Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 59 Conan: Is my mother coming to pick me up?

Time flies and it’s Saturday.

If we were in the 21st century, perhaps Saturday would not be a happy day for most primary school students.

They may be faced with twice or even several times more homework than when they were in school. They may be sent to various "interest classes" by parents who hope that their children will succeed or that they are not actually interested in. Or they may not be able to do so because of poor grades. Or make up classes in pursuit of better grades, or hit all three points mentioned above.

Therefore, the Conan children living in the Maori family are lucky.

Of the two people in the Mori family who could be called his guardians, one of them would either go out to complete a commission, or drink, bet on horses, play small steel balls, watch Okino Yoko on the TV, and basically ignore Conan.

Of course, when a case occurs, he will be keenly aware of Conan who is investigating everywhere, and then he will punch Conan first, and then throw Conan out.

The other one, who is not even an adult himself, still has to go to school, and when he comes back he has to cook and do housework for the two living helpers.

As a [primary school student] with high school knowledge, there is no reason for Conan's usual test scores to be bad.

Therefore, a certain Angel who is already very busy will not urge Conan to study.

The elementary school Conan attended obviously didn't have much homework.

Otherwise, how could the three death-seeking trio of the Young Detective Corps go camping with the Doctor, go on an outing with Conan, or wander around and get involved in cases inexplicably?

Therefore, Conan's daily routine on Saturdays is not to go to cram school. Instead of completing overwhelming homework, it's...playing video games!

He has been playing video games since breakfast, and has been playing for more than two hours now.

This time was so long that even Xiaolan couldn't stand it anymore.

"Conan, please take a rest. You have been playing for more than two hours!"

"Well, okay, there are only two levels left to pass." Conan responded casually, his eyes never moving from the display screen.

Conan was originally not interested in this video game.

However, when he played two levels to kill time and was beaten to death by game NPCs at least ten times, his temper grew.

As a result, he passed one level after another between life and death, and finally, driven by some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, decided to clear the game in one go.

However, everyone knows that treating your girlfriend because of playing games will not lead to any good results 90% of the time.

Although from the perspective of Conan and Xiaolan, this situation does not exist, but... in a sense, there is no problem with my description.

So, [Girlfriend] Xiaolan forcibly turned off the screen, put her hands on her hips, looked at Conan with a serious face and said:

"Conan, although your grades are very good, how can you play games all day long after a hard weekend? This is not good for your eyes, and it is not good for your study!"

"I'm sorry, Sister Xiaolan~" Conan saw that Xiaolan was angry and immediately apologized cutely.

Xiaolan's face brightened slightly when she saw that Conan had a good attitude toward admitting his mistakes:

"Be careful in the future. When your parents come back, I will give them a healthy child."

"Speaking of his parents, Conan has been here for so long. Even if they are on a business trip abroad, they should call back, right? Just leave this kid here and ignore him?"

Mouri Kogoro, who was reading the newspaper, said in a dissatisfied tone.

"That's right! Conan, why haven't your parents come back after being on a business trip for so long? And Conan, don't you miss them at all? I haven't seen you take the initiative to call your parents?" Xiaolan also asked doubtfully.

"Um, um..." Conan's expression was a little awkward for a moment.

"It's true that my parents are abroad, but they are Kudo Shinichi's parents, not Conan's parents! It's over, the lie won't be exposed, right?"

Conan was trembling in his heart...

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Oh? Is there a commission?" Mouri Kogoro cheered up.

Xiaolan came to the door and opened the door.

The person outside the door seemed to say something, and then Xiaolan's surprised voice was heard:

"Eh? You are Conan's mother!"

Xiaolan's words made Conan, who was still worried that the lie was about to be exposed, suddenly feel excited.

"Conan's... mother? How is this possible?"

Conan was still shocked when he heard Xiaolan shouting to Conan:

"Conan! Your mother is here to pick you up!"

Conan frowned and walked towards the door.

"I want to see who [my] mother is!"

When I came to the door, I saw a middle-aged, obese woman with an ordinary face standing outside the door.

After seeing Conan, she immediately showed a surprised expression, knelt down and hugged Conan.

"Xiaonan! Mom misses you so much!"

Conan was startled by this strange woman's "surprise attack", and then he struggled hard:

"Hey! Who are you! Why are you pretending to be my mother?" Conan asked loudly.

"Eh? Isn't she your mother?" Xiaolan looked at the middle-aged woman in confusion.

Seeing this, the woman sighed and said:

"Oh, it's all my fault that my husband and I have been traveling abroad for a long time and failed to fulfill our parental obligations to this child. He must blame us for this..."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged woman's eyes suddenly filled with mist:

"We went on a business trip abroad for the sake of our child's future. Although it was for his own good, in the end it was us who did not accompany him when he needed us most. This was indeed our mistake, so we only came back this time to make up for it. Mistakes committed against children..."

There was sadness in the middle-aged woman's words, and the tears in her eyes seemed to burst out at any time. No matter how you looked at her, she was a poor mother who felt deeply guilty for her child.

"This... Madam, please don't be sad. Then you will get along well with Conan from now on. I believe Conan will understand you in the future." Xiaolan was instantly moved by the middle-aged woman's true feelings and immediately believed that the middle-aged woman was Conan's mother. .

"Sister Xiaolan! Don't believe her! She's really not my mother!" Conan saw it and shouted hurriedly to Xiaolan.

It's a pity that the innocent and kind-hearted Xiaolan has completely believed in the middle-aged woman, and her reaction to Conan is just as [a child's willfulness]. Not only does she not change her attitude, but she educates Conan.

"Conan, it's wrong for you to do this. Although your parents have been traveling abroad and haven't taken good care of you, they still do it for your own good. Even if you have complaints in your heart, you can't deny them!"

When Conan saw Xiaolan's attitude, his teeth suddenly felt sore.

"Xiao Lan... Although this inexplicable woman's acting skills are indeed very good. If I were not the person involved, I would almost believe it... But she is really not my mother... It seems that I can only follow this strange woman for the time being. , then find a way to run away, and then go to Yu Gong and Meng Yu for help."

"This woman actually came to pretend to be Conan's parents. She definitely has ulterior motives!"

Having made up his mind, Conan could only reluctantly admit that this woman was his mother.

Then the "mother and son" said goodbye to the Maori woman for a while, and Conan got into a black Honda car with the strange woman.

The car started slowly, picked up speed, and gradually moved away from the Maori Detective Agency...

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