Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 62 Confused Conan

In a taxi.

"Huh~ Fortunately, when I left the Maori Detective Agency, I took all the pocket money I had saved in the name of packing my things, otherwise I wouldn't have the money to take a taxi..."

Conan was secretly grateful for his foresight at that time, while paying attention to the movements of the vehicle driven by the woman on his glasses.

"Okay! It finally stopped, it's here!"

Conan got out of the taxi near where the transmitter stopped and walked forward instead.

Soon, Conan arrived at the location marked by the transmitter.

"Popcorn Hotel? This is also the stronghold of that organization... No, no, the hotel has a mixed staff and a large number of guests. It does not seem to be suitable as a stronghold of a criminal organization. Maybe this is the temporary residence of the woman and his accomplices?"

Conan was thinking as he entered the parking lot of the hotel.

After searching around for a while, he spotted the middle-aged woman's black Honda.

"Very good, she did come here, so now we need to determine which room in the hotel she is staying in...wait a minute, the parking space number of that car..."

Conan's eyes narrowed and he came to the parking space of the black Honda.

"30...there's a small 1 next to it?"

"301...could it be the room number? This is her hint to her accomplices...Forget it, this is the only clue now, so we can only go to 301 first."

Conan thought of this and decided to enter the hotel.

After finding the safety stairs, Conan carefully made his way to the third floor.

"301...301...this is it!"

Conan looked around and then suddenly knocked on the door of 301.

After knocking on the door, Conan quickly ran into the nearby corner. Probe slightly and observe the situation.

Ten seconds later, the door of 301 opened, and Conan's expression changed when he saw the figure who opened the door!

" dressed in black and wearing such a weird mask...he doesn't look like a good person at all!"

"What's going on? Who's knocking on the door?" There was a burst of questioning in the room.

"It's that woman! Sure enough, she and her accomplices live here!" Conan was shocked.

"Hmph, there's no one there. It's probably some boring guy's prank, right?" The masked man said dissatisfied, and then closed the door with a "bang".

"Since they live here, Mengyu and the others are very likely to be in there... No, I have to find a way to get in, but how to get in..."

While Conan was thinking, the door next to him suddenly opened, and a woman came out, followed by a child at the door.

"Ma'am, the door will automatically lock after closing, so I'll leave it to you to take care of the room!" The woman said and walked towards the elevator.

"Okay! There's a way!" Conan had an idea and quickly entered the room while the child was saying goodbye to his mother.


The waiter of Mihua Hotel pushed a dining cart to the door of room 301 and knocked on the door of room 301.

Soon, the door opened, and it was the middle-aged woman who took Conan away!

"Here are the drinks and dishes you ordered. They are all here." The waiter said.

"Uh, but we didn't order these things!" the middle-aged woman said doubtfully.

"But I obviously received a call..." The waiter was also a little confused.

"Forget it, since you sent it, just accept it. I happen to be hungry too." The masked man in the room said.

"But..." The woman seemed to hesitate.

"Stop talking about it and let him bring the things in!" The masked man seemed a little impatient and shouted loudly.

"I know... I know." Both the woman and the waiter were startled by his reaction. The waiter pushed the dining cart into the room with a panicked expression.

After setting up the dining cart, the waiter was violently kicked out by the masked man.

When the masked man was about to close the door, his eyes suddenly moved and he reached out to touch the door lock.

"chewing gum……"

His eyes hidden under the mask narrowed slightly, he quickly wiped off the chewing gum, then closed the door and locked the door chain.

"What are you doing?" The middle-aged woman looked at the masked man in confusion.

"Hmph! You loser, you didn't even know you were being followed!" the masked man said coldly.

"Following?" The middle-aged woman frowned.

"Yes, our guests have already entered this room without anyone noticing!" the man said.

"The guest... is that kid? Is he hiding in this dining car?" The middle-aged woman's expression changed, and she directly opened the white cloth covering the dining table and checked the space under the dining car.

"Tch, what, there's no one at all!" The middle-aged woman's expression relaxed slightly.

"No, no, no, the dining car is just a cover-up. His real hiding place..." The masked man came to the closet and pulled hard: "Actually, it's here!"

The wardrobe opened, revealing a panic-stricken Conan.

"Come out, kid." The masked man said coldly.

Conan had no choice but to walk out.

"How did this kid get in?" the woman asked in confusion.

"Hmph! He first called the waiter, and while we were talking to the waiter, he secretly put chewing gum on the door lock. After that, the waiter pushed the dining cart into the room, and our attention was attracted by the dining cart. This The kid took advantage of the situation and slipped in."

The man said, took out a pistol from his arms and pointed it at Conan's head.

"Detective Kudo Shinichi, I didn't expect you to dare to come here alone, but that's the end of it."

"Your sister and your friends have been killed by us. As for you, the research value of the dead body may be reduced, but I think Sir Sherry won't mind."

"It's over!" Conan looked at the muzzle of the gun so close to him, feeling despair.

The man pulled the safety, put the muzzle of the gun against Conan's forehead, and pulled the trigger under Conan's desperate eyes.

Conan couldn't help but close his eyes!

"It's strange, why does it feel wet... It doesn't taste like blood..." Conan opened his eyes in confusion.

"Hahahaha! No, I can't act anymore, hahahaha!" the masked man laughed.

The next moment, from the inside of the room, Yu Gongming, Meng Yu, and Dr. Ali walked out one after another. Yu Gongming also held a camera in his hand.

"Hey, did you take the picture?" Meng Yu chuckled and looked at Yu Gongming who was holding the camera.

"You have to believe in a detective's secret photography skills. Don't worry, they will definitely be classic shots!" Hanemiya Ming said with a smile.

"Hey, Mengyu-chan, remember to send it to us when the photos are developed." The middle-aged woman winked at Mengyu.

"Mom, can you take off your disguise and act cute again? You really make me feel uncomfortable when you act like this." Meng Yu said speechlessly.

"Hey! What is going on?" Conan is still confused.

"Oops, don't you understand? Your reaction is a bit slow, Shinichi." The masked man took off his mask.

"It seems that my acting skills have not deteriorated." The woman also said with a smile. She pulled hard on the base of her ear with her left hand and tore off the human skin mask on her face. At the same time, she pulled her coat and a pile of stuffing fell to the ground.

"Dad...Mom?" Conan was confused again when he saw the two people taking off their disguises.

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