Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 608 Murderous intent on the river bank

As far as Yu Gongming could see, he saw Shou Mei, who had previously obtained the Dugong Arrow, gradually breaking away from the crowd.

His face remained calm as he gently pulled Meng Yu beside him.

Meng Yu was confused and forgot to come over.

Yu Gongming pointed at Shou Mei, who had separated from the crowd, and tilted his head to indicate.

Mengyu was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of surprise.

She nodded slightly, glanced at Conan and the others in front of her, and then followed Akira Hanomiya in the direction where Sumi left.


As Shou Mei walked on the dim forest path, she looked left, right and behind her from time to time, as if to make sure no one was following her.

The sound of gurgling water appeared in her ears, and as she moved forward, the sound of water became clearer and clearer.

Finally, after walking through a forest, a rushing river appeared in front of her.

A cross section appeared not far downstream of the river, and the water flowed down, forming a waterfall.

After Shou Mei came to the edge of the river bank, she looked around for a while, and then shouted: "I'm already here!"

After a long time, a figure appeared in Shou Mei's sight.

She walked slowly to Shou Mei's side and said with a smile: "Sorry, sorry, I was delayed for some time because I had to send my great-grandmother back to her room."

"Nothing else is important." Shou Mei's expression suddenly became anxious: "Jun Hui, what is the secret hidden in this mermaid's tomb that you said before?"

Yes, the person who came was none other than Shimabukuro Kime, the shrine maiden.

Shimabukuro Kimie smiled slightly: "This is a secret about my great-grandmother that I accidentally discovered. Let's talk about the details when we get to the mermaid's grave."

"The location of the mermaid's grave should not have changed, right?" Shou Mei pointed in a certain direction.

"Yeah! No." Shimabukuro Kime nodded.

"Okay! Let's go then!" Shou Mei said and walked towards the direction she just pointed.

Shimabukuro Kimie followed behind Sumi, and her smiling face gradually turned gloomy.

She reached into her arms and took out a hemp rope.

Slowly straightening the hemp rope, Shimabukuro Kimie suddenly stepped forward and put the hemp rope around Shou Mei's neck.

Shou Mei was stunned when she felt the foreign object suddenly wrapped around her neck.

Before she could react, the foreign object on her neck suddenly tightened.


Shou Mei's eyes widened suddenly, and she subconsciously put her hands on her neck, trying to pull off the foreign object on her neck.

However, because her neck was strangled, causing difficulty in breathing, Sumi's strength to struggle was originally very limited, and Shimabukuro Kimie continued to increase her strength...

The result was that the harder Shou Mei struggled, the stronger the foreign object on her neck tightened.

Shou Mei's originally normal complexion gradually turned purple, her eyes became wider and wider, and bloodshot eyes began to appear faintly in her pupils.

The scenery before her eyes became increasingly blurry, and her consciousness became trance-like.

Perhaps, in a few seconds, she would lose consciousness completely.

Shimabukuro Kimie held on to the hemp rope tightly and used all his strength to pull the rope back.

Seeing the strength of Sumi's struggle gradually weakening, Shimabukuro Kimie couldn't help but have a cruel and happy smile on his face.

Suddenly, a loud shout like thunder came to her ears:


When Shimabukuro Kimie heard this loud shout, his whole body suddenly trembled, and the force that had been pulling him backwards didn't even let up.

There was a sound of rapid footsteps, and the next moment, Shimabukuro Kimie's two hands were grabbed at the same time.

On the other side, a figure appeared next to Shou Mei, pulled off the rope around Shou Mei's neck, and at the same time supported Shou Mei, who was already shaking.

Shimabukuro Kimie stared at her caught hand with dull eyes, unable to recover for a moment.

"Miss Junhui, it seems that you need to give an explanation for your behavior just now." A young boy's voice sounded.

These words brought Shimabukuro Kime back to her senses. She turned her head slightly and saw the young man in a black coat looking at her with cold eyes.

The faint moonlight shone on the boy, allowing Shimabukuro Kime to barely see the boy's face.

"It' it you? You're not from this afternoon..." Shimabukuro Kime's eyes widened slightly.

"Oh? I'm really honored that Miss Kimie still remembers me." Akira Hanomiya nodded gently and released his hold on Shimabukuro Kimie.

He turned to look in the direction of Shou Mei and asked, "Is she okay?"

"Yes, I'm still breathing, I just fainted." Mengyu replied, supporting Shou Mei.

Akira Hanomiya's expression calmed down a little, and he looked at Shimabukuro Kimie again, and said calmly: "Miss Kimie, if I'm not mistaken, you seemed to want to kill Miss Sumi just now, right?"

Shimabukuro Kimie was silent for a while and nodded: "Since you have seen everything, I have nothing to hide. Yes, I do want to kill her."

Just as Yumiya Akira was about to continue asking, a shout rang out: "Hamiya!"

Yu Gongming turned around and saw Conan and his group walking quickly towards this side with flashlights on.

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows: "Why are you here?"

Hattori Heiji snorted; "You two just slipped away without saying a word. We were worried about you, so we came all the way here to find you."

"What are you two brats doing? Why did you leave the team without even saying hello?" Mouri Kogoro glared at Hanemiya Akira with dissatisfaction.

"Eh? Miss Jun Hui is here too? What happened?" He Ye asked confused.

Hattori Heiji turned to the unconscious Shou Mei and his face changed slightly: "She is... the lady we met in the afternoon, right? Why did she faint? Wait, her neck..."

Hattori Heiji pointed his flashlight at Shou Mei's neck and his pupils shrank: "What a deep strangulation mark!"

Looking around, Hattori Heiji's eyes finally fell on the rope held by Mengyu.

"Did someone want to strangle this lady just now?" Hattori Heiji asked.

"Huh? Strangulation?" Mouri Kogoro asked doubtfully.

"Isn't this obvious?" Hattori Heiji said calmly.

"You see there are obvious strangulation marks on this young lady's neck. Mengyu is also holding a rope in her hand. Obviously, the strangulation mark on her neck just now was caused by this rope."

"And if it's suicide, if ordinary people use a rope, they would choose to get a noose in the woods over there and hang themselves. However, the length of the rope and their location do not meet this condition."

"In other words, someone must have tried to strangle her just now,"

"The suspicions of Yu Gong and Meng Yu can be ruled out directly. Let's not talk about the relationship between Yu Gong and us. Just seeing that there are no rope marks on their hands can confirm that they are not the murderers."

"Then...the murderer is either Miss Jun Hui, or she has escaped."

Hattori Heiji suddenly grabbed Shimabukuro Kimie's hand and shined his flashlight upward.

Shimabukuro Kimie's thumb, index finger, and the upper part of his middle finger all had obvious strangulation marks.

"Sure enough, you were the one who wanted to strangle this young lady just now, right? Miss Kimie?" Although Hattori Heiji was questioning, his tone was extremely sure.

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