Yu Gongming felt bad all over.

What's going on with him? Someone actually set up a sniper rifle on the rooftop not far away?

This kind of thing is not as easy to handle as a pistol or the like. In Japan's general environment of banning guns, it is definitely not ordinary people who can use sniper rifles openly!

Didn’t you see that the people who use snipers in Conan are all red and black bosses like Gin and Shuichi Akai?

The worst time has to be the middle-level cadre of the organization that Hanemiya Akira handed over to the White Horse Police Director last time.

In short, this guy can't be an ordinary person, he is probably a dangerous person like a professional killer!

So the question is, why do such people appear here?

Yu Gongming stared at the man holding a sniper rifle on vacation, his thoughts racing in his mind.

Suddenly, he saw the man bring the scope closer to his eyes, and then slowly raise the muzzle of the gun.

Yu Gongming's face changed slightly and he shouted: "Squat down quickly!"

Mengyu and Conan subconsciously followed Yu Gongming's instructions and squatted down, and their bodies disappeared into the concrete guardrail of the rooftop.

Yu Gongming also squatted down and breathed softly: "Huh! This guy is observing Zhou's situation!"

"Isn't he trying to snipe our target?" Meng Yu frowned slightly:

"I looked at the building where he was locked, and the view also covered the front and back sides of the apartment."

"It's hard to say now. The area covered by the sniper rifle is not small. It may not be aimed at that apartment."

"However, if his target is really that apartment, or even the uninvited guest who broke into Kudo's house, then our operations will undoubtedly be greatly interfered with."

Conan also looked gloomy: "Even if his target is different from ours, he has now set up a sniper rifle. Considering the sniper environment in the city, his target may appear soon."

"No matter what, we cannot let it go."

Yu Gongming frowned. What Conan said did make sense. He had discovered a dangerous sniper, and he could not just sit idly by and ignore it, both emotionally and rationally.

However, how to deal with this sniper needs to be considered.

The most trouble-free way is to directly call the police with a voice changer and let the police handle it. This way, Yu Gongming and the others will basically have nothing to do.

They can wait for the police to arrest the sniper before continuing to investigate the apartment.

However, there is a considerable downside.

That's insufficient information

The police certainly have experience in dealing with this kind of situation, but it takes time from receiving the call, to deploying the right manpower, and to formulating an appropriate action plan based on the situation on the scene.

By the time the police really arrive, will the sniper have completed his mission and escaped?

In addition, snipers have already occupied the commanding heights nearby, which also makes the police's arrest more difficult.

The most important point is that Akira Hanamong didn't know whether the sniper had other accomplices.

It is best if the sniper has no companions. If the sniper has a companion, then the companion is likely to continue to perform the sniper's mission.

Moreover, regardless of these reasons, Akira Hanomiya did not want the police to get involved in the matter at this stage.

Officer Megure's phone call just now made him feel a little disappointed with the police's ability.

He did not deny that there were real elites among the police, but he could not guarantee that the people dispatched after calling the police were those elites.

He believed in himself and his companions fighting side by side more than the police.

It’s better for a few of us to handle this matter first.

After thinking about it, Yu Gongming expressed his thoughts to Conan and Mengyu.

Mengyu naturally supported Yu Gongming, and after some hesitation, Conan agreed to let himself handle it first.

After reaching a consensus, Yu Gongming waited for a few minutes, guessing that the hidden sniper should have checked the nearby situation and concentrated on locking the target, and then cautiously poked his head out.

He used his binoculars to look at the building where the sniper was.

On the rooftop, the sniper's barrel pointed diagonally downward, and the muzzle remained motionless. It was obvious that he had entered a formal sniper state.

"The direction his gun was pointing..."

Akira Hanamong looked at the angle of the muzzle and saw that the apartment was directly on the approximate sniper path of the sniper rifle!

"Although under the scope, the difference in angle is a thousand miles, but once he releases the gun, we will definitely not be able to go to that apartment to investigate with peace of mind."

Muttering secretly in his heart, Yu Gongming adjusted the angle of the telescope and observed the route from that building to his own building.

Soon, he already had a relatively safe path in his mind that could avoid the sniper's sight.

"Let's go, let's drive to that building first." Yu Gongming said and walked towards the rooftop door first. Meng Yu and Conan followed immediately without any hesitation.

In the process of going downstairs, Yu Gongming roughly discussed the current situation with the two of them, and temporarily came up with a relatively vague plan.

Several people planned to complete the specific details while driving to the building.

Arriving at the parking lot, several people quickly got into the car, and the gray Toyota started again and headed towards the new destination.


The car slowly drove past the back door of the building where the sniper was, and then turned to the front door.

Although it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, the building was still brightly lit and there were many people coming and going.

"How is it?" Yu Gongming turned around and asked.

"No suspicious characters have been found so far." Conan replied.

"I don't have one here either." Meng Yu also said.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly, parked the car in the parking lot, and then after a few people disguised themselves, they walked into the building.

"We first take the elevator to a floor with more people, and then take the safety stairs up."

"Why do you want to go to a floor with more people?" Meng Yu asked doubtfully.

Hanemiya Ming smiled and said: "It's very simple. If there are many people, even if the sniper's possible accomplices do not follow common sense and do not monitor on the first floor, they will not choose to go to a crowded place."

"Because it is not convenient to screen for possible threats, it is also easier for you to be remembered by others."

"That's it." Meng Yu nodded suddenly.

"Okay, let's go." Yu Gongming greeted, and the three of them followed the others into the building.

A few people first came to the signboard on the first floor: "Well... how about going to the thirteenth floor? There are many bars and the like there, and there should be a lot of people there by now." Mengyu suggested.

"Okay, let's go to the thirteenth floor. It's close to the roof." Conan nodded in agreement.

Yu Gongming also thought this place was good, so he didn't say anything more. The three of them entered the elevator and pressed the button for the thirteenth floor.

Not long after, the elevator opened and several people walked into the thirteenth floor.

To the left of the elevator is a very lively bar. A burst of rock-style music came from the bar.

After a brief glance, Yu Gongming stopped paying attention and followed the guidance on his shoulder to the entrance of the safety stairs.

After listening for a while, Yu Gongming waved his hand, and several people tiptoed into the safety stairs.

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