Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 60 Conan with a heavy heart

The black Honda was driving on the road in Mikka Town.

"Tell me, who are you? Why are you pretending to be my mother?" Conan looked at the middle-aged woman with a cold expression.

"Oh, what are you kid talking about? I am your mother!" Although the middle-aged woman's words seemed friendly, her tone was obviously colder.

"Nonsense! My mother obviously..."

"It's obviously the world-famous star, Yukiko Kudo. I'm right... Kudo Shinichi!" The middle-aged woman sneered and completed Conan's words.

When Conan heard this, his expression suddenly changed!

"How... how is it possible!? How could she know my true identity? The only ones who know my identity are Yumiya, Mengyu and Dr. Ali. Mengyu will definitely rule it out, and the possibility of Dr. Yumiya is also very slim. And Yumiya is all I already knew about this the day I became a child. If it was him who leaked the secret, it would be impossible for this woman to come to me now... Could it be that organization?"

"I became smaller after taking the medicine from that organization. Theoretically, that organization may know that the medicine can make people smaller, but... even if they knew this, how did they guess that Conan was Kudo? Shinichi’s?”

Conan's mind was filled with thoughts at that moment. The complex emotions such as shock, fear, and doubt were like a heavy boulder, weighing him down and making him unable to breathe.

The middle-aged woman looked at Conan's changed expression, her expression seemed very happy, and there was an obvious joking look in her eyes:

"Are you surprised? Are you curious, how do we know your identity?"

When Conan heard the woman's words, his expression gradually returned to normal.

"[Us]? It seems that this woman must have an accomplice... This woman seems to be a little complacent because she caught me. Why don't we get some information from him, and after the information is obtained, she will run away immediately, and then take me Tell Yu Gong and Meng Yu as soon as possible about the news of the identity exposure, so that they can be more vigilant and help them think of countermeasures..."

After the plan was decided, Conan looked at the middle-aged woman with a cold expression and said:

"I really want to know, why do you think I am Kudo Shinichi?"

The middle-aged woman smiled proudly and said:

"This is also thanks to Sir Sherry's wisdom!"

"Sherry!! She's the scientist who developed the drug that made me smaller! This middle-aged woman is indeed from that organization!" Conan came to a conclusion instantly.

Naturally, the woman didn't know what Conan was thinking, so she said to herself.

"Oh, maybe you don't know who Sir Sherry is. She is the scientist who developed the drug to make you smaller. I was ordered to take you back this time and use it as a research sample for Sir [Sherry]. You must do it then. You will be very happy!"

"Stop talking nonsense, how on earth did you know that I am Kudo Shinichi?" Conan's face became colder.

"Don't worry... let's start with the very beginning. That day, a member of the organization came back from a mission and reported to the organization. Detective Kudo Shinichi witnessed his transaction, and he gave him drugs developed by the organization. Killed."

"But the strange thing is that according to the information we received from the police, the police did not receive a report that Kudo Shinichi's body was found."

"So, the organization sent people to investigate, but in the end Kudo Shinichi's body was not found either."

"Moreover, we later secretly monitored his sister Kudo Mengyu, only to find that Kudo Mengyu behaved as usual. She went to and from school every day and didn't seem to care about her brother's disappearance."

"So, we have never confirmed whether Kudo Shinichi is dead."

"What's interesting is that with the disappearance of Kudo Shinichi, the previously unknown Mouri Kogoro and a boy named Hanomiya Akira gradually became famous."

"Sherry-sama has focused her attention on Kogoro Mori. She is very interested in the reasoning process of the so-called [Sleeping Kogoro]."

"So, Master Sherry asked the police's internal informants to secretly pay attention to the entire reasoning process of Mouri Kogoro."

"According to the reports of members of that organization, Mr. Sherry was surprised to find that every time he solved a case, a child named Conan always followed him, and he discovered many important clues of the case intentionally or unintentionally many times, and even used Words induce Kogoro Mouri to reason.”

"This aroused great interest in Sherry, and she asked the police informants to secretly take photos of the child."

"As soon as Sir Sherry saw the photo, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Later, when he reviewed the drug use records again, he saw the name of Kudo Shinichi, who was not confirmed to be dead. Only then did Sir Sherry understand that that child was you— —Conan, his appearance is too similar to Kudo Shinichi’s.”

"Sir Sherry immediately thought of a certain experiment. When she used that drug on mice, one of the mice regressed to a juvenile stage."

"Based on the above clues, Sir Sherry makes a bold guess that Kudo Shinichi most likely became smaller after taking some medicine."

"So, the organization started investigating you and found that on the day Kudo Shinichi disappeared, Edogawa Conan appeared next to Mouri Kogoro, and experienced a kidnapping case with Mouri Kogoro."

"As for Edogawa Conan, there is no such person in Japan's household registration database."

"At this point, we are almost certain that you are Kudo Shinichi."

"And just now I deliberately said that your mother is Kudo Yukiko and you are Kudo Shinichi. Your reaction tells me that our guess is completely correct."

"Do you understand? Detective, do you think you are hiding well? No! In front of the organization, your disguise is simply clumsy!"

When the woman said this, she stopped talking and looked at Conan with a sneer, as if observing his reaction.

Conan's face became more solemn as he listened to the woman's narration.

"That Sherry is indeed not a simple person... I didn't expect my identity to be exposed like this... If I can escape this time, I'm afraid the future will be difficult... Forget it, let's escape now."

Conan, who felt heavy in his heart, wanted to continue to collect information, but the woman suddenly said:

"Okay, do you think I don't know what your plans are? Don't try to get any more information from me. I seemed to have said a lot just now, but the only thing of real value is the existence of Lord Sherry. "

"And Sherry, you will be able to meet her soon. She has no intention of hiding her identity from you, so I will reveal it as soon as I reveal it."

"As for the rest, apart from knowing that our organization is very powerful, you actually know nothing."

"And I kindly give you a piece of advice, don't try to escape. Your sister Kudo Mengyu, the detective named Yumiya Akira, and that Dr. A Li have all been controlled by us. If you dare to escape, if……"

The middle-aged woman showed a ferocious smile, but what she didn't say was self-evident.

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