Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 609: Who are you...?

"What? Miss Junhui wants to kill someone?" Xiaolan lightly covered her mouth in surprise.

Hattori Heiji turned his attention to Hanomiya Akira.

Yu Gongming nodded: "When we arrived, Miss Junhui was strangling Miss Shoumei's neck."

Shimabukuro Kimie looked at everyone expressionlessly, without any intention of denying.

"But why did Miss Jun Hui kill her?" He Ye asked in confusion.

"And, why did you two brats leave suddenly? Did you know something before?" Mouri Kogoro suddenly looked at Hanemiya Akira with a suspicious look on his face.

Yu Gongming had already expected this suspicion, and said calmly: "I saw Miss Shoumei suddenly separated from the crowd, and her expression was very nervous, as if she was afraid of being discovered by others."

"Coupled with the inexplicable words she said in the afternoon, I thought she might have something to do with Shazhi's incident, so I followed her secretly with Mengyu."

"Because I was afraid that the target was too big, I didn't call you. I planned to notify you when I found some clues, but who knew that I saw Miss Junhui intending to kill Miss Shoumei."

"Judging from their previous conversation, it seems that Miss Junhui is going to tell Miss Sumi the secret about mermaids, and the two of them are going to explore some mermaid's grave."

"I still have to ask Miss Jun Hui for details."

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji looked dissatisfied and said: "I said, you guys don't want to be in the limelight, right?"

Yu Gongming laughed: "How could it be? I'm not you."


A low moan sounded, and Shou Mei's body, which was originally lying in Mengyu's arms, moved slightly.

Everyone's eyes turned over in unison.

After a while, Shou Mei slowly opened her eyes.

As soon as he regained his vision, he saw the expressionless Shimabukuro Kimie.

After being in a daze for a while, Shou Mei suddenly screamed: " want to kill me?"

Shimabukuro Kimie glanced at Shou Mei with complex eyes, showed a bitter smile, and finally said: "Yes! It's just a pity that your life is too big, so I still didn't send you to hell."

"Miss Shoumei, everything is fine now, please rest assured." Meng Yu comforted her softly.

Shou Mei heard the voice and turned to Meng Yu, only to realize that she was being supported by a girl at the moment.

She looked around again, and naturally saw Conan and his party.

"You...are those foreigners?"

"Well, I think Miss Sumi needs to see a doctor now. Your neck must be very uncomfortable now, right?" Hanemiya Akira said warmly.

Shou Mei touched her neck, feeling a burning sensation, followed by nausea and dizziness.

She rubbed her forehead, breathed out gently, and then looked at a few people with a grateful face: "Thank you for saving me. I really need to see a doctor."

"There's her too!" Sumi pointed at Shimabukuro Kimie: "She's the one who wants to kill me! Catch her quickly!"

Akira Hanomiya came to Shimabukuro Kimie and said calmly: "Well, Miss Kimie, in view of your behavior, we will notify the police. We hope that you will not do anything drastic during this period."

He turned to look at everyone: "Mengyu, you take Miss Shoumei to the clinic on the island. Xiaolan, Heye, and Conan, you go and inform the villagers. Uncle Maori and Hattori stay with me and take Miss Junjunhui to the citizens." Pavilion.”


"no problem!"

Everyone responded one after another.

"Oh! Wait a minute!" Hattori Heiji suddenly took out a camera from his backpack: "Miss Sumi, can you let me take a picture of the marks on your neck to leave evidence?"

"This..." Shou Mei hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded: "Okay, let's shoot."

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji used a camera to take pictures of the strangulation marks on Sumi's neck.

He looked at the rope in Meng Yu's hand again, with a look of pity on his face and said: "This rope is stained with Meng Yu's fingerprints, so it seems that it is inconvenient to use it as evidence."

"Actually, that's not necessarily the case." Yu Gongming said with a smile: "At that time, Mengyu pulled the rope off from the front of Miss Shoumei's neck, which means that her fingerprints were only left on the middle part of the rope."

"And Miss Junhui's fingerprints are located close to both ends of the rope because she has to pull the rope. Mengyu's fingerprints will not affect the probative power of the evidence."

"Oh? I see. This way the problem will be much smaller." Hattori Heiji suddenly said.

"Then I'll leave this rope to you for safekeeping!" Mengyu handed the rope over.

Hattori Heiji borrowed a handkerchief from Kazuha and took the rope, then put it in a plastic bag and stuffed it into his backpack.

Shimabukuro Kimie looked at everyone's operation blankly, and finally couldn't help but speak: "Who...are you?"

"My name is Yu Gongming, an ordinary detective." Yu Gongming replied.

"Heiji Hattori, he is also a detective like him." Heiji Hattori introduced himself not to be outdone.

"Hmph! These two brats are still too young. I, Mouri Kogoro, am the real detective!" Mouri Kogoro said proudly, pointing at himself with his thumb.

Conan and Xiaolan rolled their eyes almost at the same time.

Shimabukuro Kimie's eyes widened: "You...are you the two detectives in Tokyo, Hanomiya and Mori, who have been in the limelight recently?"

Hattori Heiji was not happy when he heard this: "Hey! Here's me! I'm also a famous detective in Osaka!"

"Tsk~ This place is so far away from Osaka. Who knows where you jumped out of?" Mouri Kogoro said with disdain.

Hattori Heiji immediately became angry: "What! Even a sloppy uncle like you has the nerve to call yourself a detective, if not..."


Yu Gongming and Meng Yu coughed heavily at the same time.

Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment, then continued: "If it weren't for...if I weren't in Tokyo, where would there be a place for you as an uncle!?"

Uncle Maoli glared: "You little brat who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

Hattori Heiji responded tit-for-tat: "You're a sloppy uncle who relies on his old age!"

"Okay! Dad! Hattori, let's get down to business quickly1" Xiaolan quickly came out to smooth things over.

When the two heard this, they snorted at the same time and turned their heads to the side.

The corners of Yu Gongming's mouth twitched, and he shook his head helplessly. Then his expression returned to seriousness: "Okay, let's split up now!"

Seeing that Hanomiya Akira had spoken, everyone stopped talking. Conan and the two girls went to inform the villagers. Mengyu helped Shoumei rush to the clinic on the island, while the three detectives took Shimabukuro Kimie to the public hall. Go in the direction.


In front of the public hall.

Many islanders gathered outside the door, peering inside, and whispers could be heard from time to time.

However, because of the village chief's order, even though they looked curious, none of them barged in wisely.

The reception room of the public hall.

A total of twelve people gathered in this small space, including Akira Hanomiya and his party, the village chief of American Island, Kotobuki, her father, and the doctor who just treated her, plus Shimabukuro Kime. .

The village chief looked at everyone solemnly, his eyes finally fell on Yu Gongming, and he said: "Then, Mr. Yu Gong, please explain the situation."

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