Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 63 Conan’s Evaluation

"So, this was a prank from beginning to end?" Conan looked at Hanemiya Akira and the others with half-moon eyes raised in pain.

"Yes." Kudo Yusaku said with a smile:

"We learned about your situation from the doctor and hurried back from abroad. But after all, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you are involved in such a big thing again. I just wanted to test your ability. .”

"Yes, Shinichi, why didn't you tell us that such a big thing happened? We were really worried after we learned about you from the doctor!" Kudo Yukiko looked at Conan with some complaints.

Conan still raised his half-moon eyes and said speechlessly:

"Aren't I afraid that you will worry if I don't tell you? Besides, you want to test my ability, so what the hell is this thing?" Conan pointed to the camera in Yu Gongming's hand.

"Of course you have to maximize the benefits of doing things as much as possible. While testing your ability, you can also retain precious memories. It's good to kill two birds with one stone." Yu Gongming said.

"Yes, Yu Gong's shooting will not affect our testing. Besides, what Yu Gong took are precious shots. These are all good memories!" Meng Yu also laughed.

"I'm just being nice to you!" Conan said angrily.

"Don't be so angry. Although you were caught by us in the end because of the script, you still performed very well during the process." Kudo Yusaku comforted the emotional Conan.

"Huh? Script? Are all my actions expected by you?" Conan asked in surprise.

"More or less, after all, your actions are more or less guided by us," Yu Gongming said.

"For example, in the beginning, if I, a world-famous actor, plays the role of your [fake mother], I can definitely bring you out of the Mori Detective Agency." Kudo Yukiko said with a smile.

"No wonder I said this woman can be so sincere. Turns out she is really my mother?" Conan said speechlessly.

"Yes, after I deceived you out of the Maori Detective Agency, I started chatting with you. Through the conversation, I kept hinting that your organization was powerful within the police, so as to dispel your idea of ​​calling the police, and then told you Mengyu that they were arrested by the organization. Stay here, no matter how you act, you will find us." Kudo Yukiko continued.

"Then, there are only two choices left for you. First, follow Sister Yukiko back to our place. Finally, you will be sprayed with a water gun by Uncle Yusaku. The game is over and you will get a bad review directly."

"Second, try to escape and find a way to save us. As long as you make this choice and implement it successfully, you will get a passing grade immediately." Yu Gongming continued.

"But, how can you guarantee that I will be able to find this place?" Conan asked doubtfully.

"The reason I've been talking to you for so long is to give you time to install the transmitter." Yukiko smiled.

"What if I don't install it?" Conan asked.

"If you haven't installed it, then we will call you and tell you: You have to arrive at the Rice Flower Hotel within one hour, otherwise Mengyu and the others will die." Kudo Yusaku said.

"You found the hotel through the transmitter, which shows that your adaptability is good enough. If you still choose to come to Mihua Hotel alone to rescue Meng Yu and the others after we called, it shows that you have fearless courage and love for your relatives and friends. cherished heart."

"No matter what, as long as you come to the hotel, you can get a score of 70 points." Kudo Yukiko took over.

"After that, as long as you can find clues in the parking lot and find room 301, you can get 75 points." Meng Yu said.

"And if you successfully enter 301 and are not discovered immediately, you can get 90 points. If you are discovered immediately, you can only get 85 points." Hanemiya Mingdao.

"You must be 100% aware that this is a prank, right?" Conan asked.

"Clever!" Yu Gongming smiled.

"Hey! How could I have thought it was a prank when you did this?" Conan said angrily.

"How is it impossible? There are four doubts in total for you to reason about." Yu Gongming said:

"The first doubt is, after the middle-aged woman knew your identity, why didn't she just knock you out?"

"You know, she managed to escape your anesthesia needle in the end, which means she knew you had such a thing before. So, how do you think that organization, with its cautious style, would not confiscate your belongings? Without knocking you out?"

"Do you think that organization will seize us and blackmail you, so they can boldly let you sit in the car wearing foot strength-enhancing shoes, an anesthetic needle with a watch, and a mobile phone in your pocket? This is your first time contacting you. This organization? Haven't you learned anything about their style of doing things?" Akira Yumiya directly asked a series of rhetorical questions.

"Um...well..." Conan's originally angry expression stiffened.

"Second point, Rice Flower Hotel, when you came to Rice Flower Hotel, did you ever doubt why it was this place? According to the woman, we were being controlled. Could it be that the three of us were living in this place? After being caught, a person will be locked up in a crowded restaurant?" Meng Yu said.

"The third point is the parking lot clue. In the parking space No. 30 of the black Honda car, how come there is an extra small number [1] inexplicably? It's like telling you that we live in 301."

"This [1]' cannot be for our own people, because if it were our own people, there would be no need to give that kind of reminder. Those who need to know must know."

"According to the information I revealed to you, the organization is here to arrest you this time. If there are no other tasks, then it will not be shown to others, so this clue can only be given to you." Kudo Yukiko said.

"The last point is my outfit." Kudo Yusaku said with a smile:

"When we heard a knock on the door, we expected that it was you, so we arranged for me to open the door, because I dressed up exactly as the character in my latest work - the Night Baron. This is also the last tip we give you. .”

"Of course, we also know that it is indeed difficult to deduce the truth about the hoax, and it also requires taking great risks, so we made it the final question of the last 10 points."

"I'm so sorry that I only got 85 points!" Conan looked at everyone, his expression already a little hopeless:

"I won't talk about Yu Gong and Meng Yu. I'm not surprised at all that you participated in this prank, but doctor... what kind of grudge do you and I have? Do you want to cooperate with my parents to punish me?" Conan He looked at the doctor with a sad look on his face.

"Uh, um..." The doctor scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said:

"After all, Yuzuo and Mengyu are trying to persuade me, so I have no choice but... I'm sorry, Shinichi."

"I really lost to you!" Conan said that he no longer wanted to speak.

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