Meng Yu and Yu Gongming, who were still wearing performance costumes, waving to her.

When Yuanzi saw the two of them, he put on a straight face and walked towards them with his hands on his hips.

She lowered her voice and asked, "Hey! What's going on? Why didn't you tell me that the Black Knight changed actors?"

Akira Hagong smiled and said: "Because the actor's identity needs to be kept secret, and his true identity cannot be known to the audience or even other actors."

"Can't you even tell me?" Yuanzi raised his eyebrows, a little dissatisfied.

"No." Yu Gongming shook his head slightly.

"However, since you have discovered it now..." Mengyu took over before Yuanzi replied:

"Then I can give you a hint. The guy who plays the black knight is the person Xiaolan has always wanted to meet."

Yuanzi was stunned and murmured: "Xiaolan...the person I have always wanted to see..."

She suddenly looked shocked, and her voice couldn't help but rise: "Could it be that he is... wuwuwu!"

Meng Yu looked at Yuanzi helplessly and whispered: "So, do you know why I didn't tell you in advance? I was just afraid that you would make a fuss like this!"

She leaned slightly closer to Yuanzi, her expression extremely serious: "Even if you already have the answer in your heart, you must not say that name."

Yuanzi was startled by Meng Yu's serious expression, and nodded repeatedly with eyes wide open.

Seeing this, Meng Yu let go of her hand covering Yuanzi's mouth: "Okay, just pretend that nothing happened, and you must not reveal this secret to others afterwards. Do you understand?"

Yuanzi took two breaths before recovering.

She looked at Meng Yu solemnly: "Although I don't know what you are doing, but since you told me so, I will keep it a secret."

Meng Yu heard this and smiled gratefully: "Thank you Yuanzi."

Unexpectedly, Yuanzi suddenly looked at the two of them with resentment on his face: "So, in order to allow the two of them to meet secretly on the stage, you changed my script to what it is now?"

"Ah! That's not entirely true. In fact, we also want to go up there and play." Yu Gongming chuckled.

"Besides, I've said it before, right? The logic of the original script itself is very problematic!" Meng Yu said:

"Let's not talk about the killer you designed before. When someone asked, you directly told so many people that you were from the Kingdom of Orlando."

"If anyone is left alive, won't this conspiracy be exposed?"

"Moreover, you previously set up the character of the princess to be gentle, kind, and entangled for the peace of the two countries and the happiness of your own marriage."

"But the ending is that the princess flies away with the knight in black without hesitation. The whole story is about her love for the knight, and the peace between the two countries is completely forgotten. It is not mentioned at all. You are so arrogant to me. I can’t watch anymore!”

"Uh... this..." Yuanzi felt a little embarrassed when she heard what Meng Yu said: "After all, this is my first time writing a script, so I haven't considered many things..."

"But..." She changed the subject: "Don't you think there is too little love now? I want to perform that kind of vigorous feeling!"

Yu Gongming smiled: "If the two people standing on the stage are really reading the lines you originally wrote, wouldn't you feel it is very inconsistent?"

"I don't think so! I think it's quite romantic!" Yuanzi said immediately.

Yu Gongming was stunned for a moment, then laughed and shook his head: "Okay, if you think this ruins your script, then I can only say sorry, and we will treat you to a meal later as compensation."

Yuanzi waved his hand: "Forget it, since it's for the two of them, I'll accept it reluctantly."

After saying that, Yuanzi turned his attention to the stage: "If it's the two of them on the stage... then I'm actually looking forward to the next plot!"

Hearing this, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu smiled at each other and looked towards the direction of the stage.

While Hanemiya Ming and others were talking, the performance on the stage did not stop.

After seeing the female knight leave, the black-armored knight turned to look at the princess, his eyes full of tenderness.

He said in as gentle a tone as possible: "Your Highness, next, Your Excellency Avril will continue to drive to attract Assassin's attention, and we will secretly return to the Principality of Puli via another route."

Xiaolan looked at the gentle gaze of the knight in black, and suddenly her heart throbbed.

"Is this look... really a performance?" She couldn't help but have this thought flashing through her mind.

Just when she was dazed, the lights on the stage had dimmed.

At this moment, the narrator who had disappeared spoke again:

[The mysterious black-armored knight understood the plot of the Kingdom of Orlando and stopped it in advance. However, the killers of Orlando Assassin are not so easy to fool.]

[Even though the path chosen by the black-armored knight was secretive enough, the two of them still encountered several attacks]

During the narration of the narration, the sound of gold and iron intersecting came from the dark stage at the right time, and there was even a shout!

After a long time, the stage lights came on again.

At this moment, the background of the stage has become the courtyard of a manor.

In the center of the stage are still the knight and the princess.

However, the knight at this moment is no longer the same as before.

His cloak has been torn into countless thin strips of cloth, and the countless strips of cloth are swaying in the wind. Not only does it have no aesthetic feeling, but it actually looks a bit funny.

There were also scratches on the knight's armor, and countless hideous marks showed how many sword blows the armor had suffered.

The most important thing that cannot be ignored is the knight's right hand.

That's his sword hand.

The originally white hand was now covered with ferocious scratches, and some attentive viewers even discovered a thick dark red stain on the hilt of the sword.

It was the color of solidified blood.

On the other hand, the princess was still wearing a gorgeous palace dress, she was still so holy and noble, and there was no sign of injury.

The black-armored knight looked at the surrounding courtyard and performed a standard knightly salute to the princess: "Your Highness, fortunately, I have delivered you safely to the secret manor arranged by His Excellency the Grand Duke."

After the ceremony, the black-armored knight turned around and left.


The princess suddenly spoke up and stopped the knight who was about to leave.

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